What's Happening with the club and scheduled hunts
The Corpus Christi Metal Detecting Club has an open hunt each month (except April and October).  Please join in the fun and meet our members. 
There is a September hunt scheduled for September 19. Please see the details in the "Club Minutes" below.
From the last club meeting:

The Corpus Christi Metal Detecting Club met on September 3, 2009 at the Homewood Residence. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by the Vice President  Dean Walker in the absence of the President Frank Mireles. We had two guests, who became new members, and they were Roxanna Whitley and John Rank. We also had Jake Rank and Gene McCain as guests. There were 30 people present at the meeting.

Karen Walker read the minutes from the August 6, 2009 meeting. A motion was made by Knox Graham and seconded by Tommy Worsham that the minutes be approved as read. The motion carried.

The Treasurer�s report was given by Ken Cherniss.. A motion was made by Roxanna Whitley and seconded by Tommy Worsham that the Treasurer�s report be accepted. The motion carried.

Under New Business, Dean Walker shared that the Houston Archeology Recovery Club will hold their 28th annual Open Beach Hunt on Sunday, October 25, 2009 at Stewart Beach in Galveston, Texas. For information or registration, visit http://www.texascouncil.net, and click on �Member Events.�

The September hunt will be on Saturday, September 19th at 7:00 a.m. on the north end of North Beach.

The Fall Hunt was also discussed. This hunt will be in the same place on North Beach where we always have our Fall and Spring Hunts and will be on Sunday, October 18th at 2:00 p.m. Orla and Van Rousseau generously donated a five pound coffee can filled with wheat pennies, and these were the ones that have been used in the recent hunts. Thank you, Orla and Van.

We had a most interesting program tonight presented by Curly Kerbow and Tommy Worsham. They shared information about metal detecting in the 1980�s. According to Tommy, the best hunting came following hurricanes, demolition of buildings such as Sears, and building such as the Convention Center and the aquarium. The hunting was especially good following Hurricane Allen in 1980, Hurricane Alicia in 1983, and Hurricane Gilbert in 1986. This was on the Gulf beach only, and when the tide was low, people could hunt until they could not even carry all they found. One time, it was in the winter and so cold the beach actually froze.. The question was asked when Tommy and Curly started hunting the water, and Tommy said he begin doing this around 1992 or 1993. Thank you Curly and Tommy for sharing this information with us. It was most interesting.

Door prizes were given away, and Jake Rank won the Hooks Baseball memorabilia, and Roxanna won the pancho, Kleenix, and magazines.

There were three silver rounds raffled tonight, and they were won by
Bill Hughes, Larry McDonald, and Grey Carroll.

The Finds of the Month were as follows:
Coin          1929 Standing Liberty Quarter                 Orla Rousseau
Jewelry      Large Cross                                             Karen Graham
                  Small Cross                                             Ken Cherniss
Ring          James Avery Ring                                    Karen Graham
Other        Old Toy Fire Engine                                  Karen Graham

The refreshments tonight were furnished by Sandy and Ken Cherniss and Elizabeth and Kenny Pancoast. The coffee was brought by Karen Graham.

Our next meeting will be on October 1, 2009.

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