Members Only
BOD Minutes

Club Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, December 28, 2005

The meeting was held December 29th, at Slapshots Bar & Grill, 185 Woodstock Parkway, Woodstock, GA  30188.  770-516-4921.  Board members present were Cy Peterson, Sheryl Moreland, Jayne Hughes, Larry Wheat, and Marianne Torchia.  

1.       This was the first meeting held at Slapshots and Board members were asked their thoughts on using the facility as a regular meeting place.  In addition to reviewing the menu, Board members also toured the facility including the meeting room in the back of the building.  Some concern was expressed regarding the volume of the live entertainment which seemed to be kind of loud even in the meeting room.  Slapshots management assured the Board that there was no live music scheduled on Tuesday nights, which is when our meetings are held.

2.       Jayne led a discussion about the newsletter including procedures and responsibilities.  Jef agreed to take primary responsibility for newsletter publications starting with the January issue.  After much discussion, the Board decided to begin publishing the newsletter on the web site.  Two issues arose regarding this decision:

a.       Since the newsletter is funded by membership dues, only members should have access to the newsletter.  The Board agreed that password protecting that portion of the web as a members only section was a good solution.

b.       Since some of our members do not have access to the internet, a hard copy will be mailed to those who request it.

3.       The majority of the meeting was centered on speaker candidates and club sponsored rides for 2006.  The tentative schedule for speakers is as follows:

January 10th:  Dr. Kelly Fleming from UGA.

February 14th - Valentine's Day.  May be hard to procure a speaker and attendance - have we dealt with this before?  We were talking about getting the County Extension Office/Pasture management speaker.

March 14th - Doug Bell - Farrier

April 11th - Dr. Ken Marcella

May 9th  - Art Schwabb - Leather Care

June 13th - Trailer maintenance/or Fire department


The tentive schedule for club sponsored rides is as follows:

January 21st (Saturday) - Kennesaw Mountain - Marianne

February 19th  (Sunday) Cobb Park - Larry

March 18th (Saturday) TBA (Kevin?)

April - TBA (Carrie?)

May 5th & 6th - Saturday camp/Sunday Ride - Carter's Lake Camp/Ellijay Ride - Marianne

June - TBA (Jef?)

July - TBA (Sheryl?)


Meeting was adjourned after touring the Slapshots Meeting Room.


Submitted by Jef Meulemans, Secretary

Our Mission: To improve our Trail Riding experience through Training, Education and Fellowship
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