Chemung County Pagan Pride
Speakers and Guests
Gail Wood had been a Witch and Wiccan Priestess for twenty years, practicing a shamanic path celebrating the Dark Moon.  She is clergy, teacher, ritual leader, tarot reader and Reiki Master.  She teaches workshops and classes on alternative spiritualities, the Goddess, Wicca, tarot, ritual, shamanic journeywork and Reiki.  She is the author of Rituals of the Dark Moon: 13 Rituals of the Dark Goddess (Llewellyn, 2001); articles in a variety of pagan publications; and the forthcoming book, The Wild God: Meditations and Rituals on the Sacred Masculine available in 2005 from Spilled Candy Publications.  IN 2006 and 2007 her work can be found in several Llewellyn annuals including The Witches Calendar and The Spell-A-Day Almanac. She is a member of the Coven of the Redtail Hawk, and she is High Priestess of the Coven of the Heron, both covens of the RavenMyst Circle.  She can de contacted by e-mail at [email protected] and by mail at Gail Wood, PO Box 15, McLean, NY 13102-0015; and see her website with a few of her friends at
We have been honored to have rituals performed in 2005 and 2006 by the Circle of All Paths, as well as workshops provided by some of their members.  All of us at Chemung County Pagan Pride wish to greatly thank the Circle of All Paths for their tremendously beautiful rituals.

The purpose of CoAP is to provide an organization that meets the needs of the widely dispersed membership.  CoAP encompasses a large area with members currently attending from Western and Upstate New York.
The Circle of All Paths is a Neo-Pagan circle founded on the sincere belief that all spiritual paths are equally valid.  They believe that people from all walks of life and spiritual backgrounds can come together and share their experiences in an open, mutually respectful forum.  To that end, they have sought to create a forum where one can safely, without fear, share the experiences of one's personal paths while learning about paths, which may on the surface appear at odds with our beliefs and traditions.  By doing so, we all help one another in drawing closer to unity, acceptance, universal love, and harmony.  The CoAP offers Wicca, Reiki and Shamanic training courses in addition to workshops on a varied assortment of topics utilizing their members' wide array of knowledge.

[email protected]

Rev. Suzan "Wolfie" McDermott, Co-Pastor, President and Acting Treasurer
Pastor Ellyn Keyel, Co-Pastor, Vice President and Education Coordinator
Autumn, Master Bard
Michael W. Sears, Man in Black and Summoner
Amanda Tiger, Priestess in Training
We wish to give a special Thank You to Cecile Carpenter, aka Cela Silvermoon, former Vendor Coordinator and Webmistress, who returned to Elmira just in time to help us with the 2004 Pagan Pride.  Cela has been a Pagan for over 20 years, practicing her own electic mix of a variety of traditions.  Her and her husband have lived down in Florida, and up in Penn Yan, where she ran her own store.  They have recently made their way to Kansas to persue great opportunities, including a chance at a Music Therapy Program at the local college.  Thank you, Cela, and we wish you all the best!
Gail Wood
Cela SilverMoon
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