The History of Latex
By T'Thrill

Series: TOS Romance Code: S/C Rating: NC-17 m/m Summary: Spock and Chekov have an interesting discussion that leads to other discoveries.

Warning: This story contains very explicit m/m sex. If you are not interested in and/or offended by such things, you will find reading this a complete waste of your time so please move on. If you are under 18 years of age, please move on.

Warning: S/C is not my usual paring. You can blame this on Karmen Ghia who challenged me to write a Chekov story. Many, many thanks to Hafital who volunteered to beta this on the spur of the moment.

Disclaimer: Copyright 2000 by T'Thrill. This is an original work of amateur fiction based on Star Trek. This work makes "fair use" of Star Trek copyrighted material; it is not intended to infringe on the intellectual property rights of Paramount, Viacom or other owners of copyright in Star Trek or any of their assignees or licensees. The author's copyright extends only to the original material in this work.

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"Yes, sir, I am certain it is a Russian inwention!"

"Chekov, I realize that my studies regarding Russian history have not been as extensive as they might have been, but I am certain that the concept of the condom appears in Terran history in Egyptian literature dating back as far as 1,000 BC."

"No, sir, it was created by a little old lady from Leningrad."

Spock arched his eyebrow and slightly shook his head. This young officer had the most annoying predilection toward contributing all discoveries to Russian inventors. Evidently there was, at some point, a very creative, nameless "old lady from Leningrad" that had the capability and the insight to create everything from paper to nuclear fission, while seeming to possess the ability to span the ages as well.

"Chekov, the word condom is derived from the Latin word 'condus', meaning receptacle. It has been a part of Earth's history far longer than the Russian Empire has been in existence."

McCoy entered the nearly empty dayroom. The only ones here where Spock and Chekov, who were deeply embroiled in a discussion. Never missing an opportunity to needle Spock, he strode over to where they were seated. "Well, what have we here? What are y'all discuss'in?"

"Condoms, Doctor." Spock looked toward McCoy.

"Ah, yes! The ol' pecker protector."

"Perhaps you misunderstand, Doctor. We are not discussing fowl, we are discussing..."

"I know what you are talking about, Spock. The pecker protector, the raincoat, the dick garage, a rubber, there's a thousand terms for it."

"And I prefer the correct terminology. Mr. Chekov seems to be under the incorrect assumption that this particular devise was a Russian discovery."

"Well, he's right, ya know. Discovered by a little old lady in Leningrad, if I remember my history correctly." The irritation on Spock's face was apparent. As Spock looked from McCoy back to Chekov, McCoy gave the young officer a wink. It wasn't hard to guess what Chekov had told Spock. That was one little old lady that got around!

The ensigns' face broke into a broad grin. "Yes, sir! That was exactly what I was explaining to Mr. Spock!"

"Gentlemen, if you insist on this level of inaccuracy, then I will excuse myself. There are reports that I must attend to."

"Oh, Spock. Sit back down. I wanna know how the two of you came to discuss such an item."

Exasperated, Spock sat back down and leaned back in the chair. "The Ensign and I have been working on an experiment that has produced a substance similar to latex, which was a substance that was in use during your time of the 1930's until the late 2090's. That was the substance used prior the discovery of polysein. I was explaining that the substance that was known as latex was widely used in items such as clothing, medical devices, gloves, paint and many other products during this time. Chekov felt the necessity of pointing out that it was also used in condoms."

"That was a very important item to leave off the list."

"Oh yeah," McCoy laughed. "Latex contributed to the start of the sexual revolution. It was used in ladies undergarments to make them shapelier, and with latex, condoms could be mass-produced. Later, it was even used to enhance the female body as a cover for breast implants."

"You mean vomen vould implant t'ings into their chest?" Chekov was amazed at this fact.

"Yes siree."

"That seems very barbaric."

"Chekov, the human species has a long history of doing barbaric procedures to themselves to enhance their sexuality." Spock sat tall in the chair. "Vulcans, however, have avoided these trappings."

"In a pig's eye! I have seen the opulent robes that Vulcan's wear. The females use heavy eye make-up and the males wear various metal adornments. All of that plays into sexual attraction." McCoy had been present during the mating ritual of pon farr. There, he had seen a Vulcan female, bitch as she was, all made up for the bonding ceremony.

