Play Mini-Brain Morph!

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Do you have a message that no matter how pointless, off topic, nonsensical or contradictory to reality it may be, you absolutely feel compelled to inflict on people? Are you congenitally stupid? Are you Daniel Joseph Min? Do you want to post any of the following?

Great! Then Mini-brain Morph could be the tool for you! Using the this utility you can generate hundreds of random email names to slip past kill filters so that you too can become the most despised, laughed at, wretched and ignored kook who has an utterly pointless message to inflict on people assuming anyone bothered to read it.

After all, if people kill file you it's because they want your message even more and not that they secretly wish that you would kill yourself in the most painful way possible, walk under a bus or otherwise piss off.

A random name has been generated, but you can keep clicking until you find one you like. Good luck! 

Your random name is:

Spin the wheel again!

Now write your screed, and send it through an anonymous remailer! Don't forget to sign your message just in case another rage filled kook tries to pass himself off as you!

For extra psycho points see if you can make the length of every line exactly match up in a Se7en obsessive serial killer kind of a way!

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