* Are all the free songs listed on this site REALLY legal?
Yes. This site directs you to the hundreds of different places around the Internet where free, legal song downloads are located. These songs are being offered for free with the permission of the artists and/or their record labels. CCMSingles.Net does not host any of the downloads listed. If you have reason to believe one of the downloads is not legal, please email [email protected].

* Are the free songs REALLY free?
Absolutely. Depending on where the free song is being offered, you may be required to submit your email address or other information, but you will not be required to pay anything.

* I found a dead link. Where should I report it to?
Please report any dead links here.

* I know of a free song being offered that's not listed in the Free MP3 Directory. Will you consider adding it?
Sure, just submit the free song link to [email protected]. Please note, though, that not all submitted links will be added. Due to space considerations, the songs featured in the Free MP3 Directory generally come from artists who are at least somewhat well-known.

* If this is a Christian site, why are there mainstream artists listed who aren't a part of the Christian/gospel music industries?
CCMSingles.Net features artists who profess to being Christians, regardless of whether or not they are signed to a Christian label or directly promoted to Christian/gospel music fans.

* Is there anything I can do to help?
There are several things you can do to help the site thrive:
1. Purchase music from any of the Musichristian.com ads featured on the site.
2. Spread the word about this site to friends and family.
3. Report any site errors you find.
4. Offer possible ideas for improvement.
5. Donate large sums of cash (just kidding).

* Can I advertise my band/website/etc. on this site?
Yes, just email CCMSingles.Net to discuss.
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