Journey to the Heart
By T'Thrill

An introduction to the crew that would ferry us to our destination meant that we met many during those days, but none touched my essence as this one. He was stationed at the position that my son usually held, so it was explained to me. Upon our arrival in the area referred to as the bridge, he straightened and turned toward the entourage of dignitaries. He scanned the faces of those both foreign and familiar until his eyes fell upon me. Although we had never met, deep within my soul there was a stirring of recognition. The face was one of innocence and spirit that I had never before seen in a living being. The eyes danced with the mischievous nature of a mythical sprite. I was locked within his gaze and found myself, uncharacteristically, oblivious to all that was transpiring around me. It seemed that he too felt the burning.

Through our bond, she who is my mate sensed that I was unprepared for this encounter. I discerned that the other officials were leaving the bridge area, but I was unwilling to take my eyes from him. She brushed her fingers against mine, breaking the spell, yes, that is the most accurate description, in which I was held. I turned and entered the small confines of the lift and, as the doors closed, our eyes met briefly once more.

As we continued our tour, I realized that I have gained new insight and respect for my son. Although most unusual, it is possible that my protests regarding his decision to pursue a career in Starfleet, was an error. It may not have been a betrayal of his heritage to pursue this course. His associates seem to be of good character and he is held in highest regard among those that serve with him. He seems to have become a leader among these people. There was much that I needed to meditate about, the remembrance of the dark eyed sprite, not the least of these issues.

In the private confines of our quarters, meditation failed me. She knows.

She comes to me, kneeling at my side. "You must go to him?" she asks me softly.

"Yes, my wife. I must know if he is feeling this connection."

"As you would not wish to see me in pain, neither do I wish to see you longing. You must find out if this, that you are feeling, is returned."

I nod to her, and caress her melt points with my fingers. For a human, her understanding is remarkable. Few humans would understand these feelings, this small burning. I let her feel my gratitude as I brush against her thoughts. Her smile tells me that she was the most logical choice, and more.

With discrete inquiries, I locate his quarters and signal my arrival at his door. When I am received into the cabin, I understand that he is aware of that which exists between us. I have known this man, not in this life, perhaps not in this dimension, but my soul knows we have been joined before. The dark eyes dilate into black orbs of desire. I wish to tell him that I have missed him, but I know that in the realm of this life, I have just met him. He feels it too. I see his chest strain as his breaths quicken. "Sarek," he whispers.

I reach for him and he falls into my arms. The feel of this body is strange against my own, but the feel of his soul against mine is the sensation of returning to one's birthplace. His face turns to mine. "I know you, I do not know how, but I know you," he breathes to me.

"Yes, I feel it, too. I am now certain of previous planes of existence, for I have known you well in many of these."

I captured the sweetness of the mouth with my own. Yes, the body is unfamiliar, but the taste is a part of my being. My hands roam to explore the newness of the body. My essence knew him from the past. A time before I was known as Sarek and he was known as Pavel. Of that fact, I was certain.

I removed his clothing and ran my hands over the fineness of the young flesh over the steeled muscles. Yes, he had been provided an exceptional body in this life.

His hands went to the mechanism that held my robe tight. Releasing it, he pushed the robe off my shoulders and let it fall to the floor. His hands explored the most sensitive areas of my body until I was no longer able to control the burning within. I captured him and carried him to the sleeping alcove where I placed him on the firm mattress. I covered his body with my own, allowing our aroused organs to fully enjoy the sensation of being pressed together. Our mouths consumed until the lack of oxygen became an issue, pausing only long enough for the gasping of needed air into our lungs.

The feeling of his hardness pressing against me brought me to my first orgasm. I shuddered on top of him as my fluid washed between us, bathing our abdomens with my liquid. Once the waves had passed, I knelt between his thighs and pulled the hard, sticky, organ into my mouth. I knew this taste. The taste of us, blended together. I stimulated the organ until I felt it pulsate and the creamy liquid filled my cheeks and ran down my throat. I felt his hips as the body convulsed in wave after wave of ecstasy.

