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MY HEROES! These two are pure evangelist of the Lord! Boaz Auma on the left is an evangelist in Arusha. It was his motorcycle that I had the honor of riding on the back of for two weeks in Jan.2001. He is a great teacher of God,s Word!� I learned a great deal about real personal work from Boaz as we went from study to study every day for two weeks. The word tireless would describe this worker for the Lord!The other is Francis Wechesa. He is Director of the Arusha Bible School and the founder as well. Francis has translated many tracts into Swahili in visits to America. He is a great speaker, song leader & preacher of the truth thru out central &� Southeastern� Africa (Uganda,Kenya,Tanzania,etc.). He goes where needed to spread Jesus' gospel� message. Two great men of the faith! Both of their wives are outstanding Christians and teachers of other women and children. Boaz's wive's name is Risper & Francis' wife's name is Margaret. They both have wonderful faithful children who attend all services. Two great Christian families in Tanzania.
The Kilimanjaro church of Christ in Moshi,Tanzania. This is congregation that I will work with in Nov.2001. There are about 50 members with Christopher Mwakabanji the preacher. He and his family will live at the new Moshi Bible school when completed in 2002. I will live in apartment there as well in 2002. I,ll stay at Arusha in 2001. You people wouldn't believe the view at Moshi of Mount Kilimanjaro! It is the tallest mountain in Africa (about 20,000 feet!). Beautiful!! Arusha is also at the foot of Mount Meru about 15,000 feet and beautiful as well. Africa is one eye pleasing place and the people are so simple & honest. This is the reason the truth is accepted there so readly. Please always pray for Tanzania and it,s people but most of all for the work of the Lord there!!! I hope some of you can & will support this great work of the Lord. The harvest is plentiful in Africa but the laborers are few! Let us change that! God has richly blessed America and I,m very happy He has! Let us use these blessing to bring glory & honor to God! Pass my home page to others who might being interested in this work. O.K.?�������������
The churches in these cities were planted by Andrew & Claudene Connally in early 70,s. Before Andrew,s death in early 90,s he convinced Cy & Stephanie Stafford to become missionaries in Tanzania. They went to Chimala Mission Hospital in southern area of Tanzania in the early 90,s and spend three years there. In about 1998 Cy started the Tanzania Mission to Arusha with support of Kensington Woods church of Christ and other congregations. At that time only about 15 Christians met in Arusha. Today thru Tanzania 2000,s mission efforts with Cy Stafford as Director of Missions there are about 200 in Arusha with 50 in Moshi & Usa River churches! There are two missionary families (The Gees & Fergusons) in place at Arusha Bible School built in 2000. More (two grandsons of Roy Deaver and their families) are planning to come to Moshi area as missionaries. They will be teachers at new Moshi Bible School being built in 2001 & opening in 2002. I will be an evangelist for the Moshi area, doing studies, etc. with the people there in Moshi. The preacher at Moshi is Christopher Mwakabanje a graduate of Memphis School of Preaching and native Tanzanian. The preachers at Arusha are Francis Wechesa, Boaz Auma with Missionaries Jimmie Gee & Howell Ferguson. The preacher at Usa River is Firigi Paul a Tanzanian native. Cy Stafford will leave in Nov. with his wife Stephanie & myself. He will live in Arusha as Tanzania 2000 Director. The Stafford have committed 18 more years to this work in Tanzania. I have committed two years for now.
ARUSHA CHURCH OF CHRIST in Arusha, Tanzania. This pic is of friends day in June 2001 with 325 present!
The ladies of Arusha church of Christ cooking our fellowship meal during Jan. 2001 mission trip. Talk about good!! Just watch the water!!
The Wechesa Family (Francis, Margaret, and three of their children)
Christopher baptizing new convert into Christ (Rom.6:3-5, Gal.3:26-27)
     TANZANIA           2000
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