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August 9, 2004

August 8, 2004

Cawson St. Church of Christ

Mural Worthey

Hopewell, Virginia

Abuses of Marriage and Sexuality


Marriage is a current topic of much discussion in our nation. Many cultures, nations and individuals have greatly perverted what God has instituted. Marriage, as ordained of God, is wonderful and promotes the happiness of mankind. I am convinced that the building blocks for society and the church are families and the home.

In the 1950s, people began to pay serious attention for the first time, in a systematic way, to marital problems. The field of marriage counseling got underway. Colleges and churches promoted it strongly from then until now. Counselors found out that there is a dark and even tragic side to some marriages. Those who were suffering in marriages decided to divorce. Then began the era in the 1970s of marriage enrichment—to make marriages better. But if they could not be enriched, if you were not happy, then mates moved on. In addition to just enrichment, we all need a moral commitment in marriage. Without a moral and spiritual foundation, marriage is in jeopardy.

Those who are criticizing marriage itself and trying to replace it with something else are arguing against abuses in marriage and not against marriage as ordained of God.

One good way to define marriage is by pointing out what it is not. Man has made almost every possible false and harmful arrangement over the centuries and called it marriage. Here are some things that misrepresent marriage as planned and ordained of God. These are abuses of marriage and sexuality.

One’s View of God and Marriage

(These notes are taken from the Biblical Repository, July 1832, Professor Tholuck of Halle, trans. By Professor Emerson, part IV, section II, 441-464.)

The religions of heathenism are nothing but a religious conception or apprehension of the life of external nature. Almost all nations of antiquity regarded God as hermaphrodite, or if they separated the principles of generation, they assumed one supreme god and one supreme goddess as the medium of every thing which came into being. Thus among the Egyptians, there were Osiris and Isis. Among the Persians, Mitra-Mithras. And among the Greeks, there were Jupiter and Juno. The very supposition of deities in this fashion drew the soul of man away from moral to physical and carnal life.

Then after conceiving of the gods in such a way, they made symbols and images of them. They sculptured the images of the gods with a designed prominence of the parts of shame; then made images of these parts themselves as objects of divine honor and worship. The phallus and kteis are found as objects of worship in all the ancient systems. Even in South America among the Spaniards, there existed the worship of the sexual parts.

To honor these gods, the most ungodly and indecent songs resounded, sung by women inflamed with the wildest lust. There was drinking and dancing. Festivals were held where the whole towns joined in the drinking and revelry. Temples were built to honor Aphrodite as a house of debauchery for young Athenians. Female slaves were offered for prostitution. Prostitution was committed as an act of divine worship. Virgins sacrificed their virtue in honor of the goddess.

Think about it. If the gods were thought about in the way described above, if the worship of those gods included worshipping the genitals, the heathen system of religion carried mankind further down the road to immorality and destruction. It could not lift man out of his sins, but instead encouraged him in the practice of it. If you worship a god who is unholy, then the worshipper will also be unholy. The Bible says, "Be you holy, for I am holy." (1 Peter 1:15-16, Lev. 11:44.)

What Constitutes Scripture and Marriage

If one accepts the only the Old and New Testaments as Scripture, one will understand marriage as presented by these inspired writers. But quite a different view of marriage will held if one accepts the claims of Joseph Smith or Muhammad. All claims must be carefully tested to see what is revealed from God. Do the writings bear the mark of inspiration? Is it possible that only a man wrote the words and claimed that they were from God? These are serious questions with profound implications.

Both Joseph Smith and Muhammad promoted polygamy, but the Bible teaches that two (man and wife) become one flesh. (Gen. 2:24.)

#1: Polygamy

Polygamy means many marriages. The practice of the marriage of several men to one woman (polyandry) is practically unknown. However, the marriage of one man to several women is well-known in both ancient and modern history. It is prevalent in religions like ancient Judaism as recorded in the Old Testament, modern Islam and Mormon societies. However, from the beginning, man has known that marriage is the union of one man and one woman. All else is a perversion and wickedness. Someone wrote, "Hypocrisy is a sort of homage which vice pays to virtue." (C. Caverno, ISBE, Vol. 4, 2416.) No one should try to justify polygamy just because some in the Old Testament period practiced it.

The origin of polygamy is primarily the outcome of tribal wars. When one tribe or clan defeated another in battle, the women and children of the conquered were taken into captivity. They were used as slaves and concubines. The sheiks and kings gathered their seraglios and harems. The difficulties of the immorality of polygamy are evident in the lives of Abraham, Sarah, Jacob, Rachel and Leah, Solomon, David and others. When Sarah could not bear a son, she plotted to have a son between Abraham and Hagar. Jealousy ensued and she demanded that Abraham cast her and the child out of the house. It was a painful thing for Abraham to do. Such are the pains and consequences of polygamy. If it be asked whether polygamy among the patriarchs of the Bible was sinful and wrong, the answer is without doubt. It was sinful and contrary to what the Lord ever intended. Jesus said concerning the marriage of one man and one woman, From the beginning, this was God’s plan. (Gen. 2:24, Matt. 19:1-9.) "A man shall leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife. They two shall be one flesh." Two becomes one; not three or four or five become one.

