Life is but a Dream
By T'Thrill

Title: Revision: Under The Sun series Part 2 “Life is but a Dream” Author: T’Thrill Series: TOS Romance Code: S/K/Mc Rating: NC-17 m/m Summary: Kirk, Spock and McCoy, reunited during the V’ger incident, return to San Francisco and contemplate their careers, their newly found relationship, and the reaction that will incur.

“Life is but a Dream,” is the second part of the “Under the Sun” series. It takes place just after “Star Trek: The Motion Picture.” Warning: This story contains very explicit m/m sex. If you are not interested in and/or offended by such things, you will find reading this a complete waste of your time so please move on. If you are under 18 years of age, please move on.

Disclaimer: Copyright 2000 by T'Thrill. Revision 2002. This is an original work of amateur fiction based on Star Trek. This work makes "fair use" of Star Trek copyrighted material; it is not intended to infringe on the intellectual property rights of Paramount, Viacom or other owners of copyright in Star Trek or any of their assignees or licensees. The author's copyright extends only to the original material in this work.

Archive: Okay to archive in COCO-SSD and ASCEM only provided that header, disclaimers, my name, and email address is attached. All others, please ask. My email address is -- [email protected]

Acknowledgment: Selek, the most patient beta in the universe.

Chapter 1

Even before opening his eyes, Jim could feel a heated form pressing against his naked body and a strong, warm arm wrapped around his back. It was unquestionably a male holding him. His head was resting on the man’s shoulder, and the dim light coming from the window told him this was his own bedroom. He rolled his head and glanced at the chrono; it shown 0400. In the disorienting fog that exists between sleep and wakefulness, his mind fought to remember why one of his many faceless sex-partners would be here, in this bed, since this was not a place where he ‘entertained’. His home was private, and he always used one of the clubs or a hotel room for such encounters. He raised his head hesitantly and saw the dark shapes of not one, but two men lying next to him; the one man was nestled against him, and the other’s head was resting on this man’s chest. It was a feeling of panic that rushed over Jim as he fought his way to consciousness.

Then he remembered that these were not just any of the numerous men, or women for that matter, who he had taken to bed recently. These were the men who he had dared not think about in over two years. He ached, knowing this had to be some kind of cruel dream ripped from the deepest recesses of his brain. But would he feel the heat of the arm, feel the sweet tenderness inside of him where first one, and then the other had invaded him, if this was a dream? His breath caught as the fog in his mind began to clear. He wanted to reach out and touch the ones beside him, if only to convince all of his senses that they were real. But if this was reality, they had collapsed into sleep only a short time before.

‘If...’ That was the question. Could it be true? Had the three of them really found each other after so long? If his memories were reliable, and not just a cruel hoax that his psyche had conjured up to torment him, then just hours before they had bared their souls to one other and had bridged the crevasse that had existed between them for these empty years.

The man against him stirred and opened his eyes. “Spock,” Jim whispered in a barely audible voice. Wanting to hear the name, but afraid that if this was a dream, saying the name too loudly would rouse him. He knew if he was dreaming, he never wanted to awake from it. He felt his heart pounding within in his chest. A silent plea raced through his mind. ‘Please, let it be Spock who answers!’

The arm tightened around him and pulled him close. “Jim,” Spock whispered in a deep, rough voice that made shivers run through Jim’s body, “have you not been satisfied?”

“Time and time again, my friend,” Jim whispered, his voice catching with the flood of ecstasy that hearing that voice caused. Oh God, it was true. The three of them had come together last night and, like men lost in a desert and finding life-giving water, had attempted to consume each other. Hot hungry mouths and needing hands had searched and learned. They had been unaware, unconcerned, with whose mouth and whose hand, it was just enough that it was their mouths and their hands which had caressed and pleasured them. Hours had passed in gasps of air, touches of skin, and need, hot unrelenting need, until sheer exhaustion set in and sleep had claimed them.

‘No turning back,’ they had agreed. There would be no turning back. Whatever may come, they would face it together. It had to be. They completed each other. Reaching out, he softly stroked an errant lock of dark hair, brushing it back from the still sleeping face that rested against Spock’s chest. He looked at McCoy's face that had brought him reassurance so many times over the years. The features were so peaceful, so striking in the dim light.

How different these men were. Bones wore his emotions high, proudly displaying them for all to see, like a banner carried before him into battle. He had a spirit of iron, irascible and resilient with an instinct toward protectiveness that would put any mother lion to shame. Yet with all that, there was a vulnerability about him that tore at your heart.

Then there was Spock, so very reserved, allowing only those he truly trusted to catch the occasional glimpse beneath the cloak of logic and reason that he cocooned himself in. His logic was a mantle that hid the insecurities he had fought against all of his life, yet he was willing to toss it aside in their presence. Oh, God. Jim loved them; he loved them so much that it made him hurt.

The arm around him began to softly stroke his back. Turning his head, he let his lips gently brush against the heated shoulder, savoring the taste of Spock. Breathing deeply, he realized the room where they lay still held the intermingled scent of the three of them. It was the smell of pine and lavender and sandalwood, salt and copper and perspiration and passion...and sex, their sex, and it aroused him.

These years had been wasted in a desperate search for a body, any body he could lose himself in to dull his desire for these men. No, that was incorrect. He had wanted these men much longer than the years that had separated them. Could he remember a time that he did not want, did not need, these two at his side? Since the end of the mission he had found that he could survive without these men in his life, however without them, he was as incomplete as he would be if someone severed the limbs from his body.

Now, unbelievably, they lay beside him. The sensation of those fingers touching his flesh brought a warmth to him that penetrated deep into his soul. Tilting his head up, he brushed his lips against the much warmer ones and felt his body’s immediate response. Jim turned his body against Spock’s, letting his Vulcan lover feel his awakening hardness.

Their mouths met with an insatiable need. Jim ran his hand across Spock’s chest and teased the erect nipple closest to him. He traced the pattern of the soft fur across the muscular chest and felt where it thinned to nothing more than a shadow against the fair skin. It was that faint line of fur disappearing into Spock’s waistband that had taunted him for so many years. And now being given the freedom to follow that erotic, forbidden path was overpowering his senses. Trailing the route with just the tips of his fingers, Jim ringed the navel, which elicited a detectable hiss from his lover, and splaying his hand across the tight abdomen. He moved lower until he contacted the larger thatch of coarser fur. With the full length of his fingers, he carded through the hair, then gripped the base of the swelling organ.

Spock’s breaths became shorter and quicker. “I fear that I cannot get enough of you,” Spock rasped in Jim’s ear.

“I hope you never do,” Jim purred, letting his tongue wander to the magnificent, pointed tip of Spock’s ear. He licked the ridges and traced the outline of the sensitive structure, causing Spock’s breath to quicken against the nape of his neck.

Feeling Bones begin to stir against them, they reached for him. Jim whispered his name, running his fingers down the doctor’s face. McCoy’s head tilted up and Jim watched as Spock’s hand stroked the dark head and down the back of their lover.

“Join us, Leonard,” Spock whispered.

Bones rolled his mouth toward Spock’s chest and tongued and suckled the taunt nipple. Then, propping up on one elbow, he reached for Jim’s hand and brought it to his lips, grazing each fingertip before laying it against Spock’s chest. Removing Spock’s hand from his shoulder, he placed it on Jim.

“Bones...” Jim’s voice called to him softly.

“Shhh…” Bones soothed as he laid his hand gently on Jim’s head. He felt the love from them both, still amazed that he was lying here beside them. But he was spent. In the last hours his body had experienced three…no…four orgasms. Even in his younger days he couldn’t have expected as much, and it had been a long time, almost three years, since his body had been called upon to respond. “I’m fine,” he whispered.

The soft glow from the city lights coming through the window silhouetted the men who were sharing this bed. Once he had successfully convinced them to continue without him, Spock rolled over on top of Jim and their mouths came together. Even though Leonard’s body was still recovering from the intense activities earlier, that didn’t diminish the joy he experienced from watching the two beside him find pleasure with each other.

McCoy watched the Vulcan’s hips slowly, rhythmically rise and fall as he repeatedly rubbed his erection against the body lying beneath him. He heard the soft moans and watched as Jim spread his legs, bending them in an invitation to be entered. He saw Spock come to his knees between the parted thighs and heard the hum of pleasure Jim emitted when that hard, heated cock penetrated his rectum. Leonard listened to the erotic sounds coming from them: the soft slaps of one body driving against the other, the whispered names from both the invader and the invaded, the quick, sucking breaths that accompanied each thrust. He felt the movement of the bed as the dark one pumped deeply into the writhing body underneath. He saw Spock lie down on Jim, gather him in his arms, and roll his head back. The bed shook as both bodies convulsed with powerful orgasms. He watched as they collapsed together, inseparable. And, even without orgasmic release, Leonard felt the warmth. With a smile, he drifted back to sleep.

Jim, panting against the nape of the long neck, wrapped his arms around the strong waist above him and pulled him tight, the wetness of his orgasm spreading between them. “Spock.” The name was whispered almost as a sob. "Don't ever leave me. I couldn’t stand to go through that, not again.” His deepest fear was exposed with the unmistakable plea.

“No, my t’hy’la, I could not leave. Not after finding you again,” Spock soothed reassuringly, still encasing him firmly within the strong arms.

“T’hy’la? What does that mean?” Jim asked, nuzzling the damp neck.

They lay like that for a few moments, then Spock propped up on one forearm and gazed into Jim’s eyes. His free hand caressed the features of the face beneath him, and he ran his fingers through the golden hair. A fantasy realized, a fantasy he had denied himself for so long. “The closest translation is my lover, my friend, the completion of myself,” Spock’s deep voice resonated. “I hope you do not mind,” he said gently.

“Mind?, not at all. I think that’s a perfect description of how I feel too.” Jim wrapped his arms around the strong neck and pulled the face down so he could taste those lips once more.

Spock traced the sides of the face fingering each meld point. His soul wanted the meld. He knew he had to refrain but the desire was strong. He wished to fall into the bright thoughts, but knew if he allowed himself to fall into that brilliance, he would not be able to withdraw. He would demand nothing from these that he loved. He would not subject them to that type of commitment. He pulled his fingertips away from the points of contact.

Jim felt the rush of intense desire from Spock to meld with him, “Yes, Spock...yes,” Jim whispered. But Spock removed his hand, pulled free from the body beneath him, took a deep breath and rolled off to Jim’s side. He pulled him to his chest so that Jim was now lying against him. “Whenever you’re ready, Spock, I’m here,” Jim whispered into the damp chest. A warm hand slid over his back and tightened around him before sleep claimed him, once more.

Chapter 2

When Jim next awoke, his head was resting on the furred chest of his lover. This time, there were no doubts. He looked out the window and saw the purple streaks that were just beginning to ripple across the sky, giving the earliest hint that a new day was beginning. The man beneath him stroked his back. “I need a shower,” Jim whispered to Spock.

“I concur.”

“Well, you are not in great shape, either,” Jim said through a smile, touching the still sticky outcome of their lovemaking. “Would you care to join me?”

“That would be agreeable.”

Both men slid out of the bed and Jim watched as Spock pulled the blanket around McCoy and caressed the hair of the sleeping man. The display of such tenderness tugged at Jim’s heart. He turned walked into the lavatory.

Jim slid the door open on the shower stall and when he turned he saw Spock was standing against the doorway smiling. It was a smile that only he and Bones had ever been privileged to see, and even then only on very rare occasions. “What?” Jim asked.

“I find you most pleasing. Even though I have seen you disrobed on many occasions, I have never before had the opportunity to study you in this state.”

Jim became self-conscious and a flush that he could feel begin in his stomach worked its way up his body, blooming in his face. Just two weeks before, he had stood in this same spot and caught the image of himself in the mirror. The memory of what he saw that evening caused a shudder to run through him. He had become older and his muscle tone was no longer that of his youth. No longer bothering to fight the ever-present dampness of the city, his hair was dull and unruly. He never found time to venture outside, even when the weather was favorable, so his skin was pale and sallow. Now, standing in the unforgiving lights of this room, he felt awkward under the scrutinizing eye of his lover.

“Spock, I know I’ve changed since last time we were together. I’m afraid desk duty has taken it’s toll,” he said, no longer able to look Spock in the face, his attention drawn to the floor.

Spock walked toward him and gathered him in strong arms. “Jim, do you not know how beautiful you are?”

Jim looked up and saw the love behind those dark eyes. Yes, at least in these eyes, he was beautiful. Certainly not as beautiful as the godlike being who held him, but with this man he felt wanted, and cherished. It was a good feeling.

But with Spock’s arms wrapped tightly around him, it emphasized another problem he had. He had been filled several times in the night and he urgently needed to relieve himself. Jim wasn’t sure how to approach that with Spock standing here with him. Sure, they had been held in captivity together enough times that they had been put into the position of needing to use what facilities were available, most times affording then little privacy. Urinating had never been an issue, but anything else had always been accomplished as discretely as possible, usually with a blanket either strung up or held up to give as much seclusion as possible, while the other turned away.

“Uhh...Spock,” Jim murmured.

“Yes, Jim?” Spock answered, his lips still caressing the side of Jim’s head.

The warm breath against Jim had the usual effect, causing his cock to twitch. But this wasn’t what needed his attention at the moment. “I...that is...there’s something that I need to take care of,” he stammered.

Spock released him slightly and his eyes fell between them. “I see,” Spock responded, looking at Jim’s awakening organ.

“No…no you don’t understand,” Jim answered, frustration becoming apparent in his voice.

“Jim, you are becoming agitated. Have I done something to offend you?” Spock became more serious.

“No, Spock,” Jim’s voice settled down. “But I might offend you if you don’t leave me alone for a moment.” He could see that Spock still didn’t understand the problem, so he shifted his eyes toward the toilet. “I’ve been filled several times, and I need to relieve myself,” he explained. With that, realization dawned in Spock’s eyes.

“Jim, it is illogical to be offended by a natural act, especially one which I have been primarily responsible for creating. However, I will leave you alone if that you will feel more comfortable.”

Spock freed him and started to turn away. Jim reached out and took his hand, stopping his exit. Spock turned back to him, an eyebrow raised.

“You start the water in the shower. I’ll join you in a minute,” Jim smiled. Spock was right. If they were going to be lovers, there was no need to be embarrassed about this. As Spock pressed the controls on the wall of the shower, setting the water to the right temperature so that it would be comfortable for them both, Jim relieved himself of the pressure that having his lovers repeatedly fuck him had created.

Jim pressed the control panel beside him and the telltale hum of the sonics was activated, cleaning both him and the toilet. As he rose, Spock turned to him, held out a hand and pulled him into the shower. Their arms wrapped around each other and Jim felt himself being pulled into an embracing kiss.

They took turns lathering and rinsing each other. It was an opportunity to explore and learn. Pressing first one and then the other against the side of the stall, soapy hands slid up and down hard bodies and soft, responsive flesh, dipping into forbidden crevices and fondling aching cocks until, with ragged breaths and guttural moans, they stroked each other to completion.

When he could move once again, Jim pushed himself off of his Vulcan lover and stood under the spray of the shower, rinsing the last of the soap from his body. He then removed the shower from its holder and rinsed Spock. He turned to place the shower back in its receptacle and turn the water off when he felt warm arms around him, pulling him close.

“Jim,” Spock rasped, as if the words were being ripped from him, “I do not say this lightly. I love you.”

Jim turned in the arms. “I know. And I can’t remember a time when I haven’t loved you.”

Standing in the shower with Spock's warm arms encasing him, he knew this was a dream; a dream that seemed a lifetime old, yet this one had come true. Jim knew the drops of water clinging to Spock’s skin were causing him to be chilled. Now that both were clean and sated, Jim reached for two towels from the warmer and wrapped one around Spock’s head and shoulders and took the other and dried the lean, muscular body. He then reached for another towel with which to dry himself.

Spock noticed the two cuts on the inside of Jim’s outstretched hand. They were nearly healed but the marks were still red and he could tell that they had been quite deep. Taking the hand in his, Spock turned the palm up, examining the healed wound carefully. “This is a recent injury. May I ask what happened?” he asked.

“Nothing,” Jim said, pulling his hand back quickly and reached for the towel. “I cut it on something a while ago. It’s fine, now.” Jim reached for his robe and handed it to Spock. Drying himself quickly, he grabbed a pair of jogging pants and slid them on.

Changing the subject quickly, Jim said, “I think I’m going to make a pot of coffee, but I may have some tea if you’d prefer.” He knew damned well he had tea. It was just two weeks ago that he was sitting alone in his apartment, drinking tea, when the memories of that night on the ship, the first time they had been lovers, had consumed him. It was the crushing of the cup in his hand that had caused the lacerations. “Do you want to join me, or go back to bed?” Jim asked.

“Since you will not be there, and Leonard is still sleeping, I will join you,” Spock answered with a glint in his eyes.

“You, my love, are insatiable.” Jim smiled as he turned and started down the hall toward the kitchen. However, if the last eight hours were any indication, Spock was not the only one who could be branded with that title. His own capabilities had surprised the hell out of him in these recent hours. And, the truth be known, he would still like nothing more than go into the bedroom, fall into the bed and ravish the man still asleep there. God! What was happening to him?

“Yes, I believe you are correct,” came the answer behind him. It stopped him in his tracks and he turned and saw an arched eyebrow. This man was going to be his undoing! “Tea?” Jim whispered.

“That will be fine.”

He proceeded to the kitchen and poured some beans into the coffee maker and set the control to brew. Ordering up a pot of hot water, he took down two cups, retrieved the small box containing the tea and placed a bag in one of the cups. He went back to the main room where Spock was waiting. The sight of Spock, wearing his robe and silhouetted against the glass, was enough to make Jim’s breath catch. He walked up behind him and said, “It’ll be ready in just a couple of minutes.”

Spock nodded.

“Do you mind if I ask what you’re thinking?” Jim asked softly.

Spock turned and put his arms around him. “I do not mind you asking me anything. I think I made that clear last night. I was contemplating the turn of events in the last few hours and the degree to which my convictions have changed since my arrival on the Enterprise.”

“Oh? And just what were those convictions?” Jim purred into the warm neck.

Spock pulled back and stared at him. “To refrain from submitting to these emotions. It was going to be enough just to stay close to you, to do all in my power to heal any pain that I had caused. However, it seems that I underestimated your power of persuasion.”

“My power of persuasion?” Jim asked in his best, ‘little old me?’ tone.

“Yes Jim,” Spock’s voice stroked. “You are impossible to resist.” He bent his head and kissed the lips of his fair lover.

“That’s one conviction I’m very glad you were not able to keep,” Jim whispered as he pressed his face to the side of Spock’s neck. Breathing deep. Wanting to keep this warm smell with him always.

The hum from the kitchen signaled the readiness of the coffee. Regrettably, they released each other.

Jim returned with two steaming cups. Spock had seated himself at the table where they had eaten dinner the night before. ‘Was it only last night that we sat here?’ Jim thought as he looked at the chiseled features of the man seated across from him. There was a character to this face that had not been there before. A beauty that the time spent in the desert had carved into the features.

“Now may I ask what you are thinking?” Spock asked.

“That you are beautiful. And the years I’ve wasted. The regrets I have for the time I’ve lost with you, time we could’ve spent together if it I hadn’t been so eager to run away. I’m the one that drove you to Gol and sent Bones away. If I’d had any sense, I would have wrapped my arms around you that day in the commons and done everything in my power to keep you from leaving. I would have held on to Bones the day he came to me at Starfleet Headquarters. I was blinded to everything that was good. I was blinded by uncertainty. No, that’s not even accurate. I was blinded by fear.”

“Fear of what, Jim?”

“Fear of the unknown. I didn’t know, or couldn’t admit to myself, what Starfleet had in mind. But even though I denied it to myself, I knew they were going to take away my command. And, I suppose, fear of the known. Remembering what it was like to give myself up completely to someone, and vowing to never let it happen again. What I felt that night was just that; giving up everything, wanting to give up everything to the two of you. I had loved you both for so long, but then to be handed everything I’d dreamed of, and more, tore down walls that I’d spent years building. Jumping to conclusions was my way of fighting that, of trying to place barriers around myself. So, you see, my friend, there was nothing you did to cause me pain. I was perfectly capable of doing that to myself.”

“And, now?” Spock asked.

“Now?” Jim sat his cup down and entwined his fingers. “Sad to say, but it took this latest crisis to pull me to my senses. To realize just how important you and Bones are to me. To discover that being in control isn’t worth a damn unless you have someone you can hand it over to, at least every once in a while.” He smiled at his lover. He didn’t mind putting himself in the hands of this man, or the other one still in the bedroom.

“I know Starfleet’s going to find I’m not the same pawn that left here a few days ago. I’m through caving into everyone’s wishes but my own. I’ve been able to face some demons that have been with me for a very long time, and even though they may not be dead, at least they are much less intimidating than they were before. And now, I can just enjoy your being here. The ghosts of the past aren’t going to separate us again.” He reached out a hand and placed it over Spock’s.

Chapter 3

A voice coming from the hall made them turn their attention toward the archway leading into the bedrooms. “Dammit! Doesn’t either one of you believe in sleep?” came the voice out of the darkness that blasted a hole in the peace of the morning.

Startled by the sudden outburst, both men turned quickly toward the shadowy figure as it emerged into the light. “Well, good morning, Bones!” Jim responded. He couldn’t suppress the chuckle as he said, “Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed?”

Leonard stopped at the table, and placed his hands on the back the empty chair next to Jim. “Sorry, it wasn’t the side of the bed, it was the emptiness that I wasn’t expecting,” he replied with chagrin.

Jim reached out and captured one of Bones’ hands. “Sorry, Bones. I didn’t think about it when we left. I just wanted to give you a chance to sleep in. I promise you, my friend, you’ll never wake up to an empty bed again if I have anything to do with it.” He pulled the hand to his lips and pressed the palm to his mouth, the fingers caressing his cheek. The sweet-salty scent of this man invaded his nose, and caused a knot of desire to form in his gut. Knowing there was not time to act on such desires, he kissed the inside of the palm then released the hand. “There’s coffee ready. Do you want me to get you a cup?”

“Sounds good, but I’ll get it.” Bones gave the bare shoulder a quick squeeze and went into the kitchen, returning momentarily with a steaming mug.

“I’m usually not around late enough to eat breakfast here, so I’m sorry there’s nothing to offer,” Jim said as Bones took a seat beside Spock.

