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You have been privileged to be among the very few who have been given the rare opportunity of ordering this famous family secret, handed down from generation to generation. You can now order our famous packet of mixed Oriental tea leaves and crushed fortune cookies. In ordering, you must agree not to give this product to anyone and will become qualified by filling out the form below. Please send your order form to [email protected]
# of Packets

1 oz. Packet  @  $1.95 each                          ____

1 oz. Packet of Fortune Cookies and Lottery Numbers
                @  $2.35 each                               ____

FULL NAME: ______________
EMAIL ADDRESS: _______________

By ordering you agree not to allow anyone to see or use Mr. Lee's ancient secret formula tea leaves.

Sorry we do not accept credit cards. Please send check or money order made payable to "CC Lee Relief Fund"

Shipping and Handling is $12.00 per Packet. Save $2.00 per packet if ordering more than one.

For more information or for questions on Mr. Lee's Stock Picks, call Mr. Lyon @ 215-243-1100.

C.C. Lee Newsletter
[email protected]
Copy and Paste this order form to send it to the E-mail address listed below!
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