It is interesting how Joseph Smith, the supposed prophet of the Mormon religion, received instructions about polygamy. He had several wives before he received the revelation concerning the rightness of polygamy. His first wife was Emma Smith, who very much opposed the idea of her husband marrying other women and bringing them home! Thus, conveniently, he had another revelation from God. This is what it said:

"And let mine handmaid Emma Smith receive all those who have been given unto my servant Joseph and who are virtuous and pure before me. . . I command mine handmaid, Emma Smith, to abide and cleave unto my servant Joseph and to none else. But if she will not abide in this commandment she shall be destroyed, saith the Lord. For I am thy God and will destroy her if she abide not in my law." (Doctrine and Covenants 132:52.)

The revelation concerning polygamy came about in order to justify Joseph Smith’s polygamous life and to force his wife, Emma Smith, to submit to this arrangement or she would be destroyed. How would you like to be named specifically in a prophecy like this? Bringham Young, another apostle of the Mormon Church, is thought to have had 50 to 60 wives.

Newsweek, Nov. 21, 1955, pgs. 98-99, said that Utah polygamists may well number 20,000. The State Attorney General, E. R. Callister admitted that Utah’s jails were not large enough to hold them all. New York Times, Dec. 27, 1965, pg. 18, estimated that as many as 30,000 men, women, and children live in families in which polygamy was practiced. Ladies Home Journal, June 1967, pg. 78, revealed that as many 10,000 practice polygamy in Salt Lake City alone. To this day, there are many around the world who live in this terrible state of degradation and sin.

The Mormons teach that Jesus Christ practiced polygamy! "The grand reason why the Gentiles persecuted Jesus Christ was because he had so many wives. There were Elizabeth, Mary and a host of others that followed him. After Jesus went from the stage of action, the apostles followed the example of their master. A belief in the doctrine of the plurality of wives caused the persecution of Jesus and his followers. We might almost think they were Mormons." (Journal of Discourses, Vol. 1, 345-346, Jedidiah M. Grant.) The Mormons teach that Jesus was the one married in Cana of Galilee. Even though the New Testament just says that he and his disciples were invited to a wedding. (John 2:2.) Orson Pratt falsely said, "It will be seen that the great Messiah who was the founder of the Christian religion was a polygamist." (The Seer, Orson Pratt, Mormon apostle, 172.)

Mormons also believe that God our Father was once a man, Adam, and that he had many wives. Now that he is God and had celestial marriages, then he continues to have many goddesses or wives in heaven! Therefore, according to the false doctrine of Mormons, both Jesus and God are polygamists. That justifies them for being so.

#2: Eunuchs and Celibacy

The horrible consequences of polygamy did not end with the abuse and degradation of women, but men also. Those who were given charge over the harems were required to be emasculated. These eunuchs often served kings and queens in matters of government as well. We remember, of course, the eunuch who served Candace the Queen of Ethiopia, who was baptized by Philip. (Acts 8:26-40.) They often influenced the kings in high-level decisions. The barbarous practice of self-mutilation and mutilation of others was prevalent throughout the Orient.

Under the Law of Moses, eunuchs could not enter into the congregation or assembly to worship. (Deut. 23:1.) Neither could an illegitimate child to the tenth generation! (Verse 2.)

Jesus made this comment about eunuchs: "For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother’s womb. There are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men. And there are eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it." (Matt. 19:12.) There are three groups named here: those born as eunuchs, those physically made eunuchs to serve kings and queens, and those who purposefully, of the will, live a chaste single life in order to serve the Lord. Those made eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake are not those who willfully submit to being emasculated physically, but those who spiritually decide to live that kind of life, like the apostle Paul did. Origen, in his youthful days, misunderstood this teaching and applied it physically. He acted upon such a belief being strong in faith and readiness to serve God. (Eusebius’ Ecclesiastical History, 226-227.)

Many throughout history have disdained marriage, as if there is something wrong with the joining of men and women in marriage. The Bible settles all such speculation by saying, "Marriage is honorable in all and the bed is undefiled. But whoremongers and adulterers God will judge." (Heb. 13:4.) Marriage is ordained of God and should therefore be considered honorable and good. In fact, there is a distinct problem with being alone. The first words of the Bible to address this after the creation of man are, "It is not good that the man should be alone." (Gen. 2:18.) Paul added, "Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife and let every woman have her own husband." (1 Cor. 7:2.) There is no special virtue in being a eunuch or neglecting any other legitimate need of the body. It is called by Paul "will worship." Such is asceticism. (Col. 2:21-23.)

#3: Celestial Marriages

There are religious groups who believe that marriages continue into eternity and into heaven itself. They think that once you make an eternal commitment to a mate and remain faithful to them, your marriage will continue after death in heaven. Those who teach such are the churches of the Latter Day Saints or Mormons. But not only they, but also many Protestant churches imply that somehow in heaven we will continue the earthly ties of our families. The circle there will not be broken and we will all sit again around a big dinner table. There will be the husband, wife, children and grandparents, all accounted for and present. Such is a misrepresentation of the nature of the life to come and a corruption of the teachings of the Bible. No such thing will happen. Life and the relationships that we now have will not continue in a physical sense.

The Mormon doctrine says that a man can be joined to his wife or wives for time and eternity. The marriage must be done in the temple and the man must be an elder in the so-called Melchizedek Priesthood