When We Ruled the World.....
When i'm older I hope to be in a band called "When We Rule the World...", here you can find out what we *would* actually do when we rule the world. You can also find many reasons here to make sure we never rule the world!
Pop music would be banned.
Goths would have all their Cd's shoved up their anal orophasis'.
All members of Westlife and Hear'Say would be made to listen to their own records on a continous loop in a padded cell for a year.
Everyone must play at least 3 songs by The Strokes a day.
Everyone must own a shrine to When We Rule the World...
Everyone must own a pair of jeans.
The only lessons taught in public schools would be drama, textiles, food, PE (no athletics or cross country), english and french.
Everyone must either speak english or french.
Harry Potter books would be re-written by Satan.
Asda would sell chocolate microscopes and those guitars that are like double guitars.
Brownies would be placed into a tank full of Great White Sharks.
Baked beans would be exterminated.
Tina from S Club would be booked onto the next available flight to Pluto.
The Simpsons would be shown 5 times a day.
Ice cream and chocolate wouldn't be fattening.
There would be a channel devoted to Sailor Moon.
We would all wear the uniform from Card Captor Sakura to school.
Everyone would have their own guide in life such as Luna (Sailor Moon) or Kero (CCS). Personally, I would have Artemis.
I would have completely free text messages for life on my phone.
No-one would die lonely.
I would be a bass guitarist in a band.
All cute poeple would be shrunk and kept in glass jars (obviously with plenty of air and food etc).
I would share a huge mansion with all my mates.
I would be able to do my hair like Sailor Moon.
I would own all the Clow Cards.
I would have Matilda's powers.
Masturbation would NOT be a crime!
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