TOS McCoy/Chekov

By Karmen Ghia

Series: TOS
Romance Code: Mc/C
Rating: NC-17

Archive: COCO CHANNEL, ASCEML, Mint Julip Inn, WWOMB; everybody else please drop me a line, thanks

Summary: Dr. McCoy follows Starfleet regulations.

Warning: This story contains m/m sex. If you are offended by this or under age, please move on. Click here and have a nice day.

Disclaimer: Copyright 2000 by Karmen Ghia. This original work of amateur fiction based on Star Trek makes transformative use of Star Trek for noncommercial purposes. This work makes "fair use" of Star Trek copyrighted material; intended not to infringe on the intellectual property rights of Paramount, Viacom or other owners of Star Trek copyright or their assignees or licensees. Author's copyright extends only to the original material in this work.

Thanks to Jane Skazi for the beta.

"Would you like to play backgammon again this evening?" Chekov asked innocently, as they waited for the turbolift, on the morning after the first night they'd made love.

"I believe I would," McCoy drawled blandly as if this were merely a pleasant way to spend an evening. "How 'bout a bite of dinner beforehand?"

Chekov nodded and they set a time. He was sorry to see McCoy leave the 'lift at bioscience but now had something to look forward to.

McCoy checked his patients, who didn't need his checking since they were in the capable hands of Chapel and M'Benga, and then went into his office for a long session with Starfleet regulations. Especially those that pertained to fraternization between officers and their Chief Medical Officer. After much careful reading and some serious thought, McCoy did something he'd never done before: he made an appointment with the first officer.


The first officer did not have an office so on those occasions when he needed one, such as reprimanding a junior officer, Spock called the offender to a conference room. If it were a more informal meeting, Spock met them in his lab and this was where he and McCoy were seated late that morning.

"Kind of you to see me on such short notice Spock," McCoy said by way of an opener.

"I am curious, doctor."

Belatedly remembering that social niceties were lost on Spock, McCoy decided to stop wasting both their time and get down to it. "I'm sleeping with Chekov." McCoy thought he caught just a flash of surprise behind Spock's bland eyes but could not be sure, so he continued. "The regulations require that because of our differences in rank, the First Officer must be appraised of the situation. That is the reason for this meeting; to apprise you of the fact that I have embarked on a sexual relationship with Ensign Chekov." McCoy sat back and waited for a reaction he did not get.

"Is there anything else you'd like to discuss, Doctor?"

"Not unless you object."

"There is nothing in Starfleet regulations to base an objection upon."

"Will you tell Jim?"

"Yes, if he asks me."

"*If* he asks�?"

"Doctor, unless you and Chekov do something in opposition to Starfleet regulations, your relationship is between the two of you and whomever you choose to disclose it to."

McCoy smiled. "You're not gonna to congratulate me?" He couldn't resist teasing Spock a little.

"For seducing Ensign Chekov?"

"He seduced me."

Spock pondered that for a moment. "Congratulations."


"I talked to Spock about us today," McCoy announced to Chekov seated across the backgammon board. "Lift your arms," he said, rising to pound on Chekov's back when the younger man choked on his drink. Seeing the crisis had passed, McCoy sat back down and asked, "Better?" in his best doctor voice.


McCoy raised a disapproving eyebrow at Chekov's tone and volume and merely quoted the pertinent Starfleet regs. "You can look 'em up in your own quarters if you don't believe me," he concluded coolly.

Chekov sat back with a sigh, looking somewhat abashed. "I believe you, I'm just surprised."

"That I'd follow the regs or tell Spock?"

"That you would follow a reg that made you tell Spock."

McCoy pulled Chekov around the table and into his lap so he could kiss him. The youngster snuggled happily against him so McCoy let him stay there. "It's easier to tell Spock than Kirk, honey," he murmured into Chekov's neck.


"Because Spock will accept anything the regs support that is not harmful to the ship or crew," McCoy said gently. "Captain Kirk, on the other hand, will be concerned that you're too young, I�m too old; you're an ensign, I'm a lt. commander; that we're wrong for each other, that one of us, maybe both of us, are taking advantage of each other. He'd find lots of reasons why you shouldn't be sitting in my lap right now."

"Would they be valid reasons?" Chekov asked seriously.

"Nah, only emotional reasons," McCoy soothed, noting his lover's concern. He knew Chekov would rather die than disappoint Kirk, whom he idolized. Spock was not idolized; Chekov respected and liked the Vulcan but was not in star struck awe of him. Feeling Chekov nibbling on his earlobe, McCoy assumed the ensign had, for now, lost interest in the subject. He let Chekov play a little longer before pulling him to his feet and steering him to the bed.

