Li Changchun

Li Changchun was born in 1944 in Dalian, Liaoning Province. He joined the Party in 1965 while in university, and graduated from Harbin Polytechnical University in 1966, specializing in electrical engineering. He was elected a member to the 15th Central Committee Political Bureau, his current position, in 1997. Li is also a Vice Premier under the State Council. Unlike either Wu Bangguo or Wen Jiabao, Li can claim some direct association with the military: He is believed to be First Secretary of the Guangdong Military District Army Party Committee, as well as the First Political Commissar of the Guangdong Military District.

Served as deputy Party secretary, acting governor, and governor, of Henan Province, 1990-1992; and first secretary of CPC Committee of Henan Provincial Military Area Command, 1992.

Prediction: Politburo Standing Committee Member 2002

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