To successfully housetrain your puppy, all efforts must be consistant and constant.  If your pup is six weeks or older a regimented and careful training program can produce results in as little as one week.  Follow these guidelines and remember the key factors in your success are...
1.  Paper- training will NOT train your puppy to go outdoors.  It will train it to use papers.  You must take the dog outside at the very beginning of training.  If your puppy is already paper- trained do not mix techniques.  Take away the papers and start from scratch.  Teaching the puppy to go on papers and outside will only confuse the dog and frustrate you.
2. Try to be as consistant as possible.  Use the same command (ex: "Go Out?" or "Gotta Go Potty?"), use the same door, and take the dog to the same spot outside.  Keep the time of each visit outside approximately the same hour of the day.
3.  It is important to take your pet outside after each meal, after exercise or play, after naps, and the first thing in the morning and the last thing at night.  The pup's own biologic clock will soon coincide with these times.
4.  Regulate it's food.  If you leave the food out all day, then the puppy will want to "go" all day and it will be impossible to get it on a schedule.
5.  Limit the dogs time outdoors to only a few minutes.  Do not allow the puppy to play outdoors until it is completely trained or it will become confused and will associate being outdoors with play time and not with its training.
6. It may be necessary to limit the evening water if over- night soiling is a problem.  Also, keeping the pup in a confined area (see CRATE TRAINING101) at night or when you are not around will teach your pet bladder control as they do not like to soil in their "den" (crate).
6. Remember, dogs want to please their owners.  When it does go outside PRAISE PRAISE PRAISE the pup enthusiastically.
7.  All puppies should be checked for internal parasites that may cause diarrhea.  Also NO milk or table food should be given as these can also cause digestive upsets.

If you are still unsuccessful or want advice about anything please CALL US.  No question is too small or too stupid. 1-231-582-6774

Crate Training 101
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