Competitor Information
Practice Rooms
There will be practice rooms available throughout the event.

They will be opened at 8 am and closed at midnight.

Teams will need to schedule floor practice time at the event.
Pro-Am Registration
Pro Am registration must be received by Friday, March 21, 2003.

All competitors and instructors must purchase a weekend pass. The exceptions are instructors on staff and competitors on the volunteer staff.

Check your competitor packet to be sure that your registered in the correct divisions and for the correct dances.
Competitor Registration
Competitor registration closes Friday, March 28, 2003, at 5pm. Do NOT mail registrations after March 20, 2003, they will NOT be received in time.

All competitors must purchase a weekend pass. The exceptions are competitors on the volunteer staff.

Check your competitor packet on-site to be sure that you are registered in the correct divisions and for the correct dances.

All UCWDC competitors MUST have their Associate Membership.

Competitor Meeting
There will be a competitors meeting at 5pm on Friday for the Swing competitors.

Line Dance, Pro Am and Couples will have their meeting at 9:30 pm on Friday or after the Swing competition, which ever is later.

Teams will have their competitors meeting at 1:30 pm on Saturday.

If you are competing at the CCSDC you or your partner MUST attend the meeting.
Competitor Changing Area's
Changing areas will be available. The status of where they are located is pending at this time.
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