The CCHS has a program called
             "Fix The Problem" or FTP. 

This program allows people in our area to fix their pets at a discount or even free. 

All you have to do is shop at Carter's or Olsen's and save your receipts. 
Then you'll need to total up the "CommShare" or "Community Cash" which is found at the bottom of every receipt.  You can then bring us the totalled receipts and  receive a coupon for that amount.
This coupon can be used at any local veterinarian's office to get an animal fixed. 

Example:  If you've collected $20 in Community Cash, the CCHS would give you a coupon for $20 which can be used towards the spaying or neutering of your pet.  Save $100  and we'll give you a coupon for $100.  It's that easy!

           If you live around our area and would like more                        information about this program contact us. 

Getting your animal fixed is a large step in
            "Fixing The Problem" of pet overpopulation!
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