Destructiveness is often mistaken as spite.  Any dog can be destructive during the adjustment period in its new home.  The key to prevention is confinement, preferebly in a training crate (see CRATE TRAINING101). Your confinement can also be a small area blocked off by a puppy/baby gate.  To keep your pet occupied give him a tasty treat such as a marrow bone filled with peanut butter or cheese.  There are also cubes that you can fill with dog food so that when the dog rolls it around the food falls out.  Anytime your pet is not 100% supervised, he should be confined.  You wouldn't leave a toddler alone in the house for "just five minutes", would you? 
When you're home, and the pet is out of confinement, he should have appropriate toys to play with such as nylon bones, cow hooves, and hard rubber balls.  Never give your pet old shoes or socks as he will not know the difference between your old ratty shoes and your $300 Nikes.  A "toy chest" is a good idea but remember to only fill it with a couple of toys at a time and rotate the toys every week so your pet doesn't get bored.
Play biting is a normal puppy behavior that can become painfully annoying at times.  To help prevent biting don't play games like tug-o-war or boxing.  These games teach your puppy to play too rough with his mouth. Instead, give him lots of exercise, like fetch games and walks. 
Children should be taught NOT to get down on the floor to play, or run and scream when the puppy chases them. 
When your puppy starts to play bite say, "No!" and walk away.  You can also try distracting his attention by shaking a can filled with coins or clapping your hands.  Praise him as soon as he stops!
Youn can regulate your pet's elimination schedule by feeding your pet at exactly the same time every day, and removing the food 15 minutes after it is given.  Why?  If the pet eats whenever he feels like it, there's no way to predict when he has to "go!"  Your pet should be taken outside before you go out, as soon as you come home, after walking, napping, playing, or eating.  Remember to confine your pet when you're not with him. 
With young puppies, 7weeks of age to 15weeks, watch for them to begin walking in circles, sniffing, with their tail up- this usually means they have to go!  Immediatly take your puppy outdoors.  If he goes when he's taken outside PRAISE PRAISE PRAISE him. 
If your pet makes a mess don't rub his nose in it.  He knows he went there and the only thing it will accomplish is an infected nose.  Instead remove your pet from the area you need to clean.  If your pet watches you clean up his mess you will become his maid.  He won't see the need of going outside. 
Clean up the mess with a paper towel, take it outside, and rub the paper towel on the ground so that when you take your pet outdoors he will want to go in that area. 
Don't use any ammonia based products as they will just accent the smell.  Instead clean up the soiled area using an odor neutralizer with stain remover.  You can make your own neutralizer using a 50/50 mixture of white vinegar and water (check rugs for color-fastness first).
Even if you've "trained dogs before," a dog obedience class is a good idea!  It provides great mental and physical exercise for your dog, and will help enhance your relationship with your pet for years to come.  Not to mention that it will teach you the new techniques that may save you time and many, many headaches.
Last but not least remember:

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