They undressed quickly and lay down, McCoy draping Chekov over him. "Are you sore?" he asked.


"Not at all?"


"Liar," McCoy pressed a kiss to Chekov's protesting lips. "Here, I have something for you."


"What I would have gone to Sickbay for last night if I hadn't been in a sexual frenzy." McCoy waved a dermal regenerator at him. "Roll over."

"I'm fine," Chekov insisted.

"Roll over anyway."

Chekov gave a long suffering sigh and complied. He closed his eyes when the doctor called for more lights and obediently spread his legs when he was bid do so. The only solace was McCoy's gentle touch and the dermal regenerator did feel good, but, then again, it might just have been that McCoy was touching him.

"You're in better shape than I thought you'd be." McCoy put the regener away and pulled Chekov into his arms.

"You were very gentle," the Russian said, reaching down to play with McCoy's cock, which hardened under his demanding touch. As McCoy reached for Chekov's cock, Chekov gently pushed his hand away.

Like everyone, McCoy had a passive streak and was happy to indulge it now and then. He was now happily lying on his back as Chekov kissed and nipped his merry way down to the doctor's raging hard-on. He closed his eyes for a moment when he felt the head of his penis engulfed in Chekov's warm, beautiful mouth. Raising his hands to stroke his lover's hair, McCoy found them firmly placed back at his sides. Chekov had worked McCoy's cock down his throat and was playing with his balls, so McCoy relaxed and enjoyed the treatment he was getting.

Chekov left off his cocksucking and crawled up McCoy to kiss him. "Where's the lube?" he asked, comfortably straddling his lover.

McCoy opened the bedside drawer for him. The doctor didn't think he would like being fucked by Chekov but, oh well, it was the least he could do and he had a dermal regenerator and it might be okay�

"Can you help me get ready?" Chekov asked shyly, holding out the container of lube to him.

"Of course." McCoy tried not to be too relieved as he dipped into the lube and gently caressed it into Chekov's body. He tried to draw the ensign up his chest so he could suck him, as he had the previous night, but Chekov told him was 'too close' so McCoy let him be.

Chekov was close; he'd leaked pre-cum on the doctor's belly just from gently rubbing their erections together.

'Short fuse; quick recovery,' McCoy was thinking as Chekov sat up and spread a generous amount of lube on his lover's erection. Enchanted and very aroused, McCoy watched Chekov center his body over the doctor's cockhead and relax down enough to let the head pop in. They had to pause a moment to let the wave of erotic electricity course through their bodies before Chekov could continue his descent. McCoy brought his hands up to caress the youngster's thighs in a comforting, if not encouraging, manner.

Chekov sighed voluptuously as he settled onto McCoy's taut balls. He smiled almost smugly and redirected the doctor's hands from his thighs to his own erection and began to move around on McCoy's cock.

Without a doubt McCoy was enjoying himself, but it occurred to the doctor that he'd enjoy more rhythm in Chekov's gyrations. With this in mind, McCoy began to stroke the Russian's cock in a gentle but insistent rhythm. He punctuated every other stroke with a small thrust up, that Chekov, falling into the older man's rhythm, met with a small thrust down.

'Next time I must put on something with a good beat before we hit the hay,' McCoy thought and then ceased thinking as he and Chekov began to slam their bodies together in wild abandon.

Chekov came first, splashing jizm on the doctor's chest and then collapsing into the doctor's arms. His clenching and very sexy climactic cries sent McCoy over the edge right after him.

Chest heaving but very happy, McCoy cuddled and comforted the shaking ensign in his arms. By the time Chekov was calm enough to get off him, McCoy was well established in his post-coital bliss but still had the presence of mind to get a towel and clean them off. After all, Chekov had done all the work that evening.

Chekov was intent on going to sleep and so snarled sleepily when McCoy rolled him over and applied a light antiseptic and the dermal regenerator to his ass. He was sound asleep before McCoy was done ministering to him.

McCoy tidied up a bit more and sat back to gaze at his sleeping lover. 'I would never have picked you, Chekov, so I'm awfully glad you picked me,' he thought. He lay supine next to Chekov, who was sleeping on his side with his back to the doctor, and went to sleep. In the morning he woke with Chekov curled up in his arms and drooling on his chest. McCoy decided it was such a good sign that they gravitated to each other even in their sleep that he could overlook the drooling.


On to ...has better plans...

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