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The Christian Cooperative Learning Center is dedicated to the education of children. It is our desire to provide a Christlike atmosphere where kids can learn not only the core subjects, but also values, morals, and behaviors that are Biblically based.

The Learning Center is here to provide a place for students to come for a school-like atmosphere where they can get their studies done. We are here to tutor, provide social activities, games, and Bible study. Parents are responsible for making sure that their student is staying on schedule. Homework slips will be given out to help assist you in this.

Sometimes we have special activities. Students who are keeping up with their work will be invited to participate, however, many of our activities include Bible games, and we don't want the students to miss out.

For students using the A.C.E. Curriculum, tuition is :
$200 per month 
Class is in session 9 AM-2 PM Monday through Thursday during the traditional school year.

PACES run between $55 & $65 per quarter, and placement testing, if necessary, is $50. There is also a $25 registration fee. It is important that we collect tuition on time. Please read this information carefully, pray about it, and then make the commitment if the Lord leads you to.

Due to the generosity of committed Christians, we occasionally have scholarships available. If you would like to be a provider, or are in need of a scholarship, please call.

School is held Monday through Thursday. Some field trips will require extended hours. Parents will be notified through a monthly calendar of all special functions.

Students are to provide their own Bible, paper, pencils, erasers, and pens (I try to keep some extra supplies on hand for students to purchase in the case of an emergency ).

Conduct and language should glorify the Lord. No profanity, immorality, cheating, fighting, stealing, alcohol, smoking, drugs, talk of improper movies or TV, or current worldly trends, unless led in such a discussion by staff in chapel or devotional setting.  Students must agree to strive towards unquestionable character in: Dress, conduct and attitude (both in and out of school).

And be not conformed to this world...
Romans 12:2

Students are to be modest.
Shorts, skirts,
and dresses are to be no
shorter than 7" above the knee.
Necklines are to be extremely modest.
No tank tops or belly shirts.
Please be very careful about this.
Do not wear clothing with advertising or
logos promoting alcohol, tobacco,
drugs, sex, or things of a satanic nature.
(We reserve the right to make judgment calls).
No excessive use of jewelry.
No nose rings, navel rings,
or any other type of unusual ring!
Boys are not to wear earrings.
No baggy clothes.
Baggy clothes are a trend that gang members have started,
therefore, we do not want to have our students give even
the slightest appearance of affiliation by dressing like them.
Students will be asked to call their parents to
bring them a change of clothes if necessary.
(I keep a change of clothing on hand as well)
Makeup should be used in moderation.
Boys are not to wear makeup!
Hair is to be clean and combed.
Hair color is to be of a natural shade.
(no streaking or tinting so that hair is of an unnatural color)
Styles should not draw attention to the student.
It is to be kept clean and neat.

We do not want to be known for
how we look, act, or talk unless it is
because we are Christlike.
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