"Doctor, the adornments that you mention are all a part of Vulcan traditions, not meant for sexual titillation."

"I don't care what you say, Spock. They wouldn't be used if they weren't meant to attract a sexual partner. Steeped in tradition or not!"

The wall COM unit activated and paged McCoy to the sickbay. "Well, duty calls, but don't think it hasn't been interesting." He stood up and left the room, his expression carrying a hint of a smirk.

Spock turned his attention back to the young officer. "Ensign, I am curious. How do you know about condoms? Such an item has been obsolete since before you were born. Males have used a protective spray or lotion for more than 100 standard years."

"I have read about them in literature."

"I am well read, and I do not recall this particular item being referred to in any of the classics."

"Obviously, you have not been reading the right kind of literature, Mr. Spock."

"Obviously, you have not confined your studies to the classics, Mr. Chekov."

"I don't know, sir. "Martian Girls Love Doing the Dirty Deed," is pretty much a standard."

"Certainly a publication that I have missed." Spock's eyebrows climbed into his hairline.

"I have never actually seen a condom. I have only read stories where they were talked about."

"If you are interested in this line of research, I believe that there are samples of this device located in the archive room." "But, sir. I do not have clearance for that area of the ship."

"Very well, Ensign, I will take you there if you wish."

"Oh, yes sir! I have vanted to see the archives since I was assigned here!"

They walked together down the corridor and took the lift to section 69. The lift doors opened and Spock palmed the lock. The door slid open and Chekov stood in the corridor with his mouth agape. The collection of antiques that lined the walls of the enormous room was astounding. There were old swords and even a collection of the black-powder weapons. There were costumes of various periods and planets. There were books and publications that were actually typeset on paper. Entirely too much to absorb all at once.

"Ensign, are you coming in?" Spock spoke to the man frozen at the door.

Chekov came to his senses and stepped inside. The door slid closed behind him. The lock hummed into place. "This is amazing, Mr. Spock." His head turned in all directions, trying to see it all.

"It is the most unique collection of artifacts of any starship. Captain Pike began this collection. However, not until Captain Kirk came onboard did it begin to take on this magnitude. He has a deep affection for antiques."

Chekov ran his hand over an ancient Samurai sword. The etchings on the handle were very intricate. "This is beautiful!"

"Most items stored here are very valuable. Others have cultural significance. Which brings us to our reason for being here. Please follow me."

Chekov followed Spock down a long isle bordered by cabinets with many drawers. The treasures that these drawers held could only be imagined.

Reaching one drawer, Spock pulled it open. Inside it was filled to capacity with tiny, shiny packets and small round containers. "These, Chekov, are condoms. As you can see, they were available in many different styles, shapes and even colors. This one," he pulled out one of the foil packs, "was typical of ones used in the late 1900's."

Chekov took the pack from him and turned it over in his hand. The word "Trojan" was imprinted on it. "May I open it?"

"I believe that would be acceptable. We have many of this same design."

Gently, as if he were handling the most precious piece of porcelain, he pulled against the notch in the pack. It began to separate. When he had all but the smallest connection between the two pieces of the pack separated, he spread the larger part of the container open and peered inside. He looked up at Spock with a questioning look and pulled the small flesh colored disk from its holder. He laid the foil wrap on top of the case and examined the disk in his hand. He held it up to the light where it seemed to be translucent. "Sir, this is useless. It is very small and flat. Was there a great difference in the anatomy back then?"

"No, no difference at all. That will fit over a human's penis."

"Sir, I have a normal sized penis but this would never fit me!"

"Chekov, it does not stay in this form when applied. It unrolls."


"Chekov, in the explicit literature you have described, did it not say how these are applied?"

"No, sir. There is just reference such as 'His cock, sheathed with the slick condom, slid into the warm, wet recesses of her vagina.' Not'ing about how it got there."

"Well, you are obviously reading fantasy. It is my understanding that these were never slick until the act was quite underway. However, the disk is placed at the head to the penis and the thick ring around it is unrolled until it sheathes the organ."

"Um, Mr. Spock, do you think...that is, would you mind...I would like to try..."

"If you are asking if you can try it on, then yes. You may go over there." Spock nodded toward a corner of the room where Chekov could have some privacy.

"Thank you, sir!" Chekov took his prized treasure and walked to the corner of the room and with his back turned he unfastened his regulation trousers and dropped them to his knees.

