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Stoll's BBCs' Prancer Dawn passed away quietly & in her daddy's arms on Saturday.
She was born 12/21/96 & our first attempt to breed a show dog.  She turned out to be one of the best pet quality babies we have ever owned & was her daddy's heart dog.
Daughter of CH Pip'n Mr. Bandsman & C-Mark's Bucks Black Cricket,  She was due Dec 24th but decided she should appear early by way of an emergency C-section on Saturday Dec 21st, 1996.
When we had Cricket bred, we didn't think she was pregnant so we had a sonogram done on her.  They allowed us to watch & it was such a thrill to see this little being "prancing" around in her momma's tummy.  She was the sole puppy of the litter & when her daddy saw her on the screen he said her name would be Prancer Dawn.  There was NO doubt in his mind that we had a little miracle girl coming.
She was born a fat little thing & Doc did have to do puppy cpr to get her going after her birth, but she did wonderful afterwards. Prancer lived her entire life just to wrap her daddy around her little paw. 
She got into a tube of medicine at 8 months old that was like drinking anti-freeze, it put her into renal failure.  We had her checked over & a sonogram done on her kidneys, the vets really thought that it was just the 'tubes' around the kidneys damaged & that she would live a long & happy life. 
She did very well with the renal problems until right before her 4th birthday in December & then the downhill slide began.  She did "rally" several times (thanks to the prayers of all our friends & of strangers).  She still had a wonderful quality of life going.  She enjoyed a good game of "kill momma's vac" & going for car rides up until the end.
We knew it was time to let her go, her numbers had shown that she was going into renal shutdown & that there was nothing more that we could do for her.  She also showed us she was ready by the way she acted that day. We could not let her suffer & would not let her die alone.
Charley held her, kissed her, & talked to her the entire time she was being helped to the bridge, he did allow me to kiss her nose.
Our vet, Patty, & I were in tears & hugging afterwards while Charley held his baby.  We brought her home wrapped in her blanket to be at rest here with us. (I held her & talked to her the entire way home)
I had spoken to Prancer about going to the Bridge & that Chubbles would be there waiting for her, but to remember that Chubbles would probably try to "whip her into shape".  Chubbles was little but mighty & had been our alpha until the end, Prancer had always respected her as the alpha even though she weighed twice as much as Chubbles.
Prancer will be sadly missed but we are thankful for the time we had with her.
I would like to thank everyone who has offered us kind words, thoughts, cards, & poems.  The support & love we have recieved has been wonderful. 
I haven't been able to look at the cards yet, but will in time.
Thank you all!!!!
Lori Bush knew how much Prancer loved to kill that sweeper.  This is the drawing that she sent me today, Chubbles is watching Prancer get rid of the monster sweeper at Rainbow Bridge.
Cindy & Charley Stoll
our furkids & Prancer & Chubbles at the Bridge.

Dear Mommy and Daddy:

Well, I am here and it is wonderful, although I miss you.  I crossed Rainbow
Bridge and all the other minis were here to meet me.  They are the greatest.  
They showed me around and showed me how things work.  

Nobody is sick!  We get anything we want for dinner - I had New York Strip
Steak when I arrived.  [I had to ask for a "Doggie bag" because I couldn't
finish it!]  Think I'll try the Prime Ribs tomorrow night with a baked potato
au grautin!  

They have these angels who are out in a big field and all they do all day is
throw frisbees and balls for us to catch, for those who are so inclined.

There are loads of squirrels to chase, but somehow they always get away [they
are  Gods creatures too after all], but it is fun!

Then there is the cafeteria where they put out a buffet and there are cookies
like you wouldn't imagine, plus ice cream and freeze dried beef and liver

There is even a celebrity here.  I was introduced to Leo!  He was glad to
hear the mean man got 3 years and feels bad for his Mom and her sorrow.  But
he has gotten over that and is at peace .

Best of all, we don't have to go through haircuts!  When we get shaggy, an
angel with a magic wand waves it in the air, and POOF we are clean and neat
again.  Wow, what a relief!  They keep the veterinarians in another area of
this place since we don't have any need for them.

Thank you for the delicious meal, it was great.  Please don't worry about me.
We had a great time together and I know you did all you could to keep me
with you.  I will know when you're coming  and will be there at the Bridge.   


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