Al's Safeway Produce

by Robert Cromartie

This is the dance that Rob built.

This is the swing
that's done with the neighbor,
that finishes the sequence,
that creates the dance that Rob built.

This is the circle
that forms the ring
with pointy hands joined
that enters the swing,
that creates the dance that Rob built.

This is the swing
to greet your partner
that leads out to the circle,
that enters the swing,
that creates the dance that Rob built.

This is the allemande 
of ladies go round
crossing the center
that men catch for the swing,
that leads out to the circle,
that enters the swing,
that creates the dance that Rob built.

This is the allemande
that's left on the sides
trading your places
that joins up the women,
that men catch for the swing,
that leads out to the circle,
that enters the swing,
that creates the dance that Rob built.

This is the star left
that gathers the hands
to split to the sides
of the allemande left,
that joins up the women,
that men catch for the swing,
that leads out to the circle,
that enters the swing,
that creates the dance that Rob built.

This is the star right
done progressed up above
that glides to the star
as it spins left below,
that splits to the sides
of the allemande left,
that joins up the women,
that men catch for the swing,
that leads out to the circle,
that enters the swing,
that creates the dance that Rob built.

These are the lines
shifting forward and back
that buffer the star up above,
(that can't flow out of the swing)
that glides to the star
as it spins left below,
that splits to the sides
of the allemande left,
that joins up the women,
that men catch for the swing,
that leads out to the circle,
that enters the swing,
that creates the dance that Rob built.

Instructions for this dance can be found here and here.
A video of this dance can be found here.
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