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Favourite Color: All milky colors and black.

Least Favourite Color: currently, none

Favourite Food: Fried stuff, noodles esp mee tai mak, sweet stuff but not too sweet (huh?), mr potato, ruffles...i can go on forever!

Least Favourite Food: Bitter stuff but not bitter gourd (weird...)

Favourite subject: Almost all...

Least Favourite Subject: PE (strange girl)

My Say:

Hello! Something more about me! I'm not really a fan of CCS...just making websites for fun because I LOVE making them and designing them! Hmmm...I'm a girl that sort of always get bored of stuff, e.g.. my 2nd  layout only lasted for 11 days!!! Wow! Amazing huh. Yeah...I'm lazy too. Whenever i'm free. Free enough to update my blogs, diaries, journals, I feel lazy and DONT update them instead i went surfing the net, doing nothing! Even when it comes to fanfics, I slack. I write them halfway and feel lazy, the fanfic will stop there for months! ^^ Hehez. I like putting 'z' behind my words. But in this website, i dont do that alot, because you may get the impression that my spelling is bad. Bad bAd BAD. Hahaz. Kk...i'm not really good at saying words in know. I'm feeling lazy i think i'll stop here. Dont bother to come back the next few days or weeks, come back after a couple of months. Bye. Cya in the next few months. Wait. No, Next next year, because next year has a major exam. MAJOR. Talking about that, i'm not that kind of girl who has self-discipline. Study halfway, i will go to the computer and start playing. *Sigh* Kk...bye. 

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