“I’m not hungry,” Leonard stated over the rim of the steaming mug. “Besides, I’ve been offered an apartment in the residence building at Starfleet Medical and I need to have my stuff transferred over before I report. I have a busy day ahead gettin’ my offices set up in the Med Services Complex. I’ll primarily be working on my research, but it looks like I’ll be keeping a hand in at the hospital, as well. That reminds me, I’ve gotta go the hospital first thing this morning and get my name posted to the duty roster. I can grab something there if I want anything to eat.” “Hospital food, Bones? I thought you wouldn’t touch the stuff,” Jim chuckled.

“Hell, it beats the replicated stuff we spent five years eating! At least they use real flour in the biscuits!”

“Leonard, that is an illogical argument. Refined grains are one of the primary nutritional ingredients provided for on long-range missions,” Spock retorted, a hint of a smile caressing his lips.

It was not a smile that went unnoticed. Jim knew that Bones would never admit it, even to himself, but it was obvious that he was in his element during these confrontations with this man. Jim suspected that Spock had missed this verbal jousting as much as his adversary. How many times had just such discussions been played out only to relieve the sexual tension that was brewing between them? Had they only realized!

Not missing a beat, Bones snapped, “That may be, but what they do with it between the storage locker and the food replicator is a nothing short of a sin!”

Jim sat back and let them have their fun for a few quips. This repartee cinched it; they belonged together. Before they could really go at each other, in one way or another, there was something brewing in Jim’s mind that he wanted to address. Clearing his throat and said, “Gentlemen, speaking of apartments, there is something that I’d like to discuss. Do you think this in-depth argument over the attributes of starship food could wait?”

They both stopped and turned their attention to him. The sheepish grin on Leonard’s face almost caused Jim to laugh out loud. This man was never happier than when he was debating the mundane with Spock, well...almost never. “You know, I’ve been thinking,” Jim smiled demurely. “Why don’t the two of you move in here? There’s really no reason to have three apartments in the same city.” He paused, “That is, if you want to make this a permanent arrangement.”

McCoy watched his human lover and considered his offer. Actually, he was thinking more about how Jim had asked them. There was something about that tone of voice, that smile and that way he had of looking through those damned eyelashes...well, ‘this was what had caused half of the knees in the universe to buckle, including mine!’ McCoy grinned to himself.

“Jim,” Spock spoke up, interrupting McCoy’s thoughts. “Although the permanence of our relationship is not in question, I believe that for the sake of propriety it would be sensible to each keep our individual residences.”

Leonard was grateful that Spock had addressed the issue and was not as vulnerable to Jim’s presentation. “I agree, and besides,” McCoy added, “there’ll be times I’m stuck at the hospital and I’m gonna to need a place to crash when that happens.”

“Bones, I understand your reason for wanting to keep a place close to the hospital. But there is a transport station just across the street and you could be there in a matter of seconds.” He noticed the grimace on his lover’s face at the mention of the transporter. Some things never change. But he wasn’t going to address that right now, not when he was trying to make a point. He continued, “And as far as propriety goes, there are quite a few individuals at Starfleet who have same sex relationships, although I’m pretty sure there’s not any quite like this one.” He grinned at both. “Maybe we can consider it breaking new ground, we’ve been known to do that before, you know.”

“Jim, considering your position at this time, that would not be wise,” Spock said raising an eyebrow.

“Spock’s got a point,” McCoy interjected. “After this latest accomplishment, Komack’s gonna be looking for a way to get you. If he finds out that you’re in a relationship with us, he’ll find a way to use it against you. Remember, you’ve served as superior officer to both of us. If he gets wind of this and really wanted to press it, there’s the possibility that he could find out that we began this relationship while you were our commander. Let’s face it, he’s had a burr up his butt every since his orders were overridden and you diverted the Enterprise to get Spock to Vulcan!” McCoy looked at Spock and said, “Sorry Spock, but it’s the truth.” Leonard looked back at Jim and said, “It’d be great if we were in a position to send out announcements, but what does it matter what address we list for official purposes? We have each other. That’s better than we had twenty-four hours ago!” Bones stated, emphatically.

Jim smiled at Bones; he always had a way of putting things in perspective. “Yeah, I know. And you’re right. But I really don’t care who knows about us. Hell, to tell you the truth, I’m ready to shout it from the rooftops. And if Komack says anything, I’ll just tell him to go...well...fuck himself!”

“Jim,” Spock spoke up, “I will not bother to point out the physiological absurdity of that statement. However, I fully understand your desire to announce our relationship. But if the doctor is correct, it would not be Komack who would indict you. He would only bring the charges against you and it would be put before the Joint Chiefs. The ‘no sexual contact with subordinates’ rule isn’t subjective. If they decided to press the issue, you could be court-martialed.”

Jim sighed, “I know, I know, you’re both right. Don’t ask, don’t tell, is alive and well in Starfleet!” he nodded. He couldn’t help but want to tell everyone they knew that they had finally found each other. “I guess we’ll just have to keep this to ourselves for a while.”

“A sound decision, Admiral,” Spock stated. The use of his rank was no accident.

Bones had suddenly become subdued, which was certainly out of character for him. Turning to Bones, Spock noticed a stifled yawn. “Leonard, did you not rest well?” Spock asked. He knew that none of them had more than brief respites of sleep during the night. A flick of his eyebrow told Bones that he knew damned well he didn’t sleep much.

“Sir,” Leonard drawled, “I can assure you that I’ve had better nights for sleep, but I can’t remember another morning that I’ve awakened as... relaxed as I am this morning.” He grinned sheepishly. Sipping his coffee, looking at these men, he thought of the night’s activities and his skin became a deepening reddened shade.

“Leonard, are you uncomfortable?” Spock asked him, his concern obvious in his tone.

In the light of day, Leonard was having a little difficulty dealing with the actions of the night before. In his life there had only been a few occasions where he had completely let himself go. And, except for the other time with these men, a large quantity of alcohol had usually been involved. Last night they had made up for lost time. “I wouldn’t exactly say uncomfortable,” Bones looked down at the cup.

“Bones, are you, embarrassed?” Jim asked gently.

Leonard glanced at Jim and slightly shrugged. “Oh, a little, I suppose. I can’t say I’ve ever had a night quite like last night.”

“It’s all right, Bones,” Jim said, assuringly. “It’s only the three of us here, and I certainly hope to have many mornings like this. Can you be okay with this?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just not used to letting myself go, not like this. And certainly not with the two of you.” He looked up at the men beside them. “Let’s face it, the last time, we didn’t exactly have coffee the next morning.”

“Bones...” Jim began.

“Jim, we have all of that straightened out. I'm just having a little trouble with the effects of the morning after, that’s all. I’ll be fine. Let’s just call it too many years of trying to hide what I was feeling and it’s just gonna take a few days to realize that this is okay. That is, as long as the two of you still feel the same as you did last night.”

In an open demonstration of affection, the Vulcan placed his hand protectively over Leonard’s. He could feel the disconcerted emotions emanating from this man. “Leonard, nothing has changed,” he reassured his lover. “We are here, together, as friends and lovers, for as long as you wish it.”

Jim winked at Bones in agreement.

Bones felt the warmth, both physically and emotionally, penetrate him. He felt the doubts in his mind fade and the warm glow of belonging spread throughout him. They were all becoming comfortable with each other. This felt good. No, better than that, this felt right. He nodded quickly and smiled as he felt his body relax with the knowledge that this was how it should be.

Wanting to change the subject, he asked, “So, Jim, how is the hand doing?” He noticed the places where he sealed the cuts were looking better. “Are you having any problem with the feeling in you fingers?”

Jim sat his cup down lifted his left hand and looked at the palm. He wiggled his fingers and said, “It seems to be fine. I certainly haven’t noticed any,” quirking an eyebrow, “decreased sensation, anywhere.” “Jim, what happened?” Bones asked softly.

“A cup of tea.”

“Tea, Jim? This does not look like a burn,” Spock questioned, taking the hand and turning the palm up. This time, Jim didn’t pull away.

Jim took a deep breath. “No, it isn’t. On the night I was contacted about V’ger, I had been here alone, drinking tea. Something about that reminded me of the night in your cabin, memories I hadn’t allowed myself since you both left.” Jim paused. He wondered just how much he should tell them about that night, but then decided to tell them everything. “I shattered the cup in my hand, but at the time I didn’t realize just how serious it was. Something happened to me that night, a breakdown of sorts. I guess I’d been putting up barriers for so long that it was inevitable that they would eventually come crashing down on me.”

“So, it wasn’t just a broken glass,” Bones spoke gently. “You hadn’t been able to just put that night behind you, either.”

“No, Bones, I hadn’t. And I’m sorry that I told you I had. I should have been honest with you about that,” Jim replied. “Anyway, I didn’t realize how bad the cuts were until you reported to the Enterprise. I guess I was in worse shape than I thought.”

“Spock, he was in damn bad shape. He’d severed two vessels and messed up the tendons. He could have lost two fingers,” Bones interjected.

“It seems to be fine now. I may not even have a scar. Even if I do, I don’t think I’ll let you dissolve it,” he said looking at the reddish streaks in his palm. “It’s a reminder of the night when I realized what was most important to me.” He looked at Bones. This new time together had started as a lie, but there were no more lies between them.

For the next minutes there was silence as they just appreciated the morning and their being with one another.

Chapter 4

“Well, I need to get a shower,” Bones stated, breaking the silence.

Jim looked at the chrono; it was now 0645. He hadn’t been this late going to his office since he was posted to Operations. These men were going to cause him to slip into bad habits, he could just feel it. Very bad habits, lusciously bad habits. God, how he loved thinking about the bad habits they had already gotten him into. He felt his groin react with the thoughts. ‘Good God, if I don’t go now, I’ll never get there today,’ he mused to himself.

“Bones,” Jim said, “Spock and I have already had a shower. You’re welcome to take one anytime you like.” He smiled at Leonard wickedly and said, “Do you need company in there?”

“Hell, NO! You two are going to be the death me! I better do this alone if you want me to be any good tonight! Some of us are older than others, you know!”

“Doctor, in Earth Standard years, I am actually three years older than you,” Spock smiled at Leonard.

“Yeah, but I don’t have a God-damned two-hundred year life span!” Leonard said, as he rose from the chair and headed down the hall.

Jim just shook his head. He had missed the bickering between these two and had never realized what the tension between them had been, until this morning. Jim looked at Spock, “Well, time to hit the real world. What are your plans today?”

“I must set up my department as well. There are specifics that need attending to before the start of session. And there is the reception for the V’ger mission this evening. It starts at 2000 hours.”

Standing up, Jim shrugged. “I know why the 'Fleet deems it important, and I’m glad the crew is going to get the credit they deserve, but I don’t like being honored when I have lost four of my crew. But since it’s inevitable, I’ll be back here around 1700 hours to get ready. Do you want to get ready here or at your place?”

Spock walked over to Jim and put his arms around him. “I think here,” he whispered into the round ear.

Jim pulled Spock’s mouth down to meet his. He kissed the lips and gently tugged on the bottom lip with his own.

After a moment, Spock broke the kiss and said roughly, “If you do not choose to leave now, I may not be able to allow you leave at all.”

“A tempting offer, Mr. Spock,” Jim said as he smiled and pulled away. He headed for the bedroom to dress.

Spock rested a hand on the edge of the table to steady himself, taking a moment to regain his composure. Then he headed to find the clothes that were hastily discarded between the main room and the bedroom the evening before.

When Jim was dressed he emerged from the bedroom. Spock was standing in the main room wearing the black outfit he had arrived in the evening before. ‘I have got to tell him not to wear that for anyone but me,’ Jim thought. ‘No one has the right to look that good!’

Bones came in wearing his clothes from last evening and looked at Spock and his eyes became very bright. “Jesus, Spock! You’re dangerous in that outfit! If you weren’t already my lover, I swear I’d be tempted to jump you!”

Jim smiled an agreeing grin.

Spock looked at the men and raised an eyebrow, which resulted in chortles from both of his human lovers as well as a blue-eyed wink directed in Jim’s direction.

Jim turned his attention to Leonard. “Bones, remember we have the reception tonight. Spock and I are going to meet here and get ready. Do you want to leave from here as well?”

“Sure, but is there any way of getting outta this thing all together? I think calling it a reception is just an excuse. I think their real objective is to make us put on the dress blues, which will choke us to death!”

“No choice, Bones.” Jim grinned. Then he thought about the door lock. “The two of you scan your voice print into the comm unit so you can get in if you arrive before I do. That will give you both access to the apartment until we can get your palm prints on record.”

They walked over to the comm. “Jim, what is the code?” Spock asked.

Jim looked down and then looked back at Spock and said softly, “Never parted.”

Love shone from the deep brown eyes looking back at him. “Never parted” he spoke into the comm unit.

“Never parted,” Bones spoke into the unit. My god, he loved these men!

The three walked out of the door and it slid shut behind them.

Leaving the building, Jim and Spock proceeded to the transport pad, dialed in their respective destinations, and faded from sight. Leonard signaled for a flitter.

Jim arrived in his office at 0800. Lieutenant Daniel Moricy, his administrative aide, was surprised to see him as he exited the lift. “Admiral Kirk, I wasn’t sure you would be in today.”

“And why would that be, Lieutenant?”

“Well, sir, you are usually here long before this. I thought after the debriefing of the recent mission, you may be taking the day off. However, since you are here, there is a message that Admiral Nogura requests to meet with you as soon as possible, Admirals Komack and Fitzpatrick wish to see you about the V’ger report, and there is a Captain Ashland who is waiting to see someone regarding staffing on the USS Alexander.”

“Is that ALL, Lieutenant?” Jim asked emphatically, but then flashed a smile at his assistant.

“For right now, sir,” Moricy smiled back. There was something very different about this man today, Moricy thought.

“Lieutenant,” Jim grew more serious, “before we get started, there’s a situation that I need to address. Will you come into my office, please?”

“Certainly, sir,” Moricy stated. The smile faded a bit from his face.

Entering his office, Jim took a seat in the chair behind the desk and pointed to another positioned off to the side. He never liked conversations to take place over the top of his desk, unless the situation called for it. There was something just too pompous about that. “Please, have a seat,” he indicated with a wave of his hand.

It had been ten days since the admiral had been to his office and, until the brief conversation this morning, the last words spoken between them had been those that Kirk had voiced in anger and frustration. For a moment, Moricy thought that the momentary pleasantness he had detected in his boss was over and the retribution directed toward him on that day was about to begin again. But the admiral’s demeanor didn’t seem the norm for his usual bouts of irritation. Instead, he had leaned back in his chair, propped one ankle up on his opposing knee and had tucked his clasped hands behind his neck. In the years Daniel had worked with this man he had never seen him so...relaxed? Taking the seat, his curiosity piqued, he asked, “Is there something you require, Admiral Kirk?”

“Yes, Daniel, there is. Forgiveness.”

“Sir?” Daniel asked, now more confused than ever.

“Dan, you’re one hell of an assistant. I couldn’t run this office without you. I’ve never taken the time to tell you that, and I’m certain you feel that I have taken you for granted.” Daniel started to respond, but Jim stopped him with a wave of his hand. “It’s long overdue, but I just wanted to take a minute this morning and let you know that all you do around here is greatly appreciated.”

“Why...thank you, sir,” Daniel responded, too shocked to say more.

“The reason I wanted to address this early is because I haven’t had the opportunity to apologize for snapping at you regarding the scheduling problem. I knew when it happened that it wasn’t your fault, you’re too damned good for an error like that, but unfortunately you were handy at the time. I’m sorry I haven’t spoken to you about this until now.”

“I understand you’ve been quite busy the last few days, sir.” Moricy smiled at Kirk, “Think no more of it, Admiral Kirk.”

Jim smiled and nodded at Moricy. “Very well, then. But if I ever do that again, I expect you to call me on it, understand?”

“Yes, sir!” Dan smiled enthusiastically.

“Okay, well let’s get down to business. Get Admiral Nogura on the comm and see if he can see me at 0930. Send my respects to Komack and Fitzpatrick and tell them that I will be in a meeting this morning, but tell them I’ll try to get with them this afternoon. And you can send Captain Ashland in.”

“Certainly, Admiral Kirk,” Daniel rose from the seat and started for the door.

“Oh, and Dan...”

“Yes, sir?” Daniel stopped and turned back.

“In this office, it’s Jim, okay?”

Dan just stood there blank-faced for a moment. What had happened to the man he worked with? This couldn’t be the same man who had shown up here for the last two and a half years at the crack of dawn, not leaving until long after sunset, and never having a kind word for anyone in between. “Certainly...Jim,” he finally managed.

Daniel left the office and went to his desk and sat down. Stunned was the best way to describe what he was feeling. In the last years he had never understood why all those who had served under this man were so damned dedicated to him. He never understood the reason that Kirk commanded such devotion. What was it that he’d been missing until now? Shaking his head, he paged Captain Ashland in the anteroom and advised her that Admiral Kirk was in and would see her. He then proceeded to carry out the remainder of the duties that his boss had requested.

Jim spent the next hour with Tori Ashland regarding her choice for officer assignments. She had recently been given a new command as Captain of the USS Alexander. The ship had recently finished a complete refit and was now being sent out on a seven-year mission. His instincts told him that the Alexander was in good hands with this woman. He liked Tori Ashland; she was about his age, brilliant and beautiful. Had the circumstances been different, he would have pursued a relationship with her. However, when he met her initially he had just been promoted and was not interested in any type of long-term relationship. Now, he had two lovers and his heart didn’t allow room for anyone else.

Tori had often made it quite obvious that she would be interested anytime he was ready. But she never pushed the point, and they found that they could just appreciate each other on both a friendly and professional level. After filling all positions except for the CMO spot, Tori expressed her wishes for a specific individual. “Jim, I want Arianias Rand in that position.”

“Tori, Dr. Rand has never had extended deep-space experience, and according to her bio, she has just recently completed her SRMA. Granted her scores were exceptional, and she meets or exceeds all qualifications, but to send her out as CMO for a mission of this length is a lot to throw at someone. How are we going to know if she’s capable?”

“Jim, I’ve known Arianias since our first days at the academy. She’s never served on a deep-space ship, I’ll grant you, but she has served on several ships in the quadrant, and look at the planets she has been sent to in the past years. There is no one else who has seen the variety of experience she has, unless it’s Leonard McCoy, and the last I heard he had resigned his commission and was in the desert region studying fossils, or some such nonsense!”

“Well, actually, he’s recently been reactivated and is in San Francisco. But I can assure you, he’s not available.”

“He’s back? When did that happen? I thought after the Enterprise went into dry dock, he said he would never serve in Starfleet again.”

“He was recalled because of the Voyager threat and has decided to stay on.”

“Oh, Jim, I get the feeling you had something to do with this. How happy was he to get the message?”

“Not very,” Jim chuckled, “but he’s come around.”

“Then let me have either him, or Rand. I’m going to be out there for a long time, and I need someone I can count on. I don’t need to have my crew keeling over from space sickness before I can get out of the Alpha Quadrant. And I sure don’t trust anyone else on the list. Have you seen the candidates? It’s sad.”

“Tori, there are some fine doctors ready to go. Doctors who have all the experience you could ask for. Chris Chapel, for one. She studied under McCoy.”

“Jim, I know Chris, very well. I guess you could say we have a...history. I don’t want to go into details. Let’s just say in our younger days we became involved, and it ended badly. She may be a fine physician, but I need someone I can go to and feel comfortable with.”

Jim could certainly relate to the importance of having a CMO you could feel relaxed with. He knew he wouldn’t have made it through some of the toughest times without Leonard McCoy there, always willing to lend a shoulder or a sharp tongue, whichever was needed at the time. “I do understand that, Tori, and I see your mind is made up. Since you can’t have McCoy, I’ll authorize Rand. I don’t know her, but I had her niece on the Enterprise. Janice was my yeoman for a while and now she’s a transporter specialist. I hope you know what you’re asking for. Janice is a sweet girl, but...”

“No similarity, Jim. I can assure you.”

Jim nodded. He hoped not. Janice was as nice a person as you’d ever want to meet, but sweetness didn’t count for much on a deep-space mission. She became entirely too emotional when dealing with the unexpected, something that a starship crew had to face on a daily basis. “Well, if that has you set, the notifications will go out today.”

“Thanks, Jim,” she said as they opened the door and walked into the outer office.

Chapter 5

“Excuse me, Admiral Kirk,” Moricy stated as they emerged from Jim’s office. He decided it was still only right to call his boss by his title in front of others. “Admiral Nogura will be expecting you at 0930.”

“Fine, Daniel, thank you.” He walked Tori to the lift. “I wish you the best of luck, Tori. It looks like you are starting with a first-class crew. Keep the wind at your back.” It was an old nautical saying, and one he had been given so many years before. He could remember the way it had felt to be heading to the Enterprise to take command. He felt more than just a twinge of envy.

He went back to his office to check for messages. He briefly checked the posting board that he had been using for private meetings and saw there were several postings from Shayan, the woman that he been meeting in the Club District for the last few months. He posted a brief message to her saying that he would be unable to meet her in the future, but wished her well.

He checked the chrono and headed for the adjoining building. At exactly 0930 he was signaled into Nogura’s office.

“Well, Jim, are you getting settled back into your routine?” Nogura asked with a smile. Jim did like this man. More than that, he trusted him.

“Yes, thank you. It seems that I wasn’t all that missed around here. Most of the communiqués I’ve received involve the V’ger incident. Very little regarding other issues. That’s something I would like to discuss with you.”

“Certainly, Jim, what’s on your mind?”

“Admiral, since I accepted this position, I’ve accomplished very little. I have the most experience with the unknown of any of the department chiefs, but I’ve been used as little more than window dressing. I realize that’s due, in no small part, to my reluctance to accept the situation. I would like for that to change. I wish to discuss the expansion of my objectives.”

“Really? What do you have in mind, Jim?”

“Admiral, from this position I can make a difference for the ‘Fleet. I believe I have the capability to get this force ready for what it will unquestionably face down the road.” Kirk paused to see if this was a direction Nogura was interested in going.

“I’m listening. Please, go on.”

“Forgive my saying so, sir, but Starfleet has become complacent. For too many years we’ve been resting on our laurels, safe in the assumption that we’re invincible. I believe we may be kidding ourselves. Just because we’ve been able to hold the Klingons and Romulans, not to mention an array of smaller empires, at bay on the other side of the Neutral Zone, we’ve developed a false sense of security.