Spock was closing the drawer and noticed this action. It was not the first time he had noticed the firm shape of the ensign, but it was the first time he had seen Chekov's buttocks exposed. He found it a very pleasing sight, although he certainly had no intention of pursuing anything further. He turned away to allow the ensign the privacy he required.

"Damn! This t'ing is not vorking!" Chekov declared in frustration. "I take it back, Mr. Spock. No one from Russia would inwent anyt'ing so complicated!"

"It is not a complicated task, Ensign. Males have used these with no difficulty."

"Vell, I can not get it to vork."

Spock rolled his eyes upward and took a deep breath. "Do you require assistance?"

"Do you mind?"

"No, Ensign, I will assist you if you deem it necessary."

"Vell, you better, if I am ever going to get this on."

Spock turned and strode toward the officer. Walking around the man and looking down, he immediately surmised the problem. "Chekov, you must have an erection to apply this. Can you not think of something that will bring you to an aroused state?" Standing there looking at the young man's genitals, it was all Spock could do to keep from getting an erection of his own. Judging from the size of the flaccid penis, this young man was somewhat larger than the average human male.

"Vell, there is somet'ing that always seems to work."

"Then I would suggest you concentrate in that activity."

"I vill need your help."

"In what way?"

"Could you bend over like you are looking into the scanner on the bridge?"

"Ensign, are you saying that my bending over brings you to arousal?"

"Every time, sir."

Spock's control over his own erection failed him, and Chekov saw the obvious bulge growing beneath the regulation fabric. It was a sight that started his own arousal. "Never mind, sir. I think I see somet'ing that vill work just as vell." Chekov brought his hand to his hardening shaft, bringing it to a full hard-on.

Spock was correct. As little as he knew about human males, he knew this man had an impressive organ. The sight was beautiful. Chekov standing there stroking his organ was something he had never imagined seeing. Suddenly his trousers became unbearably tight.

Chekov took the disk and held it to the tip of his erection. He tried to pull the flat disk over the head of his penis but it would not stretch around it. "It still does not work!"

Spock stepped toward Chekov and reached for the disk. He laid the disk against the penis and ran his hand down the shaft, unrolling the condom as he went. The feel of the hard shaft in his hand caused his own penis to jump in response. He could feel the moisture beginning to seep through the fabric. "That is how you apply a condom."

They both stood there looking at the sheathed organ. Chekov reached to touch his penis and feel the sensation of the latex covering it. He ran his fingers over the head and down the sides. "It takes away from the sensation. And, you're right it isn't slick at all."

Chekov reached for Spock's hand and placed it on his organ. "Does it feel odd to you?"

"Since I have never felt your penis before, I have no point of reference to properly answer that question." His voice was deepening and becoming rough.

"Run your hand over it. I vant to see how it feels when you do it."

Glad to oblige, Spock lightly gripped the organ and began to slowly move his hand back and forth along the shaft. He would occasionally caress the tip with his thumb, seeing the moisture collect at the tip beneath the device.

Chekov jumped under the attention and Spock felt his penis strain against his hand. "Chekov, if you would like a common frame of reference, you may touch my unsheathed organ, if you like."

"Yes, I vould like," Chekov purred, and reached for the fastener, quickly unhooking it. He maneuvered the fabric over the erection and pushed it down. He was awestruck by the beautiful double-ridged specimen before him. He reached for the organ and was surprised by the heat from it. There was a droplet of precum that had formed at the tip and he spread the moisture over the head. When he heard a moan escape from Spock's lips, he knew that his fantasies were coming true. He pulled Spock to him and looked up at the face of the man that had invaded his dreams since arriving on the Enterprise. Spock leaned down and, tentatively at first, their lips brushed together.

Their heads pulled apart as if they were both afraid that the other would object. There was no resistance in either. More forcefully their lips came together, claiming each other. Spock grabbed the bottom of Chekov's shirt and their lips parted only long enough for the shirt to be pulled over the shaggy head of hair. His hands could not explore the cooler body quickly enough. He ran his thumbs across the tight nubs and his fingers down the muscular ribcage. The warm hands wandered, pinched, caressed, and kneaded the flesh beneath them. Chekov unfastened the closure at the neck of the blue uniform shirt. He freed his mouth and tongue from the hot mouth that held him captive. He pulled the shirt over Spock's head and dropped it beside his. His mouth went to one of the small nipples and he traced around it with the tip of his tongue. When it was erect he nibbled lightly with his teeth and sucked it until he felt the man in his arms melting.

