Prague 1

It rained
and I got stuck in a bar
      one that played 80's music
staring at the blankest faces
the discolored artwork on the walls
"I swear I left her by the river..."
This is not the sad life
"...I swear I left her safe and sound."
But I wish I was somewhere else.

And walking home
     or what passes for home - I wobble
getting my sea legs,
imagining life on a river boat.

A mis-step leaves me wet feet.

I planned to be moving forward
or not to trace my steps
over the same waves.

I may be moving up and down
instead of back and forth.

Street lights, stop lights
Standing shoulder to shoulder
with hesitants
I shift left to right
roll  my ankle
and right to left again
before the mass of people moves

Across the street finally
I realize that the bridge lies ahead
and I have gone the wrong

I have asked myself before

What am I looking for?

But now I remember
there are three more stop lights
and a left turn
If I turn around.
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