“We’re developing ships that have the capability to take us further into deep space than we have ever had the opportunity to explore. We don’t know who or what we’ll be encountering on longer missions, but we have to be prepared for whatever challenges these new contacts are going to present to us. I’ll be the first to admit that we need to be prepared for any new threats. But we need to do more than advance our weaponry. It’s no longer enough to have our ships fully armed. The crews on these longer missions need the tools at their disposal to negotiate with new species.”

An inquisitive arch of the ‘old man’s’ eyebrow encouraged him to continue. “This is going to call for better communications and placing skilled personal in key positions. It’s going to mean promoting only the most qualified to meet these new challenges to positions of leadership. Leaders who can take charge and make decisions independently. Those days when Starfleet can be relied upon for orders and directions to cover every situation are over. And it’s going to mean revisiting the standards for these crews as well as the manner in which Starfleet considers their needs.”

“Interesting. What do you have in mind?” the senior admiral questioned.

“Admiral Nogura, one change that needs to take place immediately is that our Diplomatic Corps needs to be more involved with training for long-term missions. The future of the Federation is going to depend on how these crews approach new species. As for the crews themselves, Starfleet must assure that their well-being is fully realized, and that means tackling some of the staid attitudes that are still on the books, up to and including those addressing interpersonal relationships. Our crews are going to find themselves in situations where they may not have outside contacts for months, possibly years. I want to make sure that they are not being sent out there unprepared for the isolation.”

“Jim, the ‘Fleet has certain standards that must be adhered to. Unfortunately, since the first sailing ship embarked into the unknown, it has been the opinion that to look the other way is the best way to keep order. Although not an optimal solution, the ‘no fraternization’ rule has been the only system that has been found to give those involved some recourse should it effect the operation of a ship.”

“Admiral Nogura, even though I don’t agree with it, I understand how that way of thinking came about when all judgments were derived from the ruling agency. However, the ships of today have the ability to self-govern. Whereas in days past it would have been unheard of, onboard tribunals have become customary. Within the structure of a starship, there are checks and balances over all aspects of shipboard life, except for this one point. Therefore, should a situation arise, there is already a vehicle already set into place for immediate recourse. Dereliction of duty or intimidation would still hold the same penalties as they currently do.”

Admiral Nogura nodded thoughtfully. “Well, Admiral Kirk, it seems you have given this a great deal of thought.”

“I have, sir. It’s my wish to become active in updating these areas. I want to see to it that we have the most efficient and prepared crews manning our fleet. And I feel we can only do that by facing these issues head-on.”

“Jim,” Nogura said thoughtfully, and then paused. The admiral’s white hair and beard accentuated the ice blue eyes, which held a glint that Jim had not seen before. “I have waited since your promotion for you to assert yourself in this capacity. I have known all along that if there existed a person who could move us toward the future, it would be you. That is, if you could ever get past thinking of yourself a ship’s commander.

“Jim, I realize that you felt forced into this position. I knew it would take time for you to get that out of your system. Actually, I was beginning to be concerned that you never would. And, with putting you back in the center seat on this mission, it had occurred to me that you might demand to be returned to your previous rank and given a command. But, as effective as you are as a captain, I prefer to have you here. As you have pointed out, with your experience you can do much more for Starfleet from the Admiralty. But I want to make certain you are sure about this decision. The reason I wanted to see you was to find out what your choices are for the future.”

Kirk leaned back and watched the man seated across from him. He didn’t quite believe what he was hearing. ‘He’s offering me the chance to get a ship back! All I have to do is give the word! Why was that so very important a week ago, and not now? I know why. I’ve found that command isn’t what’s most important to me. And he’s right. I can accomplish much more from the position of a Starfleet Admiral than I ever could from the bridge of a ship.’

“Yes, I’m certain. I’m not going to tell you that I don’t love it out there. But if I can do what I am capable of, and not have to deal with those just waiting around for me to fail,” he arched his eyebrows, ‘meaning Komack,’ he thought, “then this is where I belong.”

“I agree. However, taking into consideration the recent events, I have had meetings with the Federation President. After much discussion, I am in the position to offer you an alternate proposal.”

Jim’s curiosity peaked as he asked, “An alternate proposal, Admiral? Now, I’m listening.”

“As you know, it will take several weeks, perhaps as long as six months, to get the Enterprise back into optimal operating shape. Once that is accomplished, the President and I have compromised on a plan of action. There are times when the experience you possess is needed to handle certain situations. This most recent event has proven that. With your expertise, the Federation wants you serving in a capacity in which you have proven time and time again that you are eminently qualified. However, I need you here to do just as you have stated, lead this fleet into the future. Therefore, if you are in agreement, we will commission the Enterprise to you for use when such needs arise. The rest of the time, you will concentrate on continuing as the head of Operations and the restructuring of our deep-space missions. Would this offer meet with your approval, Admiral Kirk?”

“A sitting admiral with a commissioned ship? It’s certainly unusual.”

“Unusual, yes. However there is no regulation forbidding it, and these are unusual circumstances we find ourselves in.”

“Speaking of regulations, if I were to accept this offer, there would be the consideration of a crew. I would still want to have a crew, hand picked by me, at the ready.”

“I would leave the decisions regarding the crew up to you. They could be slated into positions in the quadrant and could be pulled at a moment’s notice when needed.”

“That could present a problem, Admiral. There have been some developments that would be considered ‘chain of command’ issues, personal issues among the crew I would request. Because the regulations against such relationships have not been revisited since the first short-range ships began exploring this solar system, it will be a factor if I am to have a crew that I can rely on.”

Admiral Nogura lifted a snow-white eyebrow. “These are some of the same regulations you wish to address, am I correct?”

“Yes, Admiral.”

“And I can assume that the fraternization regulations are going to affect you personally?”

“Should I accept this offer, sir, they will. However, I do not wish to address this outmoded regulation only because of my situation. At present, this would not affect me due to the fact that the individuals involved are not under my command. Sir, it is for all of the crews that are embarking on extended missions that I wish to address this policy.”

“I see." The most senior officer at Starfleet arched his eyebrows in an obvious, and atypical, show of surprise. Perhaps, Jim thought, he shouldn’t have referred to his relationship in a term of plural partners. But, considering the situation, better to be upfront from the beginning...well, this beginning anyway.

After careful consideration, the Admiral replied, with what Jim detected was a small, almost imperceptible smile. “Then Jim, it seems you have your first duty under our agreement. I will expect your proposal on my desk. So, can I report to the Federation that we have come to terms?”

“I believe we can reach an agreement. I would like to know to whom I would be reporting. Who would make the decisions on when and where I go? The current circumstance would not suffice.” Jim figured he might as well ask for the whole ball of wax.

This time, the smile that crossed the senior man’s lips was not undetectable. “If you accept this proposition, you will report directly to me. In either case, I will meet with Admiral Komack this afternoon and advise him that he will no longer be involved in the Operation’s area.” Pausing for a moment, Nogura then asked, “So, is this something you could live with?”

He would have liked the time to discuss this with his partners, but knowing them as well as he did, he knew this offer would suit them as well. Spock thrived on research and the challenges he could find on a ship. Although he was well suited for the position at Starfleet Academy, it would not offer him the opportunities that these missions would. And Bones, as much as he grumbled about it, loved nothing more than a good, all out crisis, something that writing research papers and working at the base hospital wasn’t going to give him. Yes, this offer suited all of their needs. Looking back to the man who was waiting for an answer, he replied, “Live with, Admiral? How could I refuse such an offer? Of course, I accept.”

“Excellent, Jim. You have just set the mind of our President at ease. This latest situation is not something he wants repeated, if at all possible. None of us do.” He stood up extending his hand and Jim rose from the chair to accept it. “Admiral Kirk, I told you this two years ago, but today I truly mean it: welcome aboard!”

“Thank you Admiral,” Jim said.

Jim turned and walked from the office. It was all he could do to keep from bounding out of the office. For the first time in years he was happy. Personally and professionally happy.

‘I can’t wait to tell Spock and Bones about this day!’ he thought to himself. ‘Of course Bones will think I am crazy not to get a full command back, but I’m never going to be able to make the changes that Starfleet needs from the deck of a ship. He’s got to understand that.’

He checked the time, only 1100 hours. His mind was beginning to wander when Moricy beeped in. The next five hours were spent on various emergencies that arose and a short meeting with Admiral Fitzpatrick.

He was just getting his thoughts back together when Moricy advised him that Admiral Komack wished to see him. ‘Great, I guess he’s had his meeting with Nogura!’ he thought. “Send him in,” Jim stated flatly.

“Well, Kirk,” Komack came into the office, his fury was evident, “I understand that not only are you going to be the first admiral to have a ship at the ready, but you are also solely in charge of Operations these days. It seems that you think that you can single-handedly take us into the future. Just what do you think those of us who have been here all these years have been doing?”

Jim started to blast this man but thought better of himself. Maybe Spock was rubbing off on him after all, he thought, as he replied calmly and coolly, “Sir, I assume that everyone here as done their very best in their respective departments. I was appointed to head the Department of Operations and I intend to do my best with this department. It was my decision to change only my own performance. This frees you up to concentrate on your areas of expertise. I would think that no longer having your responsibilities drawn elsewhere would please you.” Jim looked at him and raised his eyebrows, waiting for a response. Komack placed his hands on the front edge of Kirk’s desk and leaned forward. “And you presume to do this alone?” he seethed.

“Admiral Nogura has faith in my decisions. I will report directly to him for guidance,” Jim stated in a very matter of fact tone, resisting the urge to stand up and deck the son-of-a-bitch.

“Well, Kirk, I wish you the best,” Komack said through clenched teeth. He straightened, wheeled about, walked to the door and stopped. He turned and, in a complete about-face, his tone suddenly almost pleasant, asked, “I assume you will be in attendance at the reception tonight?”

“It is to honor the crew of the Enterprise. Yes, of course I will be there.”

“Good, see you then,” he stated with a grin.

“Sure...” Jim replied, suspiciously. Bones was right; this man deserved watching.

‘Well, I’ve always said it is wise to keep your enemies close,’ he thought. ‘I’ll have to stick this man to my hip to keep an eye on him!’ He grimaced at the disgusting thought. He looked at the time, 1649. Time to get the hell out of here. Time, finally, to see them. However, he reminded himself, there was one short stop at the market he wanted to make on his way home.

He closed his office door and stopped by Moricy’s desk. “Lieutenant, I am leaving for the day. Will you be at the reception this evening?”

“Sir? No, sir. Not being involved with the mission, I have not been included on the guest list,” Moricy stated, surprised that Kirk would think of him being included.

“What? You held down the fort while I was away! That’s something I think you’ll find yourself doing a lot of in the future. Would you care to attend?”

“Well, yes sir, I would be honored, but...”

“No ‘buts’, Mister, consider yourself invited. On my say so. Notify the necessary contact and include yourself and a guest on the list.” Jim smiled at the man and turned to walk toward the lift.

Daniel Moricy sat there with his mouth open. “Thank you...Jim,” he finally managed to call before Kirk boarded the lift. Kirk raised his hand in acknowledgment.

Dan keyed the comm and relayed his Admiral’s request. ‘His’ Admiral? How long had he thought of Admiral Kirk as ‘his’ Admiral, he mused? Today, that’s how long.

Daniel had spent the last two and a half years just biding his time until something better was offered. Until today, he was certain that Kirk had never given him a second thought and, for the most part, had thought of Kirk as a cold-hearted bastard. But he had stayed on. He knew of no one who worked as hard or knew as much as that man did. He had learned a lot since serving under him. Now, in one day, this was ‘his’ Admiral Kirk... ‘his’ Jim. Shit, he’d never before noticed that he had a smile that could melt a polar ice-cap! ‘Damn, if space travel does that to you, maybe I should rethink my career choices!’ was his last thought before closing down for the day.

Chapter 6

McCoy accessed the apartment with the voice code and entered, realizing he had arrived before the other two. He felt like an interloper being alone in this residence. He walked back to the bedroom and into the dressing room/closet where he hung the torturous dress uniform on the rod and sat down the bag he had brought along. He heard sounds coming from the main entrance and walked back toward the front of the apartment.

Spock entered, devoid of the sensuous outfit he had been in this morning, wearing gray regs. The only addition was the insignia showing his designation as Chairman of the Science Academy. He, too, was carrying his dress uniform and a small bag.

“Well, hello Spock! How was your day?” McCoy was smiling his famous ear-to-ear smile.

Spock greeted Leonard and replied, “Satisfactory, Doctor, and yours?”

“Okay, I guess. I just hate the whole settling in process. By the way, I’ve already put my stuff in Jim’s closet. Would you like to do the same?” he asked. He noticed that Spock had the ultra-Vulcan facade firmly in place.

“Yes,” Spock replied. He turned toward the bedroom and stepped into the large closet. Hanging up his uniform and setting his bag on a shelf above, he turned around to find McCoy blocking the door, his arms tentatively opened. Spock looked at the man before him. It seemed impossible that this gesture could be directed toward him, but since he was the only other one in the small room, then logically...

As if leaving the Vulcan veneer on the shelf beside the case, he moved into the waiting arms. Their lips met and Spock discovered that his body actually began to relax when in this man’s arms. Exploring the engaging mouth, he felt his lover’s erection pressing against him, and his own body responded.

Releasing the kiss, the Vulcan gazed into the deepening blue eyes. “You seem to be most anxious this afternoon, Leonard,” Spock said through a smile he could not fully suppress.

“This afternoon, hell! I’ve been aroused all day thinking about this,” McCoy purred. “God, you feel good!” Leonard rubbed his pelvis seductively against him. The heat between them seemed to become more intense as both bodies flushed with anticipation.

Spock liked the feel of this muscular, compact man in his arms. Even more, he enjoyed the flood of emotion directed at him when they touched. It was most pleasing. Even with the events of the last day, he still found it a pleasant surprise that feelings of this intensity could be directed toward him. However, the feel of his own trapped erection, and the hard groin pressing against him, had him wanting more than just the embrace they were sharing. Unfastening the medical-style tunic at the shoulder, with one swift movement, he pulled the material over the Leonard’s head and dropped it on the floor. With urgency, he flicked his thumbs over taunt nubs and appreciated the gasp this action extracted from Leonard.

Feeling hands at the hem of his tunic, he raised his arms so the garment, along with the shirt underneath, could be pulled over his head. The fingers then went to the clasp of his trousers and in urgency fumbled with the apparatus until they had succeeded in releasing it. When a hand was plunged under the waistband of his undergarment and captured his erection, Spock felt a shiver race through his body.

“Cold?” Leonard asked, his voice deep and rough.

“No,” Spock answered, barely recognizing his own voice stressed with passion.

Gentle, talented fingers stroked the length of his organ, and Spock felt the spontaneous straining of his organ against the hand with each stroke up his shaft. Leonard kissed him then knelt down. His boots and socks were slid from him, and then his trousers and underwear were slowly pulled down his legs where, picking up one foot and then the other, they were removed.

Starting at his knees, hands were run up the inside of his thighs, urging his legs apart. Spock felt himself sway as the hands surrounded his genitals. Fingers lifted his scrotum and a warm, wet tongue bathed the tender skin. Only then did he realize that the moan that filled the small room was his own. The tongue slid up the length of his shaft and lips encircled the sensitive cap. Closing around it, he felt the soft sucking motions that were claiming the drops of his pre-ejaculate. The mouth slid down the length of his erection and he had to hold onto his lover’s shoulders for support.

Spock stroked the dark hair of the man kneeling before him. Giving into this would be much too easy. Knowing that just a few more strokes and he would be unable to stop his thrusting into the warm mouth, he pulled Leonard up to him and claimed the slightly swollen lips with his own. Arms wrapped around him and, not until the need for oxygen forced them apart, did Spock observe the sight of Leonard’s painfully trapped erection still held tight within the uniform trousers. He slid his fingers over the outline of the erect organ. Reaching for the smaller man’s hand, he led Leonard from the closet and into the bedroom. He released him and backed away. “Take those off,” he commanded, nodding toward the trousers.

“Sure,” came the response. In his willingness to comply, Leonard kicked off his boots and unclasped the trousers letting them flare open at the crotch. “But you can’t move from that spot until I’m naked,” Leonard stated with a devious smile.

The impressive erection billowed from the opening, and only briefs that were the same color as the passion-dilated, blue eyes covered it. Leonard grasped the waistband and slowly began to work the two articles of clothing down. He pushed the material down from the back, turning slightly to expose the firm mounds of his ass.

Spock realized his breath was quickening at the deliberately erotic show being played out before him. Further, the two articles of clothing were pulled down, but just a bit. All was exposed now except Leonard’s groin. And it was only being kept hidden from sight by the briefs clinging to the hard ‘cock,’ as his human lover’s were so fond of calling a penis. The word had sounded like a foreign jargon when he had first heard it, but it seemed very fitting for the sight that his body craved. Yes, he very much anticipated the moment when Leonard’s cock would spring free of the confining fabric.

Watching this seductive display, Spock could feel his own organ reacting in excitement. McCoy worked his hands around to the front in painfully slow movements, gliding just the middle finger of each hand around the band, yet being careful not to revel more flesh. Spock felt himself quivering as he waited for his lover’s exposure. Leonard stretched the waistband out and slowly, seductively, when Spock thought he could stand no more of the wait, exposed his hard cock to his lover.

When Leonard’s swollen penis appeared, Spock could stand still no longer. He fell to his knees and stripped the trousers down and off, nearly knocking Leonard to the floor in the process, and engulfed the hard organ in his mouth, savoring the salty fluid leaking from the tip.

McCoy thrust deeply into his mouth. “Oh, God...Spock...” he breathed. “Oh, yessss....!” Leonard rasped through clenched teeth, after a few strokes of his lips and tongue. Spock could feel his lover’s urgency building. Only when Leonard hissed, “Spock, if you don’t want me to cum, you better quit!” did he reluctantly release the organ.

Spock nibbled at the thick pouch of the doctor’s scrotum. Gently, he took each orb into his mouth and rolled each against his tongue. He felt McCoy’s fingers embedded in his hair, seemingly more for support than anything, but when the doctor’s fingers began to trace the sensitive points of his ears, he knew he, too, was very close to ejaculation. He released the delicate orb and stood up, pulling McCoy’s muscular frame tightly against him.

Both men held each other, nuzzling, sucking and tenderly biting each other wherever their mouths happened to be at the moment. Leonard shivered against him and he knew that his lover’s orgasm was rising quickly, just as he, himself, was fighting against the urge for release. Last night was about quenching a thirst, but today, this was to be savored. His body, too, wanted to thrust against the hardness and find relief, but his mind strained for control to squelch the nearly overwhelming desire.

Leading them to the bed, Spock laid Leonard down and stretched out on top of him. His body was now a hot flame. He repeatedly thrust against the body beneath him, their cocks dueling against each other’s. Their mouths consumed as their bodies, searching and straining, writhed against each other, every nerve ending on fire.

Chapter 7

“AHEM,” they heard from the door of the bedroom. Jim was leaning against the doorframe enjoying the sight of the erotic event taking place in his bed. “Now, if the two of you want to be alone,” he smiled.

“Jim!” Leonard exclaimed, sitting up so quickly that he rolled Spock onto his side.

“It’s all right, Bones. I was just enjoying the show,” Jim said in a voice already rough with passion.

Spock was being driven by lust. He gently pulled Leonard back down on the bed and again covered his body with his own. Bones, now seemingly over the shock of Jim entering the room, wrapped his legs around the firm thighs and pull him closer. Jim slipped out of his clothes and knelt beside them on the bed. Spock was rubbing his erection against Leonard’s as his mouth was attended to the rounded ear. He had felt the heat inside one lover, now he craved to feel the heat inside of this lover. “Leonard, will you let me inside?” Spock moaned. “Will you let me penetrate you?”

“Spock, I’ve never’s just that I’ve never had...” Leonard stammered.

Spock raised his head and looked into the deep blue eyes. In that moment, he understood what it was to want to possess another. “I understand, and I will enter you slowly. I want you to surround me. I will not injure you.”

That deep voice, hoarse with desire, resonated throughout his body. Leonard wanted to feel this man inside. Wanted to feel this man fucking him. Wanted to be entered in the way Jim allowed both of them to enter him the night before. “Yes, Spock...” Leonard groaned.

Jim reached into the bedside drawer and pulled out a tube of lubricant. Spock pulled Leonard’s ankles up and had him wrap his legs around his waist. The Vulcan spread his own thighs wide enough that Jim would have access to that virginal ring of muscle. Jim dispensed some of the gel on his fingers, reached between Spock’s parted thighs and found the doctor’s puckered entrance. When his fingers touched the sensitive orifice, Bones jumped with the sensation. Jim pressed a finger through the clenched muscle. To assure Bones and, hopefully, get him to relax his muscles, Jim soothed, “It’s okay, Bones, try to relax. It’s just my finger. Just like before.” His fingers had entered the tight ring the first night they were together, and again last night. These were the only occasions that Leonard’s chamber had ever been invaded. Now he was preparing the tender opening for Spock as the Vulcan continued the assault on Leonard’s mouth, neck and ears.

When Jim had worked three of his fingers, and a more than adequate amount of the slick lubricant, into the opening, he withdrew and spread more gel onto his hand. Spock raised his hips, and Jim applied a generous amount of the lubricant to the head and shaft of the Vulcan’s penis, making sure each ridge was well coated.

The stimulation of Jim’s hand almost pushed Spock over the edge. He had to pause a moment to control the urge to ejaculate. Jim removed his hand and Spock rose to a kneeling position between Leonard’s thighs. He drew the legs up and bent them so the doctor was accessible. He saw apprehension in the face of the lover beneath him.

Suddenly, Leonard felt more vulnerable than he ever had. Lying on his back with Spock between his thighs, his most private area displayed, and Jim watching as Spock positioned himself for the most intimate invasion, he felt his body tighten. Looking up at the man above him, he saw a look he had only dared to imagine. He saw love and passion, and it was directed at him. His body began to relax. Everything would be all right. This man would not harm him.

“Leonard, I will not enter you if you do not desire it,” Spock softly reassured him, seeing the hesitation in the face beneath him.

“I want this, I want to feel you inside me, just take it easy, okay?” He could feel the tip of the cock pressed against his opening, waiting.

“Yes, I will go slowly. If you feel pain, and wish me to withdraw, you only need to ask.”

