Restore America
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                                                                      WillGod still Bless America?

"And let us with cautious supposition, that morality can be maintained without religion.  Whatever may be conceded to the influance of fine education on mind of pecular structure, reason and experience has forbid us to expect that national morality can not prevail in exclution of religious priciples."                                                                                          President George Washington
                           Do the constitutional rights of thepeople include freedom from religion and the moral principals?

When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and
of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are
endowed by thier creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.-that to secure these rights, Goverments are instituted among men, deriving thier just powers from the consent of the governed, that ......
Declaration of Independance
*Did you know in the begining of our goverment there were not a bunch of political parties campaining to win aginst each other? There was only one.The republic ment the foundation that the goverment stood for, democratic means to take votes for or handle something fairly. Something which they already did do. The division of two opposing groups were  put into effect just years before the civil war.

* The way you vote decides the morality and principals of the people elected?
*Did you know teen suicide, pregnancy, school drop out, gang involvment, drugs and alcohol, stealing and other crimes that cost our society, along with bad a choice of marriage partners which cause more single family homes that are apt to depend on public assistance are more prevelent in children who are not taught to pray and follow the commandments?Yet they are less happy and healthy by not being taught a good moral lifestyle and belief?
*Did you know prayer was alway's allowed and apart of school up untill the 1950's?
*Did you know september 11 attacks were a result of an islamic &;Jihad meaning Holy war? And it is easy to see all the corruption in our society wich makes it difficult for them to think perhaps they might be wrong?
Did you know that the only hope for our country are strong value's and less blaming of the goverment, but respect for it's basic structure and pricipals it is founded on and more inforcing of  values from the people we elect but we as a society need to have values and  wisdom as well?
*Did you know this country was not established for corruption, thieving, pornography, and hate and those who are biasly part of a community instead of the whole as just an American citizen who should be treated like any other person as long as their behavior is as an average person. (such as a gay should be not be abused.)
Yet to let them use the constitution to recognize gay couples as being equal with a hetrosexual couple when considering adoption is not fair to a child who sprung from a hetrosexual engagment by nature itself?  And who's rights in the matter should outweigh the gay movement? The Childs rights! They have  right to be shown healthy guidlines for living wheither they practice it as an adult or not.

* Did you realize that nature gave us hunger pains so we will eat, and becouse be make decisions on our own it gave us guidlines but instead of calling it's self nature it called itself God? And if there is a God this country is in some big trouble if thing don't strieghten up. And even if there isn't the principles taught are uncanny when it comes to good solutions and behavior.

*Did you know that Lucy; the half man half ape found wasn't. It was simply a tooth, estimated to be a certain age, and becouse of it's dimensions a projected probubility of what the skeletal measure ments would have been was made. .
In order for evolving to take place, the cell's would have to be reprogramed to take on a different design and form. Something has to know what the specifications of that design should be for the perpose of rewriting the chromesones of each cell, which means it know's what it needs and how each program should work and balence with every this else; before it produces whatever it produces.
* Did you know just about every thing in the book of revelations that needs to take place before the start of the tribulation period has taken place or been put into position.
We all must start doing our part to appriciate our country and uphold the things that are important. We need to fight to restore the values that are the foundation of this nation. In our voting, and in voicing our oppinions to our senators. Our daily behavior as a society and the things we are willing to allow in the name of what is right and fair, in exchange for what is actually is right and fair.
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