Eldridge Cleaver's quote "You're either part of the solution or you're part of the problem." is a very famous quote by one of the founders of the black panthers. This quote is definitely useful today. With today's pollution crisis and economical crisis, where we can save a lot money is in electricity and causing less pollution. Today's problem is we haven't really progressed in going "green". Today's solution is to in fact go "green".
Today's generation has to be part of the solution of making the world a better place. By going green, we can conserve electricity; then in the future save money. Fighting in an endless war doesn't help us at all. We have no reason to be fighting in Iraq. Billions if not Trillions of dollars went into a war and we have yet to benefit from.
I plan on being part of the solution by not smoking, trying to conserve electricity as much as possible and when I buy a car, I'm going to buy a hybrid car so I won't cause as much pollution. There are many ways that today's generation can help strengthen tomorrow's planet.
Thomas L. Freeman editorial in the New York Times talks about how he feels that the new generation is the key to the earth's survival. I agree with what Freeman when he talk about us paying taxes but in return seeing the bailed out car companies make more hybrid cars because it would improve mileage and emissions. He also points out that President Obama's stimulus plans is going to be our biggest investment or our biggest burden of our lives.
On December 6th President Barack Obama gave his weekly address speaking of the loss of jobs in the United States reaching nearly 2 million in this recession.
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