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Hi my name is Corrie.Glad you stopped by for a spell:-).I didn't know what to do with this page,It has had alot of different themes . So I decided to put a mixtures of the things that keep my mind stimulated.
So sit back and enjoy.
I have never been a real religious type of person. I will have to say that I'm truly spiritual,especially after reading Sylvia Browne's books.My daughter and I truly believe in reincarnation (having many past lives.) Sylvia talks about birthmarks and I mean substantial birthmarks on oneself being wounds from a previous life. Well my daughter has three and they are all the same kind except one might be bigger than the other. She has one in the shape of an oval on her right temple and little one on her left wrist.This same birthmark is on the top of her head also. She must have died a horrible death in her past life.Maybe she was a warrior in the 1800's.
The links below were created by the Renowed Sylvia Browne. She is the creator of the Novus Spiritus.
Tenets of Novus Spiritus
Quick view on Novus Spiritus
Long view on Novus Spiritus
Researching about all different kinds of religions I have chosen Gnostic Christianity ( the G is silent).The formal name is Novus Spiritus. This religion believes in God but rejects the harsh dogma & judgement found in today's religions.
Gnostic" is taken from the Greek word
"gnosis" meaning knowledge. So this religion brings
to it the same things as
Buddism, and many other religions as well. Truth seekers is what we should all be just as Christ,Buddah, and Mohammed.
Dream Dictionary
Power Animals/Totem Animals
Palmistry Site
Miss. Corrie's Quiz
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