Volume 6, Issue 11
November 2005

Inside this Issue

  1. President's Stall/New Officers
  2. Christmas Party/Christmas Parade
  3. Fun Day Success /Treasure's Report/Cobb Park
  4. Nov. Trail Ride/Equestrian Parking at Dry Creek Area
  5. Equestrian Parking at Dry Creek (cont'd)
  6. Using Permanent Fencing
  7. The Fall Guy/Calendar/Trail Workdays
  8. Classified Ads
  9. Classified Ads (cont'd)

Upcoming Events

  • December 3rd - Canton Christmas Parade
  • December 10th - Christmas Party

Please submint your articles or notices by the 4th Tuesday of the month to one of the following:

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]


From the President’s Stall!
By Cy Peterson

I cannot believe this year has come and gone. This has been a great year and you all deserve credit for it. We have had some great rides thanks to our terrific ride leaders; we have had some wonderful speakers thanks to our volunteers who arranged them; and we have also had some great fundraisers thanks to all our volunteers and participants. I am grateful to each and every one of you for making 2005 such a successful year. Don’t forget our Christmas party coming up and the Chinese Gift Exchange. Happy Holidays and Happy Trails!

Your Newly Elected 2006 Club Officers

The club annually elects officers for the next year at the November meeting. This year you elected the following members to serve as your officers and Board of Directors for calendar year 2006:

          President           Marianne Torchia
          Vice President    Kevin Wetherington
          Treasurer          Ida Hollabaugh
          Secretary          Jef Meulemans

Additionally, Jef agreed to serve as the club Webmaster.

Jayne Hughes agreed to serve as the club newsletter editor (again Jayne!).

Non-officers (Webmaster, Editor, Committee Chairs) serve at the pleasure of the President.

The club offers a special THANK YOU to each of these fine members. We look forward to another great year of club activities and fellowship.


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