Chemung County Pagan Pride
Local Coordinator, Phyllis Chichester
Phyllis Chichester, Local Coordinator for Chemung County's Pagan Pride Day, is a Reiki Master and an Integrated Energy Therapist.  In the daily grind, she works as an admin. assistant for a real estate company. Phyllis and her husband have been practicing Pagans for many years, raising their three kids with an awareness of religious diversity. Phyllis has been the the local coordinator since the first CCPPD, in September 2002.

You may contact Phyllis at
[email protected].
Other VIP Volunteers include:

Jamie "Elfin Willow" Van Ness - Henna Tattooing, Organizing, Workshops
      Jamie has been on the Pagan path for at least six years.  Within the last year she became a member of
      Ar nDraiocht Fein, and is currently working through their Dedicant Program.  She resides with husband Rob,
      their daughter, a dog and two cats.

Rob Van Ness - Helping Hand, Greeter, Workshops
      Rob Van Ness lives in Gang Mills with his wife Elfin Willow and attends the First Church of the NFL.
      He's just a normal guy who enjoys sharing good ale with friends while viewing the jousting called football.
      Rob also founded S.T.R.A.P.S., a local group of ghost hunting enthusiasts who are just getting started.

Echo Over the Voice - Helping Hand, Support, Security, and hubby to Phyllis

Gwenhwyfar - Face Painter, Workshops, Children's Crafts
      Gwen has been with us from the beginning.  We couldn't have done it without you!

Scott - Helping Hand, Grill Master and Security

Ann Marie - Helping Hand and Children's Crafts

Jen, Cameron, Alex and Ais:  Young blood helping to pass along the traditions and beliefs of the Old Ways. 
      The Future Leaders of America and the faces of the Maiden Goddesses and Young Warrior Gods! 
      Hail to our Future!

Cecile aka Cela SilverMoon - Former Vendor Coordinator and Webmistress.   Cela has been a Pagan for over
      20 years, practicing her own eclectic mix of traditions.  She has recently made their way to Kansas, to pursue
      special opportunities awaiting her there, including a prospective Music Therapy Program at the local college.
      Thank you, Cela, and we wish you all the best!

Suzan "Wolfie" McDermott - Workshops and Ritual

Elly - Workshops and Ritual

The Circle of all Paths folk including Wolfie and Elly.  Please see the Past Speakers page for more
      information on this fantastic community.

And many more wonderful folk who we just couldn't do without! 
THANK YOU to all my wonderful volunteers!
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