Releasing the organ, I collected some of my fluid, which still lay fresh on his abdomen, and moved my hand underneath him. Spreading the warmth of the rounded mounds, I searched for the puckered orifice. Finding the opening, I smeared the slick fluid around and into the tight entrance. I felt him open up to me. Relax, so I could take him. My arousal had not abated, and his was renewed. He spread his thighs and pulled them to his chest to allow me entrance.

I centered myself to the opening and slowly pressed inside. Fully encased within him, I was flooded by the feeling that I was home. I was where I belonged. I pressed into and out of the body as I grasped his organ and ran my hand along the engorged member. I could feel his control giving away to the passion. I pressed in deeper and harder, each time feeling him writhe against me. I saw his back arch against the bed and his hands grip the material that lay under him. He groaned as he began to throb in my hand. The sight brought me to the most powerful orgasm that I have known in this life. As I pulled from him, I felt the pain rip through my chest. I rolled beside him and held him close, slowing my breathing so he would not know of my discomfort. If I were taken from this existence, I would be holding the one that had accompanied me through many lives. We would meet again. But, the pain subsided and I continued to enjoy him in this time.

We lay together for the next hours, stroking each other's body and joining our lips together. Neither felt the need for conversation. Everything that needed saying was being communicated through our touch. We brought each other to completion several times during that period, both knowing that this was but a one-time occurrence. The lives that we had forged did not allow for any other option.

We were both sated, and the burning that exists between us, understood. The flame was now reduced to a small, hot, glowing ember that will flare only in the next life that we meet. I gathered my robe and prepared to leave. He stood against me; his fingers tracing the side of my face. "We will meet again. I am sure of it."

"As am I, my t'hy'la. As am I," I whispered to him. I brushed my lips against his, capturing the taste that would have to serve me until my death.

I left the cabin, knowing that our contact in this life would be but this one brief interlude. However, I am equally certain that we shall meet again. And, at that time, I shall once more be able to worship him.

Now I am suspected in the murder of the Tellerite ambassador, Gav. Dr. McCoy has ascertained that the Ambassador's death was instantaneous following an expert breaking of his neck. This is an extremely effective method of death that is attributed to Vulcan's, known as Tal-Shaya. I cannot foresee these facts leading to any other than my conviction.

It is my decision to not speak of that which I was involved at the time of this atrocity. My sprite wishes to tell where I was at the moment of the execution. I will not allow it. This sacrifice is one that I shall make for him in this life, as I am certain he has sacrificed for me in other existences. I will tell them that I was alone, meditating. A lie? No, it is a choice. What will be, will be. Kadith.


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Romance Code: TOS, Sarek/C Rating: NC-17 m/m

Disclaimer: Copyright 2000 by T'Thrill. This is an original work of amateur fiction based on Star Trek. This work makes "fair use" of Star Trek copyrighted material; it is not intended to infringe on the intellectual property rights of Paramount, Viacom or other owners of copyright in Star Trek or any of their assignees or licensees. There is no payment accepted for this work of fiction. The author's copyright extends only to the original material in this work.

Warning: This story contains very explicit m/m sex. If you are not interested in and/or offended by such things, you will find reading this a complete waste of your time so please move on. If you are under 18 years of age, please move on.

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Summary: Set during the episode "Journey to Babel" Sarek is introduced to the Enterprise crew only to find a special bond existing between himself and Pavel Chekov.

Acknowledgment: I wish to thank two wonderful people. First Jane, who passed along to Marcee the idea of a Sarek/Chekov story set during this episode. What if Sarek were not meditating during the time he was suspected of killing the Tellerite Ambassador? Marcee mentioned this idea to me, and I ran with it. She has also been beta for me on this story and offered some excellent suggestions. Thank you both for this wonderful idea.

Dedication: To Karmen, Happy Birthday!

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