It delivers you to a safer place in the Universe.

by Clayton Davis

You are a spirit.

You have a soul.

And you live in a body.

Your body produces feelings of pleasure, hunger, pain, and trembling.

Your soul is your mind, intellect and emotions. Your mind produces reason, judgement, logic.

Your spirit is the real you. It produces conscience. And that will guide your mind. Your spirit lives forever, someplace, with its chosen god. It very likely may not be with God, the creator of the heavens and the earth. It might be with Satan, unless the right choice has to be made by each individual's mind.

Adam's spirit, body, and soul were perfect when first created. Then his mind chose to disobey. His body would have lived forever, because it was a glorified body in the same manner as Jesus' body is glorified.

The original version of your spirit is contaminated by Adam's first mistake, because we are his descendants. All messages from it to your mind are Satan's, and thereby selfish.

Being born again means each individual has made the choice with the mind and confessed it with the mouth to obey God, saying, "I know I am a sinner. I believe Jesus was crucified and rose on the third day. With your help I can make it."

In that instant the spirit becomes a new thing. Then it has the same qualities as Adam's had at the moment he was created.

Here is what is meant by the words "born again". Your spirit was instantaneously recreated. God set up the plan that way. But hold on, right after you are born again, you will notice your body and mind have the same old appetites and thoughts. That's because your body had previously been occupied by a spirit flawed with Adam's original mistake. For that reason your body was well along the way to self-destruction by the time your spirit got recreated, or reborn.

After being born again, your mind is still full of habit patterns that it learned while your spirit had Adam's mistake in it. As time passes, after you are born again, your conscience begins to retrain your mind to think God's thoughts.

Each living person gets the opportunity to retake the quiz that Adam and Eve both flunked. No one else can do it for the individual. It must be done in the mind of each person. Listening to fine sermons, joining and attending church, participating in all the rituals, those will not recreate your spirit.

Having your neighbors, friends and family pray for your soul after your spirit has departed this earth's body, that is similar to reciting poetry over a computer after the switch has been turned off. Gone, it is all gone. The spirit went to be with its chosen leader, where it will stay for all eternity.

Singing sweet songs as the body is returned to ashes and dust, that is a grave-side ceremony having no more effect than patting your cold computer atop its screen after you turned the switch off.

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