Bones nodded and Spock gently rocked his hips forward and eased the first ridge into the tight, slick opening. He allowed his lover to get used to the feeling. “Are you all right?” Spock whispered.

“Yes!” Bones moaned with the sensation. He could feel the heat radiating through his entire body. “More, please, more.”

Spock gently eased the second ridge in. Bones felt a sharpness within him as the full head invaded his private chamber. But the desire to be one with this man tempered any pain he felt. His body grew accustomed to the tightness and he eased his hips toward the invasion.

Spock resisted his body’s urgent need to be fully engulfed, and let Leonard set the pace as the shaft slid into his lover’s body. He would not hurt this man. It took a short while for the shaft to be mostly submerged. Spock began to rock gently against Leonard’s torso.

With the movement inside of him, Bones felt the organ graze the ultra-sensitive spot deep within. Wrapping his legs around Spock’s waist, he pulled the Vulcan tightly against him until he knew he was fully impaled. Waves of ecstasy roared through his body. Just when he thought this could not get any better, he felt the warm hand of his lover capture his cock and begin to caress him.

Leonard felt movement beside them, and was suddenly keenly aware that they were not alone. He looked over briefly and saw Jim kneeling beside them, stroking his own, fully engorged cock. In a flash, he saw the Jim Kirk they had known before, golden, confident, and so dammed beautiful that it almost hurt your eyes to look at him!

He turned his attention back to the man between his thighs. This man was the epitome of an ancient God. Strong, brave, bold, and yet with a tenderness that only a very few had the privilege of seeing. It took his breath away to think that this delicious fullness within him was Spock. With even more determination, he met each thrust as Spock moved in and out of his body.

Never in all of his years, had Jim seen a more erotic sight. There was something about seeing them together in this room, where there were no insignias or ranks, only the passion they felt for one another. That gorgeous ass, pale and muscular, pumping into the body beneath. He wanted to invade that beautiful structure. He reached for the lubricant and spread more of the gel on his fingers. With a slick fingertip, he traced Spock’s crevice as the Vulcan slowly fucked Bones. Jim realized that this, too, was unexplored territory. As Spock moved in and out of the body, Jim dipped his slick finger inside the Vulcan’s anus.

Bones moaned and became rigid. He used his legs to pull Spock down on top of him and they wrapped their arms around each other as Leonard’s powerful orgasm began. Warm semen splashed between them, coating their abdomens with the slick fluid. Spock rocked against him to allow the orgasm to continue until completion, holding him until the last of the contractions had passed.

Spock used all his mental powers to keep himself from cumming. He knew the sensation of the hot semen might be uncomfortable to the newly irritated tissue. He cautiously withdrew from the tight opening and collapsed onto the bed on his side, gasping for air, his body screaming for relief.

Jim now understood what Bones had experienced when he watched Spock fuck him. “Spock,” Jim lay down behind Spock, spooning his body to the heated Vulcan, and began nuzzling his ear, “have you ever been penetrated?”

“No, I have not,” Spock panted, “I wish to be. I must have release.”

“Yes, my friend, you shall have release,” Jim whispered in his ear. Bones, who was facing Spock and stroking the raven hair, reached for the tube of gel that was lying on the pillow beside him and handed it to Jim. He spread more of the gel into his hand and reached down to prepare the opening. He heard the moan of pleasure as he pressed a finger inside. The realization that this man had never been invaded, caused a swell of tenderness to form in the pit of Jim’s gut. Spreading the taunt globes apart, he watched first one, then two, then three of his fingers disappearing inside his lover, and the knowledge that this man would allow him to touch him in this intimate way was overwhelming. As Jim knew it would be, the heat inside the body was wonderful. Jim continued to stretch the opening until he was satisfied that Spock could accept him. He lay down behind Spock and spooned his body against him. He rolled Spock more onto his stomach and instructed Spock to bend his leg, opening him up more for the invasion. Jim positioned his cock against the opening and carefully slid inside, finding the entry was easier than he had anticipated. He had to smile knowing Spock was using that marvelous Vulcan control to relax his muscles.

Jim reached around the bent leg and grasped the swollen, slick cock, stroking it in time to the rhythm that he was soon administering to the hot chamber. He nuzzled his mouth to the back of the damp neck, savoring the alien flavors of this man. Glancing up, Jim saw that Bones had moved against Spock and was caressing the point of one delicate ear with his tongue. Jim felt his orgasm building quickly. He quickened his strokes on Spock’s shaft. A deep groan escaped from the Vulcan, and Jim felt the muscles begin to convulse around his cock. He pushed deep into the tight cavity and let the contracting chamber carry him over the edge. The first spurts of Spock’s semen spilled into his hand, and in a flurry of thrusts and moans, they both came with a vengeance.

“Oh God!” Jim finally gasped, “Is it always going to be this good?” His softening cock slipped from the opening. His arms were still holding on to Spock, his face buried in the back of his neck.

“I hope so,” Bones said as he collapsed on the pillow. “I may not survive this too long, but I’m definitely going out with a smile on my face!”

Chapter 8

“Speaking of going,” Spock interjected when he found speech was once again possible, “it is time to prepare for the reception, and we are all in need of a shower.” Spock reached to his abdomen and felt the resulting stickiness that coated both him and the cover underneath.

“Well, I have a sonic/water shower in this bathroom and a water shower off of the back bedroom. Take your pick.”

They all agreed that water was what they needed and, due only to the time factor involved, showering alone was advisable. McCoy headed for the back shower and Spock to the one he had used this morning. Jim stripped the bed, shoving the soiled linen into the recycler and tossing a new set out to be put on later. He then went to the closet and noticed the shed tunics along with Spock’s boots and pants lying on the floor. He noted the two additional dress uniforms hanging on the rod, and the travel bags. ‘No doubt about where this started!’ he mused to himself as he picked up the discarded clothing. Those, too, he pushed into the unit and ordered up a fresh set for both men.

Pulling out his own dress uniform, he looked around at the closet and realized there was a lot of unused space. It took only a few minutes to move all of his things to one side and free up the area along the opposite side and across the back. He moved Spock’s dress uniform to the area along the side and Bones’ to the back. He took the discarded boots and placed them in their respective areas. He got the other items he would need from the drawers and, with just a little rearranging, managed to free up several drawers as well. When he heard Spock exiting the bathroom, he went for his shower.

As they dressed for the evening’s event, both men took notice of the fact that they each had been given room in the closet for whatever they chose to leave here. Spock thought that given this recent change in their relationship, it was only logical. Leonard, on the other hand, was flooded by a strong, emotional reaction, which told him he was, for all intents and purposes, home. The ensuing, good-natured argument that erupted between them was typical.

Soon, they were all clean and decked out in their Class-A dress uniforms. The reflection the three made in the mirror as they exited the bedroom did not go unnoticed by Jim. He loved the occasions to dress to the ‘nines’, and except for the fact that Bones kept tugging at his collar, he knew that the three of them together looked phenomenal. He looked at the chrono and was surprised that it was almost 1830. Time did indeed fly when you were having fun! “I hope you don’t mind, but I made reservations at the Lotus Spot for 1830. I wanted to make sure we could get in and out in time for the reception. Bones, we’ll have to transport over instead of using the hover if we are going to get there on time.”

“God, I hate those things. One of these days, it’s not gonna unscramble my molecules, I just know it!”

Exiting the building, they walked across the street to the transport station and Jim keyed in their destination. In moments they were standing in front of the dining establishment.

Jim walked over to the steward and advised him his party had arrived. The boy, obviously impressed, escorted them through the restaurant to the reserved, private alcove. Every eye looked up as they walked by. There were mummers and whispers throughout the establishment. “That’s Admiral Kirk!” and “Those are the officers from the Enterprise!” and one very distinguishable, “God, they are so damned beautiful!” could be heard all around the room. Jim thought his chest would burst from the pride he felt walking at the side of these men.

They placed their order and Jim ordered a bottle of wine. “Gentlemen, we are celebrating tonight.”

“Jim, I was under the impression this morning that you were apprehensive regarding this evening’s event,” Spock stated.

“We’re not celebrating the reception. We’re celebrating my meeting with Nogura.” Jim proceeded to tell them about the offer handed to him this morning. The meal arrived and, as they ate, Jim explained Nogura’s proposal. “I hope you two don’t mind keeping a bag packed. You’re on the top of my crew list.”

“Jim, you mean they’re gonna let you, a sitting admiral, have a ship at your disposal, and it’s the Enterprise? That’s unbelievable! Why didn’t they just put you back on her full time?”

“Actually, Bones, he would have if I’d asked.” He saw Bones about to protest, but holding up a hand to stop him, he explained. “Bones, there’s a lot I can accomplish, things I can do as the head of Operations, that I couldn’t do from the center seat of a ship. I told Nogura that I wanted to make some changes about how crews are selected and prepped for these new missions. I also told him that by accepting this offer, there would be some rules regarding ‘chain of command’ issues that would come into play. I advised him that I want to revise this outdated statute and replace it with one that makes sense given the 'Fleet as it operates today. He seemed open to the idea and advised me to put a proposal on his desk.”

“Jim,” Bones whispered, “you told him? About us?”

“Well, I admitted that the statue as it currently stands would affect me personally and my choice in crew. And I even alluded to the fact that it was more than one person. But I didn’t name names, if that’s what you’re asking. It didn’t get to that point. But, given the circumstances, if he’d asked me, I guess I would have. Oh, and Komack was livid when he got the word. I thought he was going to explode right there in my office.” He looked at Spock who had become unusually quiet and had a concerned look on his face.

“What is it Spock? This is good news, isn’t it?” Jim asked.

“As pleased as I am to hear this, I fear that Admiral Komack will do something to dishonor you. He is not a man who takes defeat lightly. Jim, you must be careful with him,” Spock voiced, sincerely concerned. “I agree,” stated Leonard. “Remember, the rules that are still on the books are the ones that count, and that’s one dangerous son-of-a-bitch. Now that he knows he no longer has his thumb on you, he’ll be after your butt!”

“Oh, screw him, he doesn’t scare me.” Noticing the looks he was getting from his companions he added, “Okay...okay! I promise, I’ll keep an eye on my back.”

Spock raised an eyebrow. He knew exactly what Jim meant, but he could not get used to some of these human expressions. Especially those that were physiologically impossible.

Even with the in-depth discussion, Bones had been squirming in his seat since they had arrived. “What’s with you Bones, the collar getting to you?” Jim asked with a smile.

“If you must know,” he leaned in and whispered very softly, “that’s not the end that’s bothering me. I’m a little tender, if you know what I mean!”

Jim bit his top lip to suppress his smile and Spock just looked at Leonard and raised the other eyebrow to meet the one already there. No one, except the two humans at this table, would have noticed the flush that appeared on the Vulcan’s stoic face.

Finished with their dinner, they left the restaurant. The Starfleet campus was just across the street. In tranquil silence they walked toward the convention building.

Entering the massive structure, they were ushered into a conference room to assemble with the other officers from the Enterprise. Uhura, Chekov, Sulu, Chapel, and the rest of the senior-officer compliment greeted them. They were advised by the coordinator of the event to wait inside the room until they were introduced. All were accounted for except for one. “Where’s Mr. Scott?” Jim asked Uhura, looking around the room.

“He’ll be here, sir. He spent the day assessing the damage on the Enterprise and was running late. He should be here anytime now, I hope,” she stated as she scanned both doors to see if he had arrived. A look of relief eased the furrowed brow as she said, “Here he is now, Admiral.”

Jim put his arm lightly around her shoulders. “See, Nyota, all that worrying for nothing,” he whispered into her ear and gave her the slightest hug.

This was the man she remembered. The man who had contacted her about her reassignment to the Enterprise had been a stranger. She wondered what had caused the turn about in this man she had admired for so long. Was it being back on a mission, or was it something more? She knew one thing; no one she would ever serve under again would have his style. At that moment her thoughts were interrupted as Scotty walked up, still fastening the collar on his uniform.

“Mr. Scott, glad you could join us,” Jim, still smiling, called to the man arriving.

“I’m sorry, Admiral. We had a wee bit of a problem as I was leaving the ship and I dinna realize the hour. We discovered a problem with one of the conduits leading to the main antimatter converter. The poor bairn was quite shaken up, ye know.”

“I know, Scotty. But I have faith that you will have her back in perfect health before long,” Jim said apologetically to the man.

“Aye, sir! I’ll have them back in working order for ye in no time! When ye give the word, she’ll be ready!” He does love his engines, but there was something else in those eyes as he looked toward Uhura, Chekov and Sulu. Jim wondered which one Scotty had this look for. Knowing his chief engineer for all of these years, he had never detected an aversion to any form of pleasure from him.

“For you, sair!” Chekov exclaimed. The others picked up on Scotty’s remark as well. This night was for the crew and he had no intention of stealing their glory by making his announcement, but Scotty had evidently already heard and had let the cat out of the bag, so to speak.

“Is it true, sair?” “Admiral, are they giving the Enterprise back to you?” “Admiral Kirk! Does this mean another mission?” the questions were being fired at him.

With a wave of his hands, he silenced them. “I was going to wait to tell you, but yes, the Enterprise is going to be under my command. However,” he silenced the hum of questions that began again, “it will not be a regular mission. I will have the Enterprise, and any of my senior crew who wish to sign-on, but only for special assignments. The rest of the time will be spent at duty stations in the quadrant. So, it could turn out that we spend a lot of time out there, or it could equally turn out to mean a lot of time spent close to home. It will be something for each of you to consider. But I don’t want any decisions made tonight. Tonight, we honor those we lost as well as those who pulled us through this last mission, agreed?”

They all nodded, but there was an eagerness that shone from every set of eyes around him. He had little doubt that few, if any, would turn down this assignment.

His thoughts were interrupted when the man who had ushered them into the room walked toward him. “Admiral Kirk,” the controller called to him, “Admiral Kirk, if your officers will line up, we are ready to proceed inside.”

With a slight sweep of his hand, and a nod to those standing near him, Jim said, “Ladies, gentlemen, if you please.” With little thought and no discussion, they fell into place according to rank. Taking their position behind this man was something most of them had done many times before. The coordinator directed the complement toward the large, ornate wooden doors, which led to the largest of the conference rooms in this facility. The man placed his hand on the release that would cause the doors to slide open.

At precisely 2000 hours, the doors of the reception hall opened and they filed into the room. A round of applause and cheers arose from the thousand or so that were in attendance. The ones who had been seated, rose to their feet. As the ensemble of twenty-eight senior officers filed into the reception hall, the noise became deafening. It was a “Hero’s Welcome” for Kirk and the crew that had saved the planet. The officers walked to the front of the room where the rest of the crew waited. When Kirk stepped to the platform, the room erupted. Jim turned, seemingly surprised by the reaction, nodded graciously to the crowd, stepped aside and indicated the officers and crew with a wave of his hand. That action brought on a renewed round of thundering cheers.

Once the noise began dying down, Kirk, Spock, and Scott were seated at the head table with the Starfleet brass, and the others took their places at the first row of reserved seats. There was a speech from Admiral Nogura and several shorter speeches from other selected members of Starfleet and the Federation. Even Komack had to take his turn at praising the crew on their success. Jim noted that not once did Komack’s eyes meet anyone in particular, and Jim knew that having to do this was eating the man alive. There was a moment when Jim actually felt sorry for him, but it passed.

Once the speeches were completed, Admiral James T. Kirk, polished, bright, shinning, brilliant, proceeded to mesmerize the attendees. By the time he had finished speaking, adoration shone from every eye, well, all except those belonging to Komack, who was seated at the table expressionless.

Chapter 9

The crowd rose again to its feet and gave Kirk and the crew another round of applause. Then, as the chairs that had crowded the room were removed, everyone began milling around the hall. The crew circulated among the guests, answering any individual questions that were not considered classified. Waiters wandered about with various offerings of liquid refreshment.

Kirk spotted Lt. Moricy and his guest, a lovely girl, and walked over to speak with them. He liked Moricy. His loyalty, efficiency and capability were all Jim could expect in an aide. Moricy introduced his partner, Laura, to him. Jim felt ashamed that he did not know the man was joined. After a few minutes Jim left them to move about the room.

He really wanted to see Spock and McCoy, but could not locate them at this moment. He turned to see Komack coming in his direction. He wished for someone, anyone, to approach him to ward off any conversation he would have to have with this man, but no one appeared to preclude the encounter.

“Kirk, congratulations. This does seem to be your night!” Komack said in an almost pleasant tone, almost.

“A night for the crew, sir, thank you. I hope you are enjoying yourself.”

“Oh, yes indeed. I, however, have some matters to attend to. I hope you will not be offended if I slip away shortly.”

“I certainly understand when duty calls.”

“Very well. I wish you a good evening,” Komack stated and walked to a group of brass milling together in one corner.

He turned and found Spock at his side. “Was it unpleasant?” he asked.

“No, quite the opposite. I think he was actually trying to be cordial. Where has Bones gotten off to?”

“When I last saw him, he was making his way toward the atrium. There was a physician he had been speaking with. Evidently the one who has been involved with the new design of the long-range ship sickbay.”

“Oh God, we better go get him out of trouble. We know what his opinion of the new design is.”

They made their way through the crowd and toward the doors leading to the vestibule. There they saw him, red faced and gesturing deliberately toward a woman with her back turned to them and facing McCoy.

As they approached they heard him saying loudly, “...and the extra time involved with the accessibility of equipment could be the seconds needed to save a life! Do you know that I almost lost a man out there because the damned scanner on the biobed didn’t work! If it hadn’t been for the portable unit...” He stopped when he noticed that they were no longer alone.

Jim tried to defuse the conversation. “Dr. McCoy, would you like to introduce us to your companion?”

McCoy snapped his eyes toward them and then back to the woman standing with him. His eyes were bright with anger, but with his companions' arrival, the anger began to moderate.

“Um, yes, of course,” he stated, clearing the charged emotion from his voice. “Admiral James Kirk, Commander Spock, allow me to introduce you to Dr. Suzanne Hollis.”

The woman turned toward the two men and Jim froze.

“Commander Spock, it is a pleasure to meet you,” she stated. Then her eyes turned to the man standing beside him. “Hello, Jim,” she greeted.

Jim managed to close his mouth and then said, in disbelief, “Shayan?”

“Do you two know each other?” Bones asked, looking at the expression being traded between the two. Actually, it was obvious that they ‘knew’ each other, in the biblical sense, that is. What was it with this guy? Was there an attractive female in the quadrant that James Kirk did not have carnal knowledge of?

Jim, finally able to gain his composure, said, “Yes, the doctor and I have met previously.”

Jim could not take his eyes from the woman. “ it? It’s a pleasure to see you again,” he said. He was lost as to how to address this woman. This had been his primary lover for the last six months. They never exchanged personal information but he never suspected that she was in the service. Had they met in passing, he would not have recognized her in her Starfleet uniform and tightly controlled hairstyle. She certainly looked like a different woman than the one he had been meeting in the Club District. Since the night when, alone in his apartment, he had the breakdown, he hadn’t thought of her except for the brief message he posted to her only this morning.

“It is pleasant to see you again, Admiral. It has been some time.”

“Yes, well, I’ve been somewhat preoccupied the last couple of weeks.” Jim glanced at the men beside him who were taking in the event before them. Looking around at the crowded setting he asked, “May we go somewhere less populated to talk, Doctor?”

“Certainly, if you wish,” she replied.

He looked apologetically at the men at his side. “Gentlemen, if you would please excuse us.”

Jim escorted her through the doors, and out to the commons. There were a few individuals milling through the paths but a modicum of privacy could be achieved here with caution. “This is quite a surprise. I wasn’t aware that you are in Starfleet.”

“Understandable, Admiral. We never really concentrated on the particulars of each other’s professional life, did we?” “Shayan, or is it Suzanne?” Jim asked

“It’s Suzanne. Shayan is the name I use in more...private relationships.”

“Then, Suzanne, were you aware of my identity, prior to this evening?”

“Of course, Jim. Everyone inside Starfleet, and all but a few outside, would have the ability to identify you. But I have a private life away from my job, as do you. I saw no reason to complicate our ‘arrangement’ with details.” She smiled knowingly at him. “After all,” she added, “you were clear that you were not interested in an enduring relationship. I’m assuming that is still accurate?”

“Not really. Let’s just say that I’ve recently found myself in a more settled frame of mind. However, I remember that you were quite adamant regarding a ‘no strings’ relationship.”

“Admiral, I find you interesting. I gave you several openings to expand our association into something more, but you didn’t take any of the opportunities offered. So, are you telling me that if I had made my intentions clearer, you would have pursued something more stable between us?”

“No, I’m sorry to say that wouldn’t have happened. Don’t get me wrong, I found our time together very enjoyable. And it seemed to fit both of our needs. But I just wasn’t looking for anything more, from anyone. Not then.”

“And now?”

“Suzanne,” he said as he felt her hand slip into his. He looked down and closed his hand around hers. “As I was saying, events have recently come about that have changed me, changed who I am. You see, I have recently become...involved,” he tried to explain and still keep the identity of the two men that he loved a secret. The two men who even now were waiting for him to return.

“It sounds serious, Jim. I find it hard to believe that you have changed so quickly.” She raised and eyebrow and shook her head softly, as if not believing what he was saying.

Jim smiled. “You know, I guess I’m finding it a little hard to believe myself. They say when you find someone who’s right for you, you know it right away. I guess...”

She stopped and abruptly pulled her hand from Jim’s. She seemed as if there was something she wanted to say, but instead, she turned away.

“Suzanne, I’m sorry if I’ve hurt you,” Jim turned toward her and soothed.

Turning back to him, he was surprised to see a small smile on her lips. “I understand,” she said. Taking a small, quick breath, she added, “Well, things just don’t work out sometimes. Jim, I do wish you well. And I hope we can get past our...well, our past and remain friends.” She seemed somewhat disappointed but certainly not devastated.

“I’m sure that with your involvement in the design process of the new ships, our paths will cross again,” he replied affectionately as they walked back toward the conference center and reentered the atrium.

“I’m sure they will, Admiral,” she said, smiling at him.

Just as he thought, Spock and McCoy were waiting for them to return. Suzanne spoke to Leonard, “Doctor McCoy, I would be interested in discussing your ideas regarding the new design. Would we be able to meet in a more conducive setting at some point?”

“Ma’am, I’d be delighted to pursue our discussion. You name the time and place.”

