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The Beverly Hillbillies have come to ride.  Funny thing, even in 2002 Steve & Chris had good sponsors.
Here we are at the starting line.  We only saw 4 mountain bikes all day.  The funny thing is we rode two of them.  (2002)
Steve got to the 3rd rest stop just as the sun was coming up.  I was quite a long ways back
Chris rides into rest stop 3.  Wondering where was Steve.  He is still chasing the rabbit
Mike is still at rest stop 3.
Mike arrives at rest stop 3 as they begin packing up, their work is done for the day.  Notice the afternoon shadows.
Mike at rest stop 3

Look, I found a team wearing Yellow.  I will ride with them.
The end of Day 1

Susan, Chris, Mike, & Steve all ham it up for the camera.

Chris was finished for the day.  Compare his 2002 & 2003 pictures.  You will notice the same shirt, same weight, and the same expression.  Did he learn anything from this year?
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