There were now warm hands kneading the mounds of his butt. Squeezing and separating them, fingers caressing between his crevice, brushing against the opening to his body. He reached around and ran his fingers down Spock's spine from the point between the shoulder blades where the crease began. Spock thrust against him, gripping Chekov's butt tightly, grinding their erections together. Their mouths again finding each other's. Tongues exploring and tasting the differences of the other one, each was finding the other delicious. Breaths ragged and both bodies were becoming moist from beads of sweat.

"Chekov," Spock rasped, "I want to feel your flesh against me. Take that condom off."

"You put it on, you will haf to remove it." Chekov's voice was low and seductive.

Spock released him and pushed off his own confining trousers and boots. He then knelt before Chekov and caressed the organ between his hands and gently sucked at the tip of the latex cover head. He reached down and pulled off the black boots and removed the trousers that were still around the legs. Now the young officer stood before him completely naked except for the condom sheathing his penis. Spock ran his hands up the muscular thighs and pressed against the inside of them until Chekov spread his feet, parting the thighs. Spock ran his hands between them and up under them until he reached the crevice that separated the globes. Penetrating the crease he brushed a finger across the tight puckered orifice. Chekov convulsed under the sensation, his fingers finding the black silky head and entwining his fingers in the hair to keep his balance.

Spock's hands moved forward until he found the testicles. He gently massaged each orb and he moved his tongue against them, gently sucking on the skin of the pouch. He had never before tasted human genitals and the salty flavor of the moisture drove him to a level of passion that he had never before felt. The rich, warm, musky flavor and scent was ambrosia for the Gods.

He moved to the hard shaft that was standing away from the body. He placed a hand on the edge of the condom and began to carefully roll it up the shaft. His tongue licked the newly exposed flesh as it was exposed. When the flared head was released from the rubbery enclosure Spock licked at the moisture clinging to the tip. He pulled the organ into his mouth and sucked the luscious fluid from it, coaxing even more fluid from the organ by using his tongue to stimulate the area underneath the head. He felt the pressure as Chekov pushed into the heated mouth.

Chekov looked down to see Spock's mouth consuming his cock. He felt the first rush of fluid threatening to expel itself into the heat of the mouth. Before he could cum he pulled out. "Spock, unless you vant me to cum in your mouth you better quit that."

Spock grasped the hips and pulled him to his knees. He then laid him down on the discarded clothing on his side and stretched out beside him. "That is exactly what I wish you to do."

Chekov pulled Spock's hips close and pulled the organ into his mouth. His arms went around Spock's thighs and he gripped the mounds that had driven him to distraction on the bridge. The coppery taste was enough to make him moan around the cock in satisfaction. He had been with a few males in his Academy days, but most of his experience was with females. However, the taste of Spock in his mouth left no doubt that no one would ever taste good to him again. When Spock's mouth once again pulled him inside he again felt the fluid ready to leave his body. He thrust deeply into the mouth as he consumed the Vulcan cock. He matched his thrusts with the ones he was administering. He felt Spock become rigid and he pulled the cock into his mouth as far as he could take it. He pushed his full length into the moist heat and they both convulsed into orgasm. Each drinking down the warm creamy fluid of the other as they released their semen.

When the last waves had passed, they disengaged their mouths and came to a seated position facing each other. "Chekov," Spock stated softly. "I did not mean for this to happen when I brought you here. I know that this is against regulations, but you are the most satisfying partner I have ever experienced."

"Spock, do you hear me complaining? I, too, find you most satisfying. I vould hope that we could do this again. Soon."

"I can think of no one else that I would wish to experience this with. Yes, I would like to be with you again, soon."

"I have beta shift. I vill be off duty at 2100 hours. I can come to your cabin if you like."

Spock reached for Chekov and pulled him close, joining their lips, tasting their passion. "Yes, I would like."

Dressed and back in the hall on the main deck they met McCoy coming out of sickbay.

"Are y'all still at it? How much is there to discuss on this subject?"

"No, Doctor. We have completed that conversation. I believe Ensign Chekov has learned all he needs to regarding the history of latex."


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