“Wonderful, I will contact you soon,” she stated as she shook McCoy’s hand. She acknowledged the other two men, “Admiral, Commander, it has been a pleasure.” She hesitated, but then offered her outstretched hand to Spock for a handshake.

It was not usual protocol to offer a handshake to a Vulcan, but Spock was not offended. His experience with many different cultures had trained him for the unusual. He briefly took her hand.

“Indeed,” replied Spock, raising an eyebrow and becoming very stoic.

“Good to see you, Doctor Hollis,” Jim said with a smile.

She turned and returned to the conference room. “Quite a lady,” Bones said. “And not bad to look at either!” He was dying to ask just what had happened between them, but decided this was not the place.

Jim just looked at him, smiled and gave a small shrug. “I thought so once. I have found others more attractive of late.”

“Jim, how long do we have to stay here? The crowd is beginning to thin out. Can’t we leave?”

“Sure, let’s go make our appreciation known and see if we can make it out the door before getting sidetracked.”

Turning to reenter the room they saw Dr. Suzanne Hollis leaving the function with her escort, Admiral Komack.

Chapter 10

A short time later the three men left the Starfleet compound. They engaged a hover for the trip back to the apartment. Spock had been quiet since the encounter in the atrium. “Spock, you seem to have something on your mind. Care to share?” McCoy asked him.

“There is something that is causing me concern. Jim, do you know the ethnic origins of Dr. Hollis?”

“No, Spock, it was never a concern and we never spoke of anything that personal. If I had to guess, I suppose because her dark golden complexion and dark hair I would believe her to be perhaps Native American, maybe some Spanish descent. Why?”

Spock said nothing further for the short ride to the apartment. They arrived at their destination and went up. Jim palmed the lift and they rode to the apartment. As they migrated toward the table, Jim stopped at the kitchen retrieving a pot of hot water, tea, and three cups. He was glad that this no longer had to have a bad connotation to it. Some of the best discussions he had ever had with these men were over tea. Bones had already unhooked the collar of the uniform, clear down to his waist. The sight was going to make serious discussion difficult.

“Why the interest in Dr. Hollis, Spock?” Jim asked.

“Jim, it is my belief that she is, at least in part, Lavidian. When I made contact with her I realized she is a touch telepath. I do not believe her skills are strong enough to read the subconscious, but she does have the capability to read active thought patterns. I was able to shield against her when we shook hands. It was only an impression, but due to the failure in protocol to offer a handshake to a Vulcan, I feel as though she meant to make me aware of her telepathic capabilities.”

“Spock, I have been involved with this woman for several months. Do you mean that she’s been reading my mind?”

“I think there is every possibility. Jim, what was the extent of your relationship with her, if I may ask.”

“Yeah, I’d like to hear this!” Bones chimed in, crossing his arms over his chest.

Jim took a sip of tea before speaking. “You have to know that in the last couple of years I have tried to numb my mind with many different bodies. I was not able to find the kind of release I needed. I thought that sex, any sex, was the answer for me. I refused to face what I was really searching for. I was spending a lot of time in the Club District the last couple of years. I was always on the lookout for willing, available bodies. My selective processes were, shall we just say...broadened?

“Anyway, several months ago I met that lady and she seemed to fulfill my needs. She loved sex and she made it clear that she wished to bed whomever she wished without having to feel responsible to anyone. I felt the same. We would post what club we would be going to and, if the other was available, we would meet. We usually ended up meeting a couple of times a week, sometimes more, and would go to one of the clubs set up for this type of activity, or to one of the local hotels. I never brought her here, and she never invited me to her place. Hell, until tonight I didn’t even know her real name!

“The last few times we met she began to speak of places she would like for us to go together, but no mention of anything permanent. Until tonight, I didn’t understand that she wanted our relationship to become more serious. And I never picked up on the fact that she was telepathic. I only knew that she was a quite satisfactory lover.”

“Jim, the decision to delay general knowledge of our arrangement may no longer be in our hands,” Spock stated softly.

“Why? I don’t know what she could have received from me during that time. I wasn’t even admitting to myself what...” he paused and looked at Spock and Bones, “...who, it was that I was needing in my life. I don’t believe I had any thoughts of either of you during that period.” His mind was reeling. Could he have revealed anything to this woman? Anything that she could share with Komack? What about classified Federation information? He was concentrating on the many times that they had been intimate.

“And tonight?”

He had walked to the commons with her. “Yes, I held her hand when we were in the garden. I was telling her that I was involved, and I was definitely thinking of you two.”

“Jim,” Leonard spoke up, “I don’t know what the relationship is between Hollis and Komack, but I’ll just about bet you that it was his idea to use her to get something on you! I always said he was a slimy bastard!” He felt sure this was no coincidence.

Jim sat in silence, contemplating the chain of events. His mind was spinning. Was there anything she did that would have tipped him off to her telepathic capabilities? He rested his forehead in the palm of his hands. What did she know? And, if she did know about them, what could she do?

Raising his face to the two men in the room they were surprised to see a sparkle in his eye. “Well, if she tells Komack about us, the worst he can do is attempt to file charges against me. However I don’t believe that he can make a lot from this. The three of us are the only ones who know what happened in Spock’s cabin that night; there’s not even anything in the ship’s records to back him up.

“Also, as I said, I don’t think Suzanne could have gained much information from me regarding the one night on board that the three of us were together. I think the only thing he will have on us is what’s happened in the last two days. There’s no regulation against our relationship at this time, however unconventional it may be.”

Spock considered this and said, “You may be correct. If you are, Admiral Komack may be left with nothing. Leonard, do you remember what your thoughts were when Dr. Hollis was in contact with you?”

“Yeah, I was thinking cute, but anyone who could screw up the new design that badly can’t be all that bright!”

Jim laughed at Bones and his propensity to get caught up in the issue of the moment. Of course he was thinking about the sickbay design. He had been furious with this woman when he and Spock located them.

Jim was feeling better. This matter was far from over. If Komack didn’t push the issue, Jim was certain he would. He had every intention of discovering what Komack had tried. If he had sent a telepathic spy to discover something against him, it may not be Komack pressing charges. Jim just might press charges of his own. All things to consider...later. Right now, there were other things he’d rather think about. He had wanted the pleasure of seeing the dress uniforms peeled from these men all evening. The time had come to fulfill that fantasy.

“I don’t know about the two of you, but I am ready to get out of these clothes.” Jim stood up and walked to stand between Spock and Bones. “Anyone care to join me?”

“Sure, anything to get outta this thing!” Bones said and smiled. He turned in his seat to get up and he winced.

Spock noticed this and understood that Leonard was sensitive from the afternoon’s activities. He pulled Leonard to his feet and wrapped his arms around his waist. “I hope you are not in pain. It was not my intention to do you any damage.”

“Just a little tender. Actually, I’ve enjoyed the feeling. It reminded me of you at the most interesting times tonight, and kept me quite aroused all evening. Thank goodness for the long jacket on these damn uniforms.” He pulled Spock to him and pressed their lips together. He felt the heat coming from beneath the silken jacket. They released the kiss and followed Jim to the bedroom.

Chapter 11

Bones tore open the remainder of the clasps holding the torturous jacket together and let it slide to the floor. His arousal was very obvious once the jacket was discarded. He turned to Jim who had just kicked his boots off. Bones ran his hand through the golden hair.

Likewise, Jim allowed his hands wander over the muscular chest and tight nipples and down to caress the erection through the soft uniform material. He wrapped his arms around the flushed body and pulled McCoy to him, capturing the mouth.

Jim loved the taste of this man. Of both men. They were so very different, just as the taste of a fine brandy or a vintage wine. Both very different, both very distinctive, and both very pleasant against his tongue.

Jim backed away from Bones a step and began to remove his uniform. He let the jacket fall to the floor and reached for the clasp on the pants. He quickly had the pants pushed down and had stepped out of them. Bones ran his hands over Jim’s abdomen and down to the soft patch of golden hair surrounding the now fully erect cock. Jim loved the feel of this man hands on him.

Spock knelt down and removed the doctor’s boots and released the opening of the trousers and slid them off. He stood and then backed up to watch them. The humans never let their hands leave each other. Spock had never thought of himself as someone who became sexually aroused by visual images, but the sight of his two human lovers exploring each other’s bodies brought him to full arousal.

Spock’s attentiveness was not lost on Jim. Turning Bones in his arms, Leonard was now facing their Vulcan lover. Jim nuzzled the back of Bones’ neck while teasing the hard nipples with one hand was and exploring the hot cock and scrotum with the other. He rubbed his erection against the buttocks and allowed his cock to dip into the crease between the firm mounds.

Leonard’s head lay back against Jim’s shoulder, enjoying the ecstasy of having those wonderful hands explore and excite him. Through slited eyes he saw Spock standing before them. His jacket was open but still hanging from his shoulders. His erection was obvious beneath the trousers. Spock’s eyes were black with passion and he softly bit his lower lip. Bones was quite ready to see this man naked. “This afternoon, you were quite demanding about my disrobing, sir. I think now it’s your turn. Get that uniform off, Spock,” Leonard breathed.

Jim continued his massage of Bones’ nipples and groin, but stopped the assault on his neck and to watch Spock disrobe.

Spock let the jacket slide from his shoulders. He reached for the clasp on the trousers and unfastened it. He kicked off his boots and slid the trousers and underwear down and stepped out of them. He remained still while observing his lovers. Jim returned to his assault on the neck. He ran his tongue over the sensitive vein and up to Bones’ ear.

As Jim stroked him, finding those areas that made Leonard’s body scream for release, he did not take his eyes off of Spock. He watched Spock move his feet slightly apart and saw the Vulcan’s erect cock begin to quiver from the scene that was being played out before him. Spock’s breath quickened and beads of moisture collected at the tip of the double-ridged penis. And, when Spock could stand his body's need for attention no longer, Leonard watched as he brought his hand to his erect member and began to slowly stroke the shaft, fingering the sensitive ridges, and spreading the drops of fluid across the spongy cap.

The sight of Spock stroking himself, as well as Jim’s attention, incinerated Leonard. Bones felt Jim’s hot cock centered within his crease and grazing the still tender opening. He was unable to imagine having this irritated area invaded again so quickly but, as he became more and more aroused, he knew he wanted to feel Kirk release himself inside of him. Leonard turned his head to the side to look at his human lover. “Jim,” he gasped, “do it.”

“Bones,” Jim asked guardedly, “are you sure?”

“Oh, God...yes, I’m sure!” Leonard panted.

Spock walked to the drawer and removed the tube of lubricant. He handed it to Jim. Jim spread the lube on his fingers and touched his fingers to the opening. He gently pushed one finger into the tight orifice. Bones tensed. “Bones, you’re still tender. Maybe we should wait.”

“Jim, I’ve waited for this longer that I want to think about. I’ll be fine. I want this.” He willed himself to relax the muscles. Once Jim had worked two fingers in, the discomfort was replaced with desire, lust, and need. Jim applied more lubricant to his cock and positioned the tip to the opening. He was still pressed behind Bones with Spock standing in front of them. He wrapped his arms around Bones to brace himself and slowly pressed his cock into the tight opening. Once his head was fully encased, he stopped to make sure Bones was all right. Jim felt the pressure as Bones pushed back against him, sinking his erection deep inside. Bones took a sharp breath and then began moving his hips against Jim.

Jim held tight to the man in his arms and, slowly at first, pumped his cock in and out of the body. Spock went to his knees before Leonard and pulled the engorged organ into his mouth. With Jim encased in his ass and the hot mouth sucking him, Bones felt his orgasm rush toward completion. His hands went to the silky head of the man kneeling before him. One more deep thrust within him caused his cock to convulse and he came into Spock’s mouth. Spock drank deeply until the last of his ejaculate had been released.

Jim felt Bones’ orgasm as it ripped through him, and he pushed deep into the opening allowing the pulsating chamber to finish bringing him over. “Yesss...” he hissed into the round ear as his own orgasm began. He shot his seed deep into the body in pounding waves. When the contractions of both their bodies had stopped, Jim eased himself out of Leonard’s rectum.

Leonard felt the slick cock slip from him, yet the warmth inside remained. He had never felt so complete. Spock stood up and captured his mouth, letting Bones savor his own flavor against the heated Vulcan tongue. Not since his experimentations as a youth, had he tasted his own salty flavor and, in those early youthful trials, he had never tasted like this. He loved the mingled taste of his ejaculate and the warm Vulcan mouth. Leonard ran his hands down the heated body and caressed the hard penis, spreading the leaking fluid across the tip. Freeing himself from between them, and wanting to explore another region of the Vulcan’s body, he reached for the tube of lubricant and moved to Spock’s back.

Spock wrapped his arms around Jim and captured the swollen lips. Jim could taste the remnants of Bones’ salty fluid. He explored the mouth and then worked his way to the neck and let his tongue form a trail across the tight, olive nipples, stopping to tease them with his teeth. He continued across the abdomen and came to rest on his knees.

Spock, now beyond the capability to control his actions, pressed his cock into the warm, inviting, mouth and began to pump his organ in and out of the heated orifice. He felt the tongue as it teased the sensitive spot around his ridges. He felt Jim’s arms wrap around his hips and grab the firm globes and spread them, opening him to the man now kneeling behind him. Spock felt the slick fingers as they slid into him, finding the spot that incinerated him. The fingers brushed repeatedly against the sensitive area inside of him as a slick tongue traced his mounds and teeth gently nipped at his ass. Spock pressed deeply into Jim’s mouth and came in hot, violent waves. He felt the fingers slip from him and he went to his knees, his legs unable to support his weight any longer.

When blood was once again pumping to their limbs, they arranged the bedcovers and collapsed snugly into the bed. Entwined within each other's arms, they quickly fell asleep.

Chapter 12

Again, Jim woke before the other two. He knew he would be unable to go back to sleep. Old habits die hard. He eased himself out from between his lovers, grabbed a quick shower, and threw on shorts and a T-shirt. Was it cooler this morning than it had been, or was he was just more in tune with the fact that Spock was in the apartment? He adjusted the thermo up.

He went to the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee. Real coffee was a luxury they rarely had on a starship. Since accepting the ground assignment, he had made sure that he always had a supply of fresh beans. He retrieved the biscuits and fruit he had purchased on the way home the evening before and set them out on a plate. ‘Well, it’ll have to do. Spock will be satisfied, but it’s not exactly the bacon and eggs that Bones used to treat himself to.’

The thought of the two men in the bedroom caused a shiver to run down his spine. McCoy and Spock were his lovers! They were here, in San Francisco, with him! Better than that, they were a part of his life.

He was sitting on the couch, sipping a cup of coffee, and considering the turn of recent events. His thoughts turned to Komack and his suspicions about what the senior admiral had been up to. Going to the office today was going to be interesting. If his suspicions were correct, he would be confronting that man before the day was out. If he was incorrect, he may be brought up on charges. Either way, he would no longer have to keep his relationship with these two men a secret. Hell, the worst they could do was bust him out of Starfleet, and only a few days ago, he was contemplating resigning anyway.

He heard the shower from the back of the apartment and knew that his companions were beginning to rouse. A few minutes later Spock walked into the room, his hair wet, wrapped in Jim's robe.

“Good morning,” he whispered to Spock.

Spock leaned down across the back of the couch and took Jim’s shoulders in his hands. Jim turned his face to his lover and found himself pulled into a brief kiss. Oh, there was nothing better than the smell of a warm, damp Vulcan!

“Good morning,” Spock whispered.

“Tea?” Jim asked his warm lover.

“Coffee will be fine, since it is not replicated,” Spock nodded his head toward Jim’s cup.

“Is Bones up, too?” Jim remembered his promise, and was certainly willing to go crawl in bed beside his lover and hold him until he awakened.

“Yes, he is in the shower. He will be in shortly.”

Jim brought in the coffeepot and two cups and sat them on the table. He retrieved the plate of fruit and biscuits and sat them down.

“Have you made any decisions regarding what you will do about Admiral Komack?” Spock asked as he took a cup and a biscuit from the table.

“I’m going to see if I can meet with him this morning. No sense in delaying it. I want to find out what his relationship is with Hollis. If it is as we suspect, that he has conspired with her to cause harm, I suppose I’ll take action at that point. The worst that could happen is that Starfleet discovers that we became lovers while I was in command of the Enterprise. They can’t do anything worse than drum me out of the Service.

“Spock, what you said last night will be true; the news of our relationship will no longer be our secret. Once this is revealed, I don’t know what ramifications we’ll face. It could get rather tough for all of us, and I hate it that the two of you may get hurt. I have to admit, I’m torn between dropping it, or do what I feel I must, which may be pursuing charges against both of them.”

“Jim, you cannot go against your convictions to protect us. That is not who you are. We are not so weak that we are unable to face the choices that we have made. This relationship we have forged was not your decision alone. We have each made choices that have brought us to this point. As with all decisions, there are always consequences. We will all face them, in our own way, when the time comes.”

“Spock, I’m certainly not without fault. No matter the outcome, I did allow our relationship to start while I was your commanding officer.”

“Jim, would it be against Starfleet regulations for your top officers to be involved in a personal relationship? Consider that these individuals would vary in rank and chain of command would be a factor. And what if any action would be appropriate as the rule is now written?”

Jim wondered if Spock was speaking of relationships he had only suspected. “Well, if the participants were in the direct chain of command, then technically there would be an infraction committed. However, if these were consenting adults and there were no complaints from any of the individuals involved, then at the very most there would be a reprimand placed in their records if such a relationship was discovered.”

“Would it be morally or legally acceptable for you to send me to covertly monitor their thoughts to gain such information?”

“Spock, you would have never consented to anything like that. But, for the sake of argument, if I had asked you to do such a thing, I would have been the one brought up on charges. Not even considering the fact that it would be ethically wrong, but it would be considered a blatant invasion of privacy. And, depending on the circumstances, it could even be considered conspiracy against a fellow officer. I could have lost my command and my rank if I tried that.”

“If you had committed such an act and charges had been filed against you, would it have a bearing on the case as to whether or not such a relationship did exist?”

“No, of course not. You know the regulations as well as I do. The charges would be for my act of wrongdoing. Any information regarding the actual relationship would be immaterial.”

Jim understood what Spock was telling him. His allowing a relationship between the three of them to occur while still onboard did violate a Starfleet regulation. However, that did not negate the fact that there may have been a much more serious act committed by Komack in an attempt to confirm his suspicions.

“Thank you. I had a difficult time trying to sort this out. By the way, in the example you used, anyone in particular you were speaking of?” Jim smiled, knowing full well that even if he did know something, Spock would never reveal a confidence, nor would Jim expect him to.

“Jim, it’s getting late,” Spock replied.

“All right Spock, I’m going,” he said as he stood up and headed toward the dressing room. He met Bones at the archway and advised him there was coffee and breakfast on the table, gesturing to where Spock was still seated.

“Sleeping in late again today?” he kidded Bones about once again being the last to get up.

“I woke up early this morning, thank you! It’s that horny Vulcan you need to have the talk with! I swear the man is voracious!” Bones growled, but the glint in his eye told Jim he wasn’t too upset.

Jim turned to Spock with a surprised look on his face and Spock just raised his eyebrow.

Chapter 13

Arriving in his office just slightly later than his usual time, Jim was pleased to see that he had beat Moricy in this morning. He got another cup of coffee and began checking his messages. He saw the comm unit signal that Dan had arrived.

Daniel always signaled Admiral Kirk first thing when he arrived at his desk should Jim need anything, but the signal was not usually responded to. This morning he keyed the signal into the comm and Kirk responded with a request that he come into his office. He picked up the data pad and went in.

“Come in, Dan. I enjoyed seeing you and your partner, Laura, last evening. I’m ashamed to admit that after working with you this length of time, I didn’t know that you were joined. She seems lovely. Is she with Starfleet?”

“No, sir, she’s a biochemist and is currently working with the AP-Dar Corporation,” he answered. Small talk was something he still wasn’t used to with Kirk.

“Interesting. Do you have children?”

“Yes, sir, two sons. The oldest is twelve and has just been accepted at the Columbia Academy of Science. The youngest has just turned three,” he replied, trying to keep his answers factual and to the point, however, there was a certain amount pride reflected in his voice.

“The Columbia Academy is an excellent program. I know you both must be very proud of him. Perhaps in the future he will be interested in Starfleet?”

“It looks like that’s the direction he’s headed. At this point the only thing he can talk about is becoming a starship captain.” He didn’t bother to add that the man seated behind the desk was his son’s hero. Nor did he mention the fact that his son’s overwhelming admiration of this man, up to and including reading every article ever published about Kirk, had caused some amount to resentment within Daniel. It was not an opinion he had either agreed with or understood until now. But in the last day or so, he was beginning to understand his son’s adoration of this man.

“I highly recommend it, but of course I’m quite prejudiced on that subject,” he smiled at Moricy. “Well, I suppose it’s time to get down to business. I need you to set up a meeting between Admiral Komack and myself. I would like to meet with him late this morning if possible, and I prefer it be on neutral territory. Perhaps you could reserve Conference Room Delta-Four if it is available. Until that’s set, don’t schedule any other meetings. Unless there’s a request from Admiral Nogura, this will take precedent over anything else.”

“I will take care of it, Jim, and will advise you as soon as I have spoken with Admiral Komack’s aide. Is there anything else?” He got up to leave the room.

“Yes, one more thing. Will you please pull any information you can find in the databanks on a Dr. Suzanne Hollis, and forward it to my comm unit? I need that information ASAP.”

“Certainly. I will get that right away.”

“That will be all for right now, but the day’s still young,” Jim shrugged a grinned. “Thanks, Daniel.”

Dan left the room to pull the information and set up the meeting. Although he had heard of the devotion that his crew had for this man, it wasn’t until the evening before that he had seen it for himself. That kind of adulation was nothing short of legendary. He still wasn’t certain if the recent changes were in James Kirk, or in himself, but he was beginning to feel that kind of loyalty for the first time in his career.

While Kirk had been giving his speech at the reception, Daniel realized that the hair on the back of his neck was standing on end. Never before had he experienced that kind of reaction to a speech, even the one given when he graduated from the Academy. And, on top of everything else, he had to admit the man had a smile that could fillet your very soul. It was as if it radiated straight out of his eyes! He knew if he wasn’t joined to someone he loved very much, there would be a propensity to fall right into that smile. ‘Dammit, get a grip on yourself,’ he thought. ‘You’re thinking like a schoolboy! But, damn!’

“Jim, I have the meeting you requested scheduled for Conference Room Delta-Four at 1130 hours, and the information you requested is being sent now,” he relayed over the comm.

“Thank you. Please hold any calls except from the individuals on my contact list for the next hour. Oh, just a minute, let me update that list for you.” Jim had certain people that he would allow interruptions for. Nogura, Komack and Carol Marcus, who was listed on the slim chance that she would contact him regarding David, his nephew Peter, and several other individuals that were associated with the Federation. He pulled the list and added McCoy and Spock. “Now the list is updated, you may download it.”

“Yes, sir, I have it.”

Jim proceeded to read all the information provided on Dr. Suzanne Shepherd Hollis. She was born in Chicago, Illinois. Her parents were Anya Shepherd and Demarcus Hollis. Both doctors, and both had served with Starfleet. He noted that her father was deceased and her mother, who had received many accolades herself for research that advanced the treatment for beta radiation poisoning, had retired. Jim continued reading the impressive bio information and found that there was both Native American and Spanish descent. Then he found that her grandmother had been from a Lavidian-Russian union. That would have been just two years after the first Lavidia contact. Well, due to her other lineage, it was no wonder the very fair Lavidia features were unrecognizable.

He began to explore her personal info. It was documented that she was a present-thought touch telepath. So, Spock was correct; she could only read current thoughts, and only through physical touch. How many times had she been inside his head? Probably as many times as his head had been inside of her, so to speak!

He finally found what he had been looking for; she had a ‘Vow of Privacy’ on record. This meant she was not allowed to touch the thoughts of anyone without their permission and consent. Spock knew she tried to read him, and she certainly had not asked permission. However, he did say he felt that she wanted him to know about her telepathic ability. Was that to warn, or to gloat? Something worth finding out.

No partners were listed, so she had never even had a time-designated joining. Other personal information was very limited. Christ, her record was so clean she could have been a nun, and Jim was certain this lady was no nun! It seemed that she was very good at concealing all information regarding her private life. ‘I could learn something from her. There are areas of my profile that reads like a porn chip!’

Well, it was obvious that Dr. Hollis had broken one Starfleet regulation. What else was she capable of? He needed to meet with her. He looked at the chrono and saw it was 0942 hours. Plenty of time. He keyed a comm link to Leonard McCoy’s office.

Bones appeared on the screen. “Hi, Jim, what’s up?”

“Bones, do you know where Dr. Hollis’ office is located?”

“Well, yeah, I checked into that this morning. Seems she’s located right here, on Gamma level, suite 710. I have a lotta questions running around in my head about her since last night. I was considering going to see her.”

“Bones, mind checking the building log to see if she is in her office at this time?”

“Sure, Jim, hold on.”

Bones reappeared, saying, “Jim, the lady’s logged in. She must be in her office.”

“Thanks, I’m transporting over.”

“Mind if I tag along?”

“Not right now, Bones. I need to see her privately for a few minutes. Would it be all right if I drop by your office after I talk to her?” Jim paused and looked at the man’s face on the screen. “Bones, I have a meeting with Komack at 1130.”

“Everything will be fine, Jim. See ya soon.”

Chapter 14

He pulled on his jacket, took the lift to the Central Transportation Center and beamed to the Medical Services Building’s transport center. He took the lift to Gamma level and found the suite he was looking for. The outer room was large. There were stacks of prototype medical equipment, evidently some being considered for the redesigned ships. He located her office and walked in.

Suzanne Hollis turned in her chair when Jim appeared at the entrance to her office; she didn’t seem surprised to see him. She was on a comm call and nodded his presence, gesturing to a chair. She was involved in a conversation regarding the newly designed biobeds. “Send me the figures on the Argo model,” she was saying. “Even though the ones we have approved are more cost effective than others we have considered, it was pointed out to me last night that what we give up in savings may not be worth it in the long run. I want to run the numbers and see if I can justify the additional money for the biobeds that give the physicians the better advantage.... Thanks.... Hollis out.”

“Hello, Jim,” she stated after completing the call. She rose to close the door to the office. “I’ve been expecting you.”

“I have a lot of questions for you,” Jim said bluntly. “Like how long have you been reading my thoughts...let’s see, how does it read in the Vow of Privacy you signed? I believe it’s something like ‘against the individual’s permission or consent’. Is that how it goes?”

“I see you’ve pulled my profile.”

“Did you expect otherwise? I found it quite interesting reading. The information contained in it was quite enlightening, or should I say lack of information?”

“I’ve been very careful not to become involved in relationships that would appear on my record,” she answered. She was sitting very stiffly in her chair, her hands folded in her lap.

“Careful? Since when? It’s kind of risky to start with a Starfleet Admiral, don’t you think? Are you sure you didn’t cut your teeth on an ensign or two, maybe a lieutenant and a commander along the way?”

“You read my profile, Admiral Kirk. Is there any mention of any such activity?”

“No, there isn’t. Your record is clean, too damned clean,” Jim stated. He had been pacing the area in front of her desk, never taking the seat offered. But at this, he stopped and looked at her. “That’s it, isn’t it? Someone’s gone in and whitewashed your record. There was something in there that you didn’t want anyone to see, and you’ve made a deal, and I can just about guess with who.”

Jim watched her. As much as she tried to stay calm, there was a definite look of panic that was creeping onto her expression.

“ don’t know what you’re talking about. Listen, I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you, but I didn’t expect you to find out. Honestly, I’ve never tried this with anyone else.”

For some reason he couldn’t put his finger on, he believed her when she said she hadn’t pulled this stunt before. That left even more questions. “Then why me? And if you didn’t expect me to find out, why reveal yourself to Commander Spock? That makes the least sense of all.”

She just sat there and looked at him. After a few moments, she shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know. Call it a spur of the moment decision.”

Jim pulled up the chair so he was sitting beside her. He leaned over, entwined his fingers and rested his forearms on his knees. In a tone much calmer than he had used since he arrived, but leaving no doubt that he meant business, he stated. “Suzanne, I’m no fool. I know something’s up and I know that somehow Admiral Komack is involved. It was no coincidence that you accompanied him to the reception last night.

“Now, do you want to start from the beginning and tell me what’s going on, or do I handle this in my own way? And, don’t doubt for an instant that I won’t get to the bottom of this. And when I do, there’s going to be hell to pay.”

“Jim, you don’t understand what you’re asking.”

“I’m asking for the facts. And, one way or another, I’m going to get them,” he seethed at her.

He could see her resolve slipping. She shook her head and placed her arms on the desk. “Jim, I swear, had no intention of you ever finding out about me. I really had never done anything like this before. But when I met you, the famous ‘Captain Kirk,’ I found it just too much of a temptation to resist. It was going to be a one-time thing. I never expected to see you after that first night, and I was sure you wouldn’t remember me. After all, I was just one in a long line.

“But after that night I couldn’t get you off my mind. On a whim, I posted a note that only you would recognize to several of the comm-boards. I knew it was a long shot, but it wasn’t long before you answered. After that second meeting, it turned into a dangerous, exhilarating game. Holding a position here at Starfleet, never knowing if I would run into you and, if you did, whether or not you would recognize me, added a level of excitement to what I was doing. Actually, you have passed me on several occasions in the compound and never gave me anymore than a passing glance. Anyway, that’s how it started.

“So, you see, it was just this private little game I was playing with you. I really never meant to hurt anyone. I just enjoyed our time together and enjoyed knowing what pleased you. I wasn’t after classified information, or anything like that. That’s one reason I never wanted to talk about anything serious with you. And, I must say, when you are focused on sex, you think about very little else.” She shrugged slightly, glanced up and a small, nervous smile crossed her lips.

Jim didn’t respond to her smile. Instead, he said, “But something happened. For some reason you decided to reveal yourself. Why would you allow your abilities to be known to Mr. Spock? Why now when you’ve kept this from me so far?”

“I really had no intention of doing that. But after our discussion last night, I felt like I had to do something to stop what was going on. But I just expected Commander Spock to warn you that I was a touch telepath. I figured you would show up, tell me you never wanted to see me again, and that would be the end of it.”

“Admiral Komack.” he stated impatiently. “How did you become involved with him?”

She looked down at her desk. “Jim, you have some very powerful enemies in Starfleet. I really do care for you, but I’ve been put into a situation that, due to my own carelessness, has put me in the middle. Admiral Komack came to me right after your return from the recent mission. He’s very concerned about your latest success. He knew that this latest accomplishment would heighten your capability to make demands of Starfleet. He discovered sometime ago that we were involved. Our liaisons were of no concern to him, but, based on your reputation, he always suspected that you had relationships, personal relationships, with members of your crew. Of course he was aware of my telepathic capabilities and wanted to know if I could confirm any of his suspicions. Jim, I swear, I told the bastard to fuck off. But during the heat of the discussion, I let it slip that I had never advised you of my unique capabilities.”

She drew a deep breath, and continued, “He was thrilled to learn that I had deceived you. Now he had something that he could use against me. He advised me that I was to obtain as much damaging information as I could from you, and anyone else who might help his cause. If I failed, he would see to it that I lost my commission.

“When you hadn’t responded to any of the postings I had placed on the comm board since your return, he saw to it that I was included on the guest list for the Enterprise reception.”

“Everything was going as planned until Doctor McCoy cornered me. Then you came out and interrupted us and asked me to walk with you, and I knew I had my chance. Jim, I had every intention of doing as Admiral Komack asked. Then, when we touched, I knew your thoughts regarding Commander Spock and Doctor McCoy. I felt the...well, the love you have for both of them.”

She looked away, “Jim, Admiral Komack’s aware that the three of you are involved.”

“You told him?”

“Yes, but he was wanting information regarding the depth of your involvement when they were assigned to you. There had been rumors circulating for years about you and Commander Spock. I advised him that although the three of you are currently involved, I hadn’t found out anything that substantiated a relationship prior to your return from the recent mission.”

She raised her head and met Jim’s eyes. “Jim, I’m no fool either. I hoped it wouldn’t come to this, but I knew that was a possibility when I revealed my abilities to Commander Spock. I know that when this gets out, it’s going to cost me my commission. If I’m lucky, that’s all it will cost me. You see I’ve been doing some investigating of my own this morning. I’m guilty of conspiracy, deception of a superior ranking officer, and violation of the oath I took when I joined Starfleet. I know an apology isn’t going to mean anything to you, but I am sorry. I’m sorry for deceiving you. When I first met you, you were cold and unfeeling. Now you are just the opposite. I don’t know which man is the real James Kirk, but I know the man I walked with last night is a very decent, warm man with a great capacity to love.”

Jim sat there looking at her. He remembered her starting to ask him something last night, but instead she pulled her hand from his. He realized this was when she decided not to pursue this more.

“Suzanne,” he responded. His anger had tempered. Although she certainly should have known better, he was beginning to understand how she got herself into this mess. “I don’t know what ramifications will come from this. Although I had certainly considered it, I find I have no desire to bring charges against you. However, this issue isn’t over. I intend to confront Admiral Komack regarding his part in this. The outcome of that meeting depends on how hard I push for charges. I will say, at the very least, you are going to face a reprimand. I’m not after revenge, but neither can I let this conspiracy go unchecked.”

She looked at the man sitting before her and nodded. “I understand, and I’ll face whatever comes.”

“Very well, as long as we understand each other. And, Suzanne, in the future, if I get even a hint that you’ve violated anyone else in this manner, rest assured that I’ll personally make sure that you are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Do you understand?”

“Understood, Admiral,” she replied.

There was nothing else to say. Not until he had talked to the one man who was at the center of this--Komack. Taking a deep breath he left her office.

Taking the steps down two levels, he headed for McCoy’s office.

“I have just left Suzanne Hollis,” he stated as he closed the door behind him.

“Well, how did it go?”

“She started this as a game, and has found herself in a real mess. Komack blackmailed her into trying to get information on us. He found out she had deceived me, and used it against her. However, to the lady’s defense, she made the decision not to pursue anything damaging, and she revealed her telepathic capabilities to Spock to warn us. She was aware that with revealing herself to Spock, she could be flushing her career down the pipe.”

“Good God, Jim! What the hell was she thinking? Didn’t she realize she was playing with fire?”

“Bones, keep in mind that I’ve been scorched some in my past as well.”

Leonard knew Jim was right. This was a man that had learned to juggle fire! He just shook his head and smiled. “Now what are you going to do?”

“I have a meeting with Komack in thirty minutes.” He looked into the face he knew so well. He did not want this man hurt by events that were about to take place. “Bones, whatever happens, you know that our situation will no longer be a secret. Earlier, I was very cavalier about letting others know about us, but you weren’t counting on anything like this.”

“Jim, Spock and I discussed this. Basically he brought me up to date on the conversation the two of you had this morning. Jim, he’s right. Neither one of us will break. We’re adults and have made this choice together. I’m certainly not going back, whatever happens. And Jim, this may turn into a huge scandal, or it may be much ado about nothing. Either way, I have no regrets. Do you?”

He put his arm across Bones’ shoulder, “No Bones, absolutely no regrets.”

“Jim, can we get together this afternoon?”

“Sure. Let’s plan on grabbing something to eat and meet at the fountain in Memorial Park, say 1330 hours? It’s a nice day and I haven’t been getting out enough lately.”

“Perfect. Don’t worry about getting anything, I’ll bring us both something.”

“If something comes up before then, I will contact you.”

“Fair enough.”

Chapter 15

Deciding against the transporter, he walked the distance back to HQ. It was about a mile and, by the time he arrived, he was about five minutes late for his meeting. When he arrived at the conference room, Komack was leaving. “Going somewhere, Admiral?” Jim asked the man.

Komack scowled, and went back in. When Kirk came into the room and closed the door he said, “Kirk, what the hell is this all about? I have matters that need attending to in my own department! I don’t have the time to wait on you. You said 1130 hours. If you were not planning on being prompt, you should have come to my office.”

“Admiral, have a seat. We have some very important matters to discuss. I think that you will probably prefer the privacy before we are finished.”

“Listen Kirk, just because you have the Federation wrapped around your finger, doesn’t mean that you can make any demands on me. I still deserve the respect of my rank!” Komack’s face was livid and his coloring had gone a deep red.

“As do I, Admiral, as do I,” Jim stated as he looked coldly into the man’s eyes.

“Kirk, you spent more than two years here accomplishing absolutely nothing. Now, all of a sudden, you demand the command of the Enterprise and come home the conquering hero.” Hatred shot from his eyes. “You have placed yourself in complete charge of Operations and are now the first sitting Admiral with a starship at his disposal. And on top of that, you answer to no one. Well, do not expect adoration from me!”

“Komack, it’s my capabilities, knowledge, and experience that have placed me in the position I hold today; a position where I will report directly to Admiral Nogura, as do you. And, as to coming home the ‘conquering hero’, it was the best crew in the fleet that accomplished the mission you refer to, a mission that, without success, would make any discussion today a moot point. However, none of this is what I wish to discuss with you.”

“So, what is the topic of the day, Admiral,” Komack spat.

“I wish to discuss your involvement in conspiracy, deception and blackmail. I’m officially advising you that I will be pressing charges against you. I’m fully aware of your scheme to use Dr. Suzanne Hollis to try to gain damaging information against me.”

The color began to drain from Komack’s face. He stared at Kirk in disbelief that he had been discovered. His plan was fool proof. Hollis had as much to lose as he, even more. Surely she would never admit to anything. “What are you talking about?”

“You know exactly what I’m talking about. I’ve already spoken with Dr. Hollis, and I have the complaint in my comm ready to forward. There’s no doubt that a full investigation and court-martial will follow. These charges are serious enough that you will be indicted for misconduct.”

“Well, well. I never believed I would see it. You, standing before me with a full set of balls! My, hasn’t the little boy grown up! It seems that fucking your buddies has given you a great deal of confidence!” Komack knew denial was useless. Now recovered from the shock of being found out, his loathing of the man before him returned full force. “What is your next move?”

“Let me make it very clear to you that I have not been a ‘little boy’ in years. As for my next action, that’s your decision. If you choose to go to Nogura and the Joint Chiefs’ on your own, I will leave the decision regarding charges and reprimands to their discretion. Otherwise, I’ll press the charges myself and you will be formally indicted.”

“You won’t bring charges against me. You must be aware that any charges regarding this will result in the revelation of your personal situation with Spock and McCoy, as well as Hollis. I would, of course, be forced to disclose all information that I’ve received if you choose to pursue this course of action against me. Information that, by the way, would become a part of the official record. However, if you choose to drop this, we will just let bygones be bygones,” Komack smirked.

Jim, seething, leaned across the table while supporting himself on his arms. He stared straight into Komack’s face, and said, “Sir, you are a fool. Not only do I not mind that the personal relationship I have chosen be revealed, I welcome the opportunity to have my choice validated. You dare to sit here and attempt the same tactics with me that you used with Hollis? Attempt to blackmail me, sir, and I will include that charge in my report as well. Are you sure you wish to pursue this?” Jim’s eyes flashed.

Komack sat back. Kirk had him. He had nothing he could counter with. He was unable to accumulate any proof to support his suspicions, and his covert operation had just exploded in his face. Worst yet, Kirk was not intimidated by the knowledge that his personal life would be exposed. Komack had to admit that even though it was an unconventional arrangement, there were no regulations against it. “I’ll present myself to Admiral Nogura this afternoon,” Komack stated, defeated.

“I would expect nothing less,” Jim responded, still staring into the man’s face. “I will be speaking to the Joint Chiefs’ on behalf of Dr. Hollis. I certainly don’t agree with her actions in this matter, and I believe disciplinary action is in order, but I understand how she could be coerced. I will expect you to fully disclose your part in her deception.”

“Yes, yes, I will.”

“Then we have nothing further to discuss, Admiral.” Jim left the room.

Komack sat in the chair for a few moments, contemplating the events of the last few minutes. He looked at his hands; they were shaking. What went wrong? Hollis has everything to lose. Why would she jeopardize her career for this man? How had he allowed himself to spiral down to this? At what point did the resentment he felt for Kirk consume him? It didn’t seem to matter now. He rose from the chair and headed for Nogura’s office.

Chapter 16

Jim was very aware that before the afternoon was over, the news would be swarming through the staff offices that he, Spock and McCoy were lovers. Nothing traveled as quickly as the rumor mill at Headquarters. The fact that he had been the commander of the Enterprise, and the others were top officers, would only make the story that much more enticing to pass along.

Arriving back at his office, he reached his aide’s desk. “Well Dan, it’s turned into one hell of a day! I think we need to talk. Will you please come into my office?”

“Yes, sir.” Moricy rose and followed his boss through the door. Jim closed the door and indicated for him to be seated. Kirk was fond of this man and he felt he owed it to him to tell him what was going on before the gossip started. And, he wanted to give him the choice of transferring if he could no longer serve here effectively.

“Lieutenant,” Jim started, addressing his assistant by his rank, “I’m aware of events that are going to take place this afternoon. I also fully understand that there will be scuttlebutt flying through here as soon as certain information is released. However, until you hear it elsewhere, I would appreciate it if what I am about to say doesn’t leave this office. Can I trust that you will respect that request?” Jim removed his jacket, hung it up and sat down on the edge of his desk, one foot on the floor, his arms crossed over his knee.

“Absolutely, sir,” he answered, knowing he would respect any request Kirk made of him.

“There will be a lot of information floating around regarding choices I have made in my personal life. It involves charges that will be brought against a fellow officer, which I won’t get into at this time. I owe you the respect of preparing you before the rumors become rampant and you get bombarded.” Jim paused, unsure of how to proceed, but in typical ‘Kirk’ fashion, he decided that diving in headfirst was the best approach. “Daniel, there will be information released regarding my personal relationship with Commander Spock and Doctor Leonard McCoy. Unfortunately, as my assistant, you are going to feel the brunt of this by those wanting to know if the rumors are true. Let me assure you that as for the three of us being involved, it’s absolutely true. The relationship, itself, is still new, but that doesn’t mean that what we feel for each other is. I’m not going to deny the relationship, and, when asked, I don’t want you to either.

“Other than that, I’m not going to tell you what to say when you’re approached about this. Once the information begins to get out, you may comment or react in any way you feel comfortable. I’m certainly not going to require you to come to my defense. I don’t know what your personal feelings are regarding same sex relationships, especially ones as unconventional as this, but this is the choice we’ve made, and there’s not going to be any change in that anytime soon. You’ve been an excellent assistant, and I don't want to lose you to anything other than advancement. But if you feel you will be uncomfortable working with someone who has made such a choice, then I will honor any request that you wish to make for transfer.” Jim was unable to read Daniel’s expression.

After a moment of silence, Daniel looked up and said, “Admiral Kirk...Jim, I have no intention of transferring anywhere. I’m quite satisfied being exactly where I am, for now.” He smiled at the man before him, “I don’t understand why your personal life is being exposed, but I can only hope there’s a good reason. Be assured, I will do all I can to make this knowledge as innocuous as possible among the personnel. Actually, being your assistant has given me a lot of clout with the support staff.”

“Daniel, I’m not asking...”

“Jim, I know you’re not asking me to defend you. Maybe that’s why I feel it is necessary to do so. Can I speak honestly with you?”

“I would expect nothing less.”

“I’ve watched you over these last two and a half years. To tell you the truth, I couldn’t understand the dedication that those who have served under you in the past seemed to feel. It’s as if you have been...well, for the lack of a better word, empty. But for some reason that changed when you came back from the mission. Since you returned, there’s...I don’t know the best way to describe it, but a vitality, an energy in you that I’ve never seen before. Something tells me that the James Kirk that everyone talks about didn’t really show up until two days ago. That this...” gesturing toward Kirk with both hands, “ who you really are. I also get the feeling that perhaps Commander Spock and Doctor McCoy have something to do with you finding that in yourself again. But, whatever the cause, I’m beginning to understand what those who have served with you before already knew. True this relationship is unconventional, but it seems to work for you. And, in the long run, isn’t that what we are all searching for?

“Sir, if there’s anything else I can to do to be of assistance, all you need do is ask.” The man’s sincerity was obvious. There was no judgment in his face.

“Thank you, Daniel. I appreciate your offer.” Moricy rose to leave the office. “I appreciate the respect, Admiral. And, Jim,” he looked down at the floor trying to find the exact words, then looked back to the man sitting on the desk, “I can only add that I’m glad you’ve found a satisfying relationship.”

Jim nodded; the lump in his throat wouldn’t let him respond further. His assistant turned and left his office.

It wasn’t long before Daniel Moricy began to get communiqués from his associates. His message board was filling up from other staff members wanting all of the details. The rumors were frenzied. Shaun Whitman, aide to Admiral Rohm, and Daniel’s oldest friend, called to see if he wanted to get lunch. “Sure, but let’s go off campus, okay?” Daniel asked. Arrangements were made to meet at a local restaurant in twenty minutes.

When Daniel arrived he saw Shaun, who was normally ten minutes late for their meetings, had already been seated. Daniel sat down and they placed their order. “Good God, Dan, what happened with Admirals Kirk and Komack this morning?” Shaun asked at his first opportunity.

“In what regard?” Dan shrugged, feigning innocence.

Shawn leaned close and said quietly, to make sure they were not overheard, “Well, I heard that Komack presented himself to Nogura and has been indicted on conspiracy, defamation of character, conduct unbecoming... and a host of other charges. It all seems to be regarding Kirk and two other officers that served on the Enterprise. Something about them being, umm, lovers?” Whitman hinted, raising his eyebrows and shaking his head.


“You knew about this?”

“Yes.” Dan didn’t feel the need to advise Shawn that he had just learned of this less than an hour before. After all, even between close friends, there were some secrets you should keep to yourself.

“So, it’s true? I mean that they are lovers? Kirk, Commander Spock AND Doctor McCoy?” he asked in disbelief.

“Shaun, yes it is true, but why should the choices that any of us make regarding our companion, or companions, be surprising or relevant, or, for that matter, anyone else’s business? Sure, it’s an unconventional relationship, but I sure haven’t heard of any regulations they’ve broken, or any charges being filed against them, have you? And I don’t think you will. It seems to me that the real story is that someone in Admiral Komack’s position would commit these types of offenses. You’d think someone who’s been around as long as he has would know better!”

“But, dammit, Dan! They’re lovers for God’s sake! The THREE of them! Don’t you find that bizarre?”

“No, I don’t! And considering your background, you shouldn’t either! If you want to talk bizarre, what about that Myluten bitch that you decided you wanted to take home to your mother! You remember the one with four tits and the nasty disposition! Hell, I, at least, understand what they see in each other! What you ever saw in her, beyond her chest, I’ll never understand.” He didn’t bother to remind Shaun of their Academy days when they had done some pretty heavy experimenting themselves.

“Okay, okay...point taken. I guess we’ve all had our unusual relationships.”

Shaun was unnaturally quiet for the next few minutes as they ate. Dan knew he only got like this when he was brooding. In an attempt to soothe the angry words that had passed between them, Daniel said, “Shaun, look, I’m sorry. But I can’t have you saying anything against Jim Kirk.”

Shaun wiped his mouth and laid his napkin aside. “You sure have changed your tune. Not that I’ve ever heard you say anything against him, yourself, but I got the feeling you were just waiting for an opportunity to move on, that you weren’t that thrilled about working for him.”

Dan shrugged. “I’ll be the first to admit we got off to a rough start. I think that it took him a while to get settled in,” Dan still wasn’t going to admit that he and Admiral Kirk had just come to a meeting of the minds in the last couple of days. “But I’ve learned more from that man in the last two years than I have from anyone else I’ve ever worked with. And Shaun, there’s a reason he had the best crew in the ‘Fleet, and there’s a reason why they’d all jump through hoops to serve with him again. He commands respect by giving it. That’s something you don’t just learn.”

Shaun nodded. “You’re right, Dan, sorry. God, can you imagine the knowledge combined in that match! Not to mention the power each one of them wields! Good thing they’re on our side, otherwise, together, they could conquer the whole damn galaxy!”

“They’ve already done that. They were the officers on the Enterprise, you know! And, yeah, I’m glad they’re on our side!”

Shaun laughed. Dan was right! Damn, what a union! “You know what, Dan? You may think I’m crazy, but I almost envy them.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean,” he replied, thoughtfully.

“You, Dan? You have a great union with Laura.”

“Sure I do, Shaun, but would she face what these men are facing, and still stand beside me? Would I stand beside her? I like to think our union is strong, but I can’t image possessing the kind of internal fortitude that something like this takes.”

“Yeah, I see your point,” Shaun nodded as they left the restaurant.

Before the day was out, most of the staff was doing more dreaming about one day finding a relationship as strong as Kirk’s than condemning the love of these men. When the aides to two of the most powerful men in Starfleet started putting a positive spin on the alliance, the relationship became generally accepted as enviable instead of sordid. The very few who actually did disapprove were so outnumbered, that before long the few dissenters chose to keep their opinions to themselves. Most of the staff concentrated on the indictment of Komack. Now that was scandalous! The gossip mill had a great time with that one.

Chapter 17

The transporter beam dropped Jim just in front of the fountain at Memorial Park. The park was relatively deserted due to the fact that it was somewhat distanced from the business district and most people didn’t use this park during the week. Bones hadn’t arrived, so Jim wandered around the fountain reading the stone memorials to various men and women that had given their lives for this country, continent, world, or sector. Some of the stones were so faint that the words were hard to read due to the fact that the engravings had become worn and rounded from exposure to chemicals that used to be found in the air.

He traced one of the dates on the older stones. It was honoring a Sergeant that served the US Army in WW2 in the year 1943. Jim stood there looking at the date, contemplating what it would have been like to live back then. Very specific guidelines on right and wrong, everything in black and white, condemnation of anyone or anything that didn’t mirror your beliefs regarding race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. How would it have been to have to live in a society that was so very intolerant? The possible ramifications that Spock, McCoy, and he may face once their status was revealed may be somewhat uncomfortable, but in the era of the early to mid twentieth century, had it been discovered that they were lovers, they would have been put to death by many societies that existed at that time and ostracized by the rest.

He heard the whine of a transporter beam off to the right. He turned to see Bones appear. “You, using a transporter? I can’t believe it! I thought you would have walked the twenty kilometers or so first!”

“I would have, if I hadn’t been running so damn late!” Bones growled. His mood seemed to brightening at the sight of Jim. “So,” he asked, “have you been here long? What’ve you been doing?”

“Not long. I was just reading some of the memorials and thinking how very glad I am that we have each other, here and now.” The sun glinted off of the dark golden hair, but the glow in the eyes put it to shame.

“I know, Jim, I know,” Bones whispered.

They found an area in the open, settled on the grass, and removed their jackets to take advantage of the warm sun. Bones handed Jim a salad and a bottle of juice. They sat together eating when Bones looked at Jim and asked, “How did it go with Komack?”

“About as well as could be expected. He is going to present himself to Nogura today and is supposed to confess his crimes. I advised him if he did, I wouldn’t bring charges against him and that I would leave the disciplinary action to the discretion of the Joint Chiefs.”

“Do you think he will?”

“I believe we came to a meeting of the minds on why he should. I guess I’ll find out this afternoon. I have no doubt that Nogura will call me in for a statement. I told Daniel Moricy the basics of what was going on. I wanted him to be prepared before the shit hits the fan. I offered him an out if he wanted to transfer, but he insisted it’s his wish to remain with me. He really is a helluva nice man. He actually congratulated me on finding a satisfactory relationship.” Jim laid his salad to the side and stretched out on the grass, folding his arms under his head. The sun felt good on his face. He had been planetside for these years, but never got out during the day.

“Well, whatever happens,” Leonard said, stretched out on his side, propped up on one elbow, “remember, we’re in this together. I know you, Jim, ya always want to take everything on yourself. Keep in mind you’re not alone in this.”

Jim freed one arm from under his head and ran his fingers down the face of the man beside him. The texture of the skin, the slightest stubble of the heavy beard, these were becoming second nature to him. He loved the feel of this man. “Do you have any idea of the effect you have on me?”

Leonard placed one hand on Jim’s chest and lightly ran his fingers over the rock-hard pectoral muscles. “Yeah, I think so,” Leonard whispered, not trusting his voice for anything louder.

“I love you, you know,” Jim whispered.

Leonard could only nod. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he glanced around to make sure they were unobserved and leaned down to join his lips to Jim’s. The freedom to do this was still new to him. He had wanted to taste these lips for so long that he couldn’t remember a time when he hadn’t dreamed about this. The ability to now take advantage of his desires always affected him the same. He pulled away from the lips, knowing this was certainly not the place to engage in anything more physical. He couldn’t resist a glance toward the groin of the man beside him. 'Yep, same response,’ he thought, noticing the movement beneath the fabric.

Jim moved his hand to the bulge in Leonard’s pants and brushed the back of his hand against the hardening mass. “Later,” he whispered.

“Promise?” smiled Bones, wickedly.

Jim’s communicator beeped. Sitting up and clearing his throat of the passion that he was feeling, he flipped open the lid. “Kirk, here.”

“Admiral Kirk, Admiral Nogura wants to know if you could come to his office,” Moricy stated.

“When, Lieutenant?”

“Now, sir.”

“Yes, advise him I’ll be there in five minutes. Pinpoint my location and have me transported to CTC. Kirk out.”

“Yes, sir.”

Standing up and retrieving his jacket, he nodded to the man still seated on the ground. “Well, Bones, duty calls. I’ll see you tonight.”

Bones nodded as the whine of the transporter picked up the signal and Jim disappeared. Bones shook his head and called for a hover.

Arriving at the transport center, Jim walked briskly toward the Headquarters building. As he rode up on the lift, he made sure there were no bits of grass clinging to his uniform. He smoothed his hair and straightened his jacket. Now was not the time to look sloppy, not that he ever did.

Arriving on the Command floor, he exited and was immediately met and ushered into Admiral Nogura’s office.

“Jim, have a seat,” Nogura motioned. “I’ve had an interesting discussion with Admiral Komack. But I am sure that comes as no surprise to you.” Nogura sat back in his chair and looked at the man seated in front of him.

“Admiral, I advised Admiral Komack that I would give him the option of presenting himself to you, or I would press formal charges.”

“He has done so. He has been accused of conspiracy, defamation of character, attempted blackmail and conduct unbecoming an officer. There is also a Lieutenant,” he looked at the report, then back at Kirk, “Hollis, who has been charged as well. I would like to get your statement regarding the charges against these two individuals. As this will be for the official record, do you consent to having this recorded?”

“Yes, Admiral, I consent.”

He keyed the record command on the comm unit. The next thirty minutes were spent answering questions regarding the charges. At the end of the session Nogura asked, “Do you understand, and accept, that by making this testimony, facts alluded to in this report regarding your personal life will become a part of the official document?”

‘Here it is. With this affirmation, the information will be there for all to see,' Jim thought. He looked directly at Nogura and replied, “I understand, and I accept.”

Nogura turned, keyed information into the comm unit and flipped off the record command. Turning back to Kirk, his tone became softer than that of the Commander of Starfleet. “Jim, you know that this information will be released, and that you and your companions may encounter adversity. I want you to know that I understand how difficult it can be to forge a relationship from a position of leadership. Unfortunately, most unions do not survive. I wish you the best.”

“Thank you, Admiral Nogura, I think we just may beat the odds. The strength of character of these two individuals is extraordinary.”

“Indeed. And, I might add, the same can be said of you. I realize that this could not have been an easy decision. No one wishes to have his personal life held up to scrutiny.” He became more authoritative as he continued, “Now, regarding Admiral Komack, there will be a meeting and vote tomorrow to decide the penalty for these admissions. You may attend, however, due to your involvement, you will be unable to vote on this decision. Therefore, you may excuse yourself from the proceedings if you wish. I will tell you that I will be recommending impeachment with censure and a grade reduction to Admiral Grade I. Jim, this may seem insufficient punishment, but Admiral Komack has clout with several factions of the Federation Council that we need to keep appeased at this time. I don’t need to explain to you some of the problems we are having in Sector 9. He has been an effective liaison for those planets that have been courted by the Klingon Empire.”

“Admiral Nogura, I fully understand the importance of that sector. I have put this matter in your hands and I will abide by any decision. May I add, that as for Lieutenant Hollis, I would like for the panel to be aware that without her cooperation, we would be unaware of the actions by Admiral Komack.”

“That will be taken into consideration.”

“Thank you, Admiral. I will excuse myself from the meeting tomorrow. I believe my presence would only serve as a disruption.”

“As you wish.”

Kirk rose to exit the office when Nogura added, “Jim, I hesitate to bring this up, but I wanted you to know that I do not have any intention of pressing the issue as to whether this relationship existed on board the Enterprise. It has no bearing on the charges at hand, but you are aware that it is against Starfleet regulations for Spock and McCoy to serve under your command in the future.”

“I’m aware that that rule does exist. However, without making a statement regarding past occurrences, and as I discussed with you previously, I feel we need to revisit some of these regulations.”

“Well, Jim,” Nogura looked at him and smiled, “present alternatives to me.”

“Affirmative, sir. I will begin work on that.” He returned the smile and left the office.

Jim spent the next hour with Admiral Fitzpatrick and his staff regarding the V’ger report. Fitz’ department was in charge of the final report from the data obtained from the ship’s computers. All seemed to be going well. He left the data center to return to his office.

Oh yes, the news had spread! By the looks he was receiving from the support staff, it was obvious. It always amazed him that the only thing that could travel faster than the newest warp engine was the speed of a good rumor. However the glances directed toward him certainly didn’t seem to be disdainful. Quite the contrary. The reaction from the individuals he passed seemed to be genuine smiles of acceptance.

Jim felt that he owed a great deal of appreciation to Daniel Moricy. He wasn’t sure what he had done, but Jim was sure that this reception was directly related to his assistant. The staff seemed supportive, and his meeting with Admiral Nogura had gone better he could have anticipated. He would never have believed the acceptance of their relationship would be this easy.

Arriving at his office, and noting that Daniel wasn’t at his desk, Jim closed the door and seated himself at the comm unit. Checking for messages, he saw he had several. One was the notification of the convening of the Joint Chiefs that would be held at 1400 hours the following day; the purpose of which would be to address pending charges against Admiral Komack. Most of the other messages were from members of the Starfleet brass inviting him, Spock, and McCoy to various gatherings. He had always been in demand for social functions, but this was beyond the norm, even for him. One message was from Uhura; she wanted him to know how happy ‘they’ were for the three of them. Well, it seemed that there was going to be a general approval and acceptance of the three men as partners.

When he saw Moricy’s signal that he had returned, Jim went to his desk. “Dan, I just want to thank you for today. I believe you had a hand in the acceptance I’m receiving from the staff.”

“Jim, there is no reason to thank me. I’ve only expressed my opinion,” Moricy stated.

Jim nodded and noted it was only 1430 hours. “I’ve decided to leave for the rest of the day and make it a long weekend. It’s my recommendation that you do the same, Lieutenant.” This was hours earlier than he usually left his office.

“You, sir? Actually leaving before dark?” Daniel asked him, his humor was obvious.

“Daniel, there are times that we must put other things before business!” Probably much more that he should have said, but he had become very comfortable with this man.

“Yes, sir!” Moricy began to close down for the day. He sure hoped Laura was home, and alone, this afternoon!

Chapter 18

Jim placed a message to both Bones and Spock telling them he was heading home. It was still early and he knew it would probably be a while before either could break away. Arriving home, he felt the emptiness of the rooms without their presence. He had spent almost three years living alone in the apartment. It had become his refuge and he had relished in the quiet he found there. He never brought his casual partners to his sanctuary. But now, being here alone was different. Two very important entities were missing.

He decided to treat himself to a long hot bath. He tossed his clothes into the recycler and started running the water. Although still only mid-afternoon, it had been a long day. There were only so many levels that your emotions could transition through before exhaustion takes over. And sleep had not exactly been a priority the last few nights. He could feel the tension in his shoulders and back. He stepped into the tub and eased himself into the steamy water. He keyed the jet control and the hot water began to pulse against his body. He stretched out and felt the tension being massaged from his muscles. Relaxed, so very relaxed. He laid his head back against a towel and drifted in and out of drowsiness.

Jim’s thoughts had turned to his lovers as the water pounded against his skin. How they feel, how they smell, the sensation of them against his body. He could feel his erection grow and he lifted his knees and spread his legs, letting his hand glide over his genitals. Now that he did not need to fear the memories, he found it pleasant to touch himself. He had not been able to do this for years. Only the memory of the three of them together would bring him release, and he had been unwilling to allow himself those memories. Now he could let his hands run over his body and not be afraid.

He rolled a tight nipple between his thumb and forefinger then moved to the other. The air in the room felt cool to his wet skin and made his nipples that much more responsive. He concentrated on exploring the area between his thighs. Jim felt the heavy sack that was becoming swollen, felt the orbs inside gently moving with his increased arousal. He let his fingers graze up his cock and caress the ridge encircling the head. His head was laid back and his eyes nearly closed, enjoying the response of his body to his own touch.

Leonard had received the message that Jim was going home for the day. He had been called to the hospital unit for a consult but as soon as he was finished there, he went to his apartment, picked up most of his casual clothes and headed for Jim’s. He entered the apartment and started back to the bedroom to stow his clothes when he heard the jets running in the bathroom. “Hello,” he called into the bathroom.

Jim's momentary first reaction to the sound of the man calling to him was to hide the activity of the last few minutes, but it was only a momentary reaction. This was his lover, one of the reasons he was able to lay here and pleasure himself. “Hi, Bones,” Jim purred from the tub, “You want to join me?”

Leonard walked into the bathroom and saw Jim sitting back in the tub, his body flushed from the heat of the water, droplets of water clinging to his chest, and his knees spread with his fingers playing over the exposed head of the engorged, swollen shaft. He was looking at him through the fringe of lashes, which were in wet clumps, making them even darker than usual. Leonard quickly stashed the armful of items, slipped out of his clothes, and eased himself into the other end of the tub. He was already becoming erect from the sight of Jim and the feeling of the water bubbling against his scrotum brought him to a full hard-on.

“Well, Jim, how did it go? I’m assuming the word is out,” he asked as he stretched his legs out on either side of Jim’s.

“Amazingly well for me. How about you? Any problems?”

“Well, yeah, now that you mention it! It seems we’ve been added to the A-list for social gatherings. Every administrator has invited us to a dinner party.” Jim lowered one leg and McCoy felt a foot traveling up the inside of his calf.

Jim chuckled, “Well, it looks like you are just going to have to get used to the collar on that dress uniform. I have received quite a few invitations myself,” he said, allowing his foot to caress the inside of Bones’ knee, slowly inching upward.

Bones rolled his eyes, then sucked a quick breath between his lips when Jim’s toes brushed against the inside of his thigh. “We could just turn them down, ya know.”

“Bones, they’re letting us know they accept this and they are welcoming us into the loop. I think we should accommodate most of these invitations, at least for a while. Let’s face it, this could’ve been received a whole lot worse!” He let his toes brush against the thick sack.

“Have you heard anything about what will happen to Komack?” Leonard’s breathing was becoming ragged.

“Yes,” Jim answered, still stroking his own cock, “The Joint Chiefs will meet tomorrow to court-martial him. Nogura said that he would probably be reduced in rank, probably two steps, and censured.”

“Is that all? For all of the charges against him?” Leonard sighed.

Jim knew that under normal circumstances, Leonard would have been livid; outraged that Komack hadn’t been drummed out of Starfleet. But the deep breaths, and the head tilted back, eyes hooded, told Jim that Bones was thinking more about what was happening here. Maybe that was best. Maybe after all these years he had finally found a way of dealing with that famous McCoy temper. From now on, all he had to do was figure out a way to get his volatile lover into the tub with him before any discussions that might turn litigious. No problem there, as long as they didn’t mind staying waterlogged, Jim smiled to himself.

“Bones, the problem is, he is our best liaison with the Federation members in Sector 9. It is either let him continue, or risk war in that sector with the Klingons. Given the choices, I personally prefer Starfleet going somewhat easy on him and keep him communicating with these delegates. And I’m okay with this. It has forced his hand to admit to his wrongdoing, documented it for the record, and has allowed us the freedom so we no longer have to hide our relationship.” His toes found the base of the hard shaft. “I just hope Spock isn’t receiving any flak from the administrators at the Academy. I tried to call him, but only got to leave him a message.”

“Spock will handle this just fine,” McCoy soothed, noticing the worried expression that had appeared on Jim's face. “Besides, with the stellar reputation he has, they’re not going to say or do anything to risk losing him. They never dreamed they would get someone with his qualifications to chair the Science Academy. They're damned lucky, and they know it!” He reached down and began to massage the toes that were pressing against his cock.

“I’m sure you’re right, Bones. I’m just still anxious to hear from him.” McCoy maneuvered a little so he could stroke his foot against Jim’s organ, Jim jumped a little with the sensation of the foot against his genitals. He rubbed his cock against the toes.

“Jim, I think... I think...oh God, I forgot what I was saying,” Bones moaned. “I think we should continue this conversation later when I can concentrate. That feels so good!”

Jim watched the face of the man dissolve into pleasure. He had ice blue eyes that would become dark azure when he was aroused. Those eyes mirrored that soul of fire and ice. Leonard’s temper could cause walls to quake, yet his tenderness could melt stone. Jim wanted to feel this man in his arms. He turned in the tub to lie beside Bones. Jim placed an arm around the solid body and used his other hand to trace the line of Leonard’s face. Tilting the face toward him, Jim captured the mouth.

Even now, Jim was in awe at being able to touch Leonard in this way. Running his hand down the muscular arm, he pulled Bones’ hand up and examined it. This man had amazing hands; broad and strong and skilled, able to bring the near dead back to life, yet for all that they were very soft. Releasing the hand back into the water that bubbled around them, Jim ran his fingers down the lightly furred chest and across the slim abdomen and felt the legs part. He caressed the inside of the thighs and the hot pouch before encircling the erection with his hand. As he stroked the shaft, his thumb grazed over the spongy head, tracing the small opening.

Jim felt a shiver run through the body next to him. “Are you cold?” Jim whispered, realizing that the water was cooling a bit and their wet skin was being exposed to the air.

“A little, but I don’t want to stop this.”

“Bones, nothing is going to stop this, but let’s get out of the water and into someplace a little warmer and softer.” He placed another kiss on the lips and shifted so they could get out of the tub. He handed them each a warm towel. They dried themselves and walked into the bedroom. Jim pulled Bones down beside him on the bed and wrapped his arms around him. “Better?”

“Better, but let’s not rule out that tub thing altogether, okay?”

Jim had dropped his towel on the floor but Bones still had his wrapped around his waist. Jim began to trace the peak created by the towel over the erection. He stroked it through the soft material, feeling the heat from the organ radiate through the cloth. He bent down and gently massaged the head of the terrycloth-covered cock with his teeth, applying just enough pressure to cause Bones to gasp with pleasure. He moved back up the body and opened the towel to reveal the straining erection.

He loved the sight of this man naked lying beneath him. The thick shaft protruding upward, surrounded by a patch of dark fur, the solid, smooth abdomen that he loved running his hands over, the well-defined chest and the sprinkling of dark hair that seemed to emphasize the nubs of the overly sensitive nipples. He leaned and ran his tongue across the nipple closest to him and felt Bones’ back arch upward. Jim was lost in the splendor of the body.

Wanting to feel this man's weight against him, he stretched out and pulled Bones on top of him. Jim combed his hands through the wet dark hair and touched his lips to the soft lips above him. One-third of his essence held here in his arms. They lay together exploring each other’s mouth and tracing the patterns of each other’s face, their bodies enjoying the sensation of the friction being created between them.

“Jim,” Leonard said, but stopped. Leonard knew what he wanted; however, he still found the asking difficult.

“What? Bones, what do you want?” Jim panted into the neck. “Anything, just tell me.”

“I...” he paused, “I want to fuck you.”

Jim pressed his head against the pillow so he could look into the dark blue eyes. “Now see, that wasn’t so hard was it?”

Jim reached for the tube and realized that they had used the last of it the evening before. Never one to be left without, he knew there was a small bottle of oil in the drawer of the antique chest on the opposite wall. He rolled them so Leonard was on his side. Giving Leonard another kiss, and an order to stay where he was, he stood up and walked to the chest. It was then they heard the door to the apartment open and close and they knew Spock had arrived. In a voice, unmistakably tinged with passion, Jim called softly, “We’re in here, Spock.”

Spock walked in the room, his eyes passed from Jim standing by the chest, to Leonard, who had come to a kneeling position on the bed. Both were aroused and flushed with passion. “I see you both arrived early,” he stated with a raised eyebrow.

Jim stepped toward him and reached out a hand, pulling the Vulcan to the middle of the room. “See what happens when you're late, Mr. Spock?” Jim teased as he wrapped his arms around Spock and kissed him. The response both against his lips and against his groin was immediate. Releasing him, Jim turned serious for a moment. He had been concerned about Spock all afternoon. It showed, as he asked, “Did you run into any problems...about”

“No,” Spock replied simply. The depth of that voice told Jim that any further discussion could wait.

“Then, Mister, I suggest,” Jim said in mock command form, “that you get undressed and let Leonard bring you up to speed on what you’ve missed so far. And from now on, I expect you to be here on time.”

Spock looked toward the bed, his eyes dilating with the sight of the kneeling, aroused man. “I see your point,” he replied.

Chapter 19

Jim turned back to the chest and retrieved the small, blue vial from the drawer. Turning back, he saw there was little time being wasted in Leonard bringing Spock up to speed. Spock was standing by the bed and Bones had already loosened the clasps on the uniform top and was sliding Spock’s arms out of it.

He watched as Leonard stripped the trousers and underwear from Spock and slid them down as far as possible from his kneeling position with Spock still standing. Jim couldn’t see Spock’s groin from this angle, but Leonard’s hand had disappeared between them and, if the look on Spock’s face was any indication, the doctor’s talented hand was obviously stroking the Vulcan to full arousal.

Sliding back onto the bed, Jim moved in behind Leonard and began to nuzzle his neck. The dark hair at the base of the head was still damp from the tub, and the scent of the oil that Jim had poured into the water clung to him. “I think...” Jim breathed, “...that you...” he moved his lips to the side, just beneath the very sensitive ear, “were just about...” his tongue slid over the lobe, “” his tongue slid to the ridges just outside the ear canal and felt Leonard begin to writhe against him, “...fuck me...” he breathed the word into the doctor’s ear. It had the predictable response.

Bones leaned back against him, trapping Jim’s cock against the small of his back. As far as Leonard was concerned, Spock’s condition was now forgotten. But Jim hadn’t forgotten their other lover. He watched as Spock removed his boots, not an easy feat with his trousers and underwear wrapped around his ankles, and the remainder of his clothes. With that done, he climbed onto the bed with them. Jim saw his approach, and just as Spock was within arms reach of Bones, Jim stopped him.

He placed his hand on Spock’s chest to keep him from moving any closer. “Since you were late, you will have to just wait your turn, Mister Spock,” Jim emphasized the ‘mister.’ It was time to step this up a notch. He handed Spock the vial he was still holding. “And you WILL prepare us,” Jim ordered.

Spock’s eyes reflected his initial surprise before they darkened with understanding.

“Your first duty, Mister, is to prepare Doctor McCoy,” Jim stated authoritatively as he turned to face Spock and had Bones do the same.

When they were properly repositioned, Bones was sitting on his heels with his back pressed against Jim. Jim was straddling Leonard with his thighs, his legs tucked under him. Jim slid his arms around Leonard’s waist and his hands smoothed over the flat abdomen and down to the inner thighs. With gentle pressure against the inside of the legs, he encouraged Bones to spread his knees a bit, which Leonard did with pleasure.

Together they watched as Spock removed the stopper from the bottle and poured a generous amount of oil into one palm. Using those long, sensuous fingers, he recapped the bottle and laid it aside. Bringing his palms together, he smeared the oil between his hands before he moved closer and reached for McCoy's erect organ.

Jim grasped the base of the cock as if presenting it to Spock. He couldn’t see Spock’s hands once they disappeared at Leonard’s groin, but he felt the movement as Spock slid his hands over the organ, and the shiver that ran through the man scrunched against him told him it was a welcome touch.

“That’s is, Spock,” Jim urged. “Make sure you have it coated well, all the way to the root.” He didn’t want Spock to forget just who was in charge at the moment.

When he felt Bones’ hips begin to thrust toward the hand, he knew it was time to stop before Spock brought him over. “That’s enough, Mister!” Jim ordered. It pleased him that Spock stopped his administrations immediately.

Jim pushed away from Bones and came to a position on his hands and knees, his ass facing Spock. “Now, you are to prepare me,” he stated, his voice allowing Spock no room to disobey.

Jim turned his head and watched as Spock retrieved the small, blue vessel. He saw Spock again remove the top, this time his actions seemed deliberately slower that the first. Jim’s ass was screaming to first feel those hot fingers penetrate him, then the thick cock. But this was not a time for pleading. This was a time for commanding.

Spock replaced the stopper and laid the container aside. It was then that his eyes met Jim’s. With a nearly undetectable flick of an eyebrow, Jim knew that Spock was quite aware of his delay. “NOW, Mister!” Jim commanded.

Jim watched as Spock dipped his fingers into the puddle of oil. Leonard had moved behind Jim and off to the side. It was those hands that Jim felt spreading wide his cheeks, holding them apart for Spock to carry out his orders. Warm, slick fingers touched his entrance but instead of sliding inside, they drew painfully slow circles around the rim of his puckered entrance. It was agony and ecstasy all rolled into one package, and just when Jim thought he might cum from that stimulation alone, a finger pressed deep into him. He rolled his head back and moaned with the invasion. A second finger joined the first almost immediately, and together they plunged deep into him, withdrew, and plunged in again. Over and over until a third finger joined in, each thrust into him was quick and as deep as the length of the fingers would allow. Jim knew that Spock wasn’t just preparing him, he was finger-fucking him.

Leonard watched the display and it nearly made him cum. The sexual energy that was being played out between them was certainly understandable. Jim was commanding Spock in the same way Leonard had seen him do a thousand times. Only this time there wasn’t the safety of the bridge railing standing between them, and this time it wasn’t reports that Jim was demanding. Leonard could see the passions that had overtaken the face of the Vulcan and knew that this time, whether Jim knew it or not, the ‘Captain’ was playing with fire.

Leonard wondered just how many times over the years had Spock heard just such commands from Jim, and how many times they had affected him in just this way. Certainly he would have never allowed it to show, but it was obvious that being ordered now was certainly breaking down some barriers in their hot, Vulcan lover that had been in place for a long, long time. Leonard H. McCoy hadn’t studied psychology for nothin’!

“Enough!” Jim roared, stopping Spock’s actions.

Spock removed his fingers, and as Leonard was positioning himself behind Jim, he felt the warm hand that held the last of the oil slide down his erection, recoating his penis. That was almost all it took. Leonard centered his cock to Jim’s anus, but had to take a few deep breaths before he could press inside without cumming instantaneously.

Once more in control, he pressed his cockhead inside. Allowing only long enough for that first jolt of sensation to pass through them both, he pressed in further. Spock had prepared this man well; there was little resistance until he was almost fully encased.

Feeling Jim press against him, he sunk his cock to the root. He knew he had grazed the sensitive nodule when Jim’s head rolled back and a groan of pleasure escaped his lips. He withdrew all but the tip and reentered the tightness. He was surrounded by heat. He looked down and saw where his and Jim’s bodies were joined as he slid his cock in and out.

Leonard had spent years patching Kirk's body, each time admiring it in silence, never believing he would be allowed to touch it in the most intimate of ways. He caressed the back, thighs and buttocks, and felt the heat gathering in his scrotum as he watched himself disappear into the stretched orifice. He was not the only one watching this amazing scene. Leonard glanced at the man on his knees beside them. Spock had positioned himself as to have an unrestricted view of his actions. The sight undid him. Not only to be allowed to penetrate Jim in this way, but to have Spock watch him as well, pushed him over the edge. Pressing inside as far as was physically possible; he held his groin tight against Jim’s hips, arched his back and came.

Once Leonard withdrew from the opening, Jim rolled over on his back supported his head on one bent arm. His cock was hard and thick with need. His other hand was gripping the base, keeping him from ejaculating.

On their very first night together, the sight of Jim and Leonard making love had aroused Spock in a way he had not thought possible. The ball of erotic heat that formed in his midsection at the sight of his human lovers pleasuring each other had, at first, taken him by surprise. In those early years, when he had first contemplated a relationship with these men, he had accessed the film library regarding male sexuality. In viewing these films he had never become aroused; it was pure research. However, the sight and sounds of these two men, in very similar positions, had made him burn with desire. Since the night they had rediscovered each other, he had watched them together on several occasions. His reaction at seeing them make love no longer surprised him. It did, however, still make him burn.

And he was burning. Jim had taunted him with those demands. There had been so many commands given over the years spent together, and although they had been spoken in the line of duty and not for the purpose of arousing him, they had often enflamed him just the same. But whereas at those times it would have been most inappropriate to allow himself to respond, this time he did not need to hide his reactions to that voice, to that demonstration of authority.

Spock straddled Jim, and leaning over him, he supported the brunt of his weight on his outstretched arms.

“I thought I ordered you to wait, Mr. Spock. It seems you felt the need to participate.” The tone Jim was using was as imposing as it had ever been from the command deck of the ship. Only the sparkle in the hazel eyes gave any indication that this was a game.

“I did not participate, sir,” Spock responded, just as he had so many times before.

“Ah...but you did, Mister. That display was certainly beyond what I had asked for. I may have to reprimanded you for not following orders.”

It was a game, Spock knew it, but it was also, in a very basic form, an exploration and living-out of the sexual tension that had existed between them during those years serving together. Had Spock been thinking clearly, he would have viewed it as a form of meditation, a logical consideration of alternatives to emotionally charged situations that had been faced many times before. He and McCoy had, almost from the first, found a way to release the sexual tension that existed between them; although until recently neither had realized or understood the reason for the constant bickering. But he and Jim had never found that outlet. If he were thinking logically, he would have considered this carefully. But at that moment, he was not thinking logically.

“You are not in a position to reprimand anyone at this moment, Admiral,” Spock stated, coldly. He moved his legs up until he was kneeling on Jim and rose up to a sitting position. The body weight was solid, and Jim was unable to move. Spock began to massage his organ against Jim’s lower abdomen, trapping Jim’s penis against his scrotum, and with each movement, the organ kneaded his sensitive pouch.

Jim began to thrust beneath him, attempting to find the friction that would carry him over. But Spock was not ready to have this man feel the relief of orgasm. Jim brought one hand up and ran it across the furred chest, outlining each muscle, taunting Spock’s nipple and rolling the nub between his thumb and finger before moving to the other.

Spock felt his orgasm gather and threaten to spill, but using all of the mental and physical powers he could muster, he resisted. Jim’s hand moved down his abdomen, and Spock knew Jim was feeling the outline of the steeled muscles beneath the skin as he braced against the desire to release. When Jim’s hand captured the head of his erection, he felt the spasms that preceded orgasm. He would not be able to resist with Jim’s hand caressing him.

Spock grabbed Jim’s wrists in one hand and pulled them over his head, holding them tight against the bed. “I believe I made it clear that you are not in control here, Admiral,” Spock rasped as he leaned over Jim, his mouth just inches away from the cooler lips. His legs still pinning Jim to the bed below, he resumed his rocking against the hard cock, enjoying the sensation of Jim’s hard organ pressing against the sensitive area.

Spock had moved beyond desire, he had a craving that must be satisfied. Just as he had given over power to this man for so long, he hungered for Jim to give all authority over to him.

He felt Jim’s cock tremor against him with each movement. “Spock...I’m gonna cum,” Jim moaned.

“I will make you do anything I wish, but you will not cum, not yet. Not until I am ready for you to do so,” Spock growled as he forced his groin against Jim’s to still him.

Jim looked up at him, and for a moment, there appeared a flash of panic in those gold-green eyes. But then Spock saw what he had been waiting for. It was Jim’s acquiescence of Spock’s domination and the realization that, for these moments, the Vulcan held all the power between them.

Spock captured the cool lips and consumed the mouth until he felt Jim struggle from a lack of air. Releasing Jim’s mouth only long enough for him to swallow a few deep gulps, he captured him again, wanting to feel and taste all this man had to give him. He humped against the body beneath him, panting, sweating, moaning and thrusting. Spock threw his head back and groaned. His scrotum began to jerk against Jim’s cock, but he was not ready for this to end. He used his free hand and his knees to open Jim’s thighs and moved between them. He pulled the leg up and positioned himself at the opening and pushed inside, sinking his cock fully into Jim.

A small gasp, accompanied by Jim clenching his muscles, relayed to Spock that there had been some amount of pain involved with the entry. He held steady for a moment, but when he felt Jim push back against him, he was certain that it had been only a momentary period of discomfort. Jim had already been invaded and the muscles were adequately prepared for him, but since his organ was slightly longer than the one that had just been pulled from this orifice, he was certain that his presence did not go unnoticed. Something about this realization increased the pleasure he was feeling by being inside of this body.

The sensation of having the wet, tight chamber surrounding him, slick from the ejaculate of another, was overpowering. The realization that there had been another inside this body incinerated him. He could not hold on any longer and he wanted to feel that chamber pulsate around him. Reaching between them, he captured Jim’s shaft and began pumping it, bringing Jim to a shattering orgasm. Feeling the chamber surrounding his cock spasm, he pushed deeply and released himself in wave after crashing wave.

Spock collapsed onto body beneath him and released the hold he had on the captured wrists. It took a moment of deep, gasping breaths before he could move, or fully realize the actions that had just taken place. He rose up and looked at the man lying beneath him. Jim was panting, deeply. His chest heaved in the effort to pull needed oxygen into his lungs. His eyes were closed and his skin was flushed to a deep rose tint. “Jim...” Spock spoke his lover’s name with a sense of urgency.

Slowly the eyes opened and looked at him.

“Jim, I apologize. I am not sure what came over me.” He took the wrists in his hand and rubbed them. It was not like him to lose control, and it concerned him.

“Spock, I’m fine. No, beyond that, I’m great!” Jim smiled.

Spock raised his eyebrows in disbelief

“Honestly, Spock. Rough sex can relieve a lot of pent up tension and can be very satisfying...occasionally. Sometimes humans need unrestrained passion,” he whispered to Spock while still breathing heavily, “that is, when they’re with someone they trust,” Jim purred, stroking the back of the man lying on top of him.

“He’s right, Spock,” Bones agreed stretching out beside them. “Making love with wild abandon is very satisfying...that is...when you can do it with someone you love,” Bones grinned as he smoothed a lock of the Vulcan’s disarrayed hair into place. Had there been a threat of real injury, he would have halted the activity, whatever that took. But he could see that not only was Jim in no danger, but he knew Jim was enjoying having his control stripped from him for those minutes. It was time that Jim learned that he could hand himself over to someone else, someone he loved, and not have the nightmares of his youth descend upon him. Leonard decided that this might be the first real step in Jim putting Matt Decker, and those years spent under his control, behind him.

Bones and then Spock had filled Jim, and with the weight of his lover on him, Jim suddenly realized his body was calling out for a different kind of release. “Spock, get off, I need to get up!” Jim said urgently.

“Jim?” Spock asked, concerned, “are you injured?”

“No, Spock, just let me up!”

Bones saw the desperation suddenly appear in Jim’s face and understood. “Spock, I’d let him up if I were you!”

Spock rolled off and Jim jumped up and headed for the bathroom. When he returned, the men were sitting on the bed. By the raised eyebrow, he could see Spock had discerned the ‘problem’.

Chapter 20

Over dinner that evening, they discussed the events of the day. Spock stated that no one had specifically commented on their now well-publicized relationship. However, he had been visited by several of the Academy administrators regarding other issues, issues that were normally handled through different, less personal channels. Each encounter was pleasant, and most ended with an invitation to a social function. All had gone well. The fact that they were lovers was general knowledge and there had been no significant backlash from the disclosure.

Late that night, sated and warm, they lay entwined together in the dark room. More than once, just as they would begin to drift off, Jim would think of something he felt compelled to say and would rouse his lovers out of near-sleep. “You know,” Jim roused them once more, “there’s no longer any reason to keep separate apartments,” Jim stated, his head resting against a compact shoulder, and a warm Vulcan spooned against his back. “Bones, you can get to the Medical Center just as quickly from here as you can from the campus apartments, if you’ll use the transport station. I’m not trying to pressure you, I just want you both to know this is your home as much as it is mine.”

“Jim,” Spock’s deep voice stroked against his ear, “if I tell you now that Leonard and I have already discussed this, and have agreed that we will move in, will you please allow us to get some rest?”

“You have?” Jim purred into the sweet, warm flesh of the doctor’s shoulder.

“Yes, Jim,” Bones yawned as his hand caressed the head of his lover. “We thought we would tell you at breakfast. But, now that Spock has spilled the beans...”

“Doctor, I can assure you that I have not allowed any pod-grown substance to escape its container.”

“It’s just a saying, you blasted Vulcan! It means letting something slip...saying something you shouldn’t have!”

“Then, Leonard, I see no need to....”

“Hey, you two, how about letting me get some sleep, okay?” Jim interrupted.

The soft plop of a pillow hit him in the head.

In the weeks to come, the three highly sought after guests were discovering that what may have begun as a curiosity, had turned into something much more satisfying. It was soon a well-known fact that, although individually each of them exuded power and knowledge, collectively there was no match to the level of interest they could add to any function.

Komack did not fare nearly as well. Although the reasons were understandable, it was the general feeling that he had been let off easy. He found himself in the uncomfortable position of being ostracized by the very individuals he had hoped to turn against James Kirk. He was reduced in rank to Admiral Grade I and censured. He had wanted a scandal and he got one.

Lieutenant Hollis was reprimanded and reduced in rank to ensign, but didn’t lose her commission based on James Kirk’s testimony that it was her assistance which had exposed Admiral Komack’s crimes. If Jim knew anything about Suzanne Hollis, she would bounce back in no time. This time, he hoped she would be aware of the pitfalls and avoid them. She seemed like a very determined lady.

When presented with the task of appointing someone to replace Hollis, Leonard had, quite vocally, pointed out that there needed to be someone in that position who had personally experienced the demands of a ship’s sickbay. The person Jim selected fit the bill perfectly. Hollis’ successor, Christine Chapel, relied heavily on her own extensive knowledge, as well as Leonard McCoy’s wisdom, to redesign and reequip the medical facilities for the long-range carriers.

As for Leonard, he found that besides consulting with Christine, he was in nearly constant demand at the ‘Fleet hospital; his experience seemed invaluable there, as well. But even with his other duties, he found time to complete his first two research papers regarding the New Consolidated Middle Alliance and was waiting their distribution.

Whereas McCoy was constantly traveling between the hospital and ‘Fleet headquarters, Spock’s time was spent primarily at Starfleet Academy, enhancing and expanding the fields of study offered. With Spock’s presence at the Academy, there had been many renowned individuals, many who had rejected previous offers, who had agreed to instruct at the Science Academy. It seemed the most brilliant minds in the galaxy were lining up for the opportunity to work in conjunction with this influential Vulcan.

Jim Kirk’s days at Headquarters continued to be long and demanding, but he found a satisfaction there that had evaded him in those first years. Within weeks, he had instituted an agreement between the Federation Diplomatic Corp and Starfleet Operations to work hand-in-hand with the crews for all new expeditions. Among the diplomats and ambassadors who agreed to support this initiative, Ambassador Sarek of Vulcan, was one of the first dignitaries who consented to assist with the project, stating it was a logical proposal and one long overlooked by Starfleet.

In addition, with the expertise that only someone who had been in charge of long-rang expeditions could offer, Jim had written a proposal which would allow for personnel aboard the long range vessels to choose their own relationships, regardless of rank, conventional or not, and apply for joining even while serving on the same ship. Additionally, he had factored in the necessity of creating nurseries and schools within the ships for the obvious outcome of these newly sanctioned relationships. Nogura, with no more than a few modifications, approved the proposal.

The Enterprise was well under way in the repair process. Jim had secured his core crew and had them at the ready for those occasions when he was needed in some other part of the galaxy. Most of his original crew had signed on. The most notable absence would be Pavel Chekov. Pavel was going to leave the navigator position and begin a career in security. Jim had wished him well, and felt his choice was perhaps a personal one. The Russian and Sulu had not seemed as close as they once had. Jim was unsure whether this friendship had ever extended further, but there had evidently been some problems arise between them. Perhaps it was time for the man to explore his possibilities.

But despite the demands on them otherwise, in their off time, Kirk, Spock, and McCoy, relished in each other. They gained their energy and strength for the outside word from the nexus that held them together. Apart they were each a dynamic force, but allied they were invincible. And they knew that whatever challenges the future would bring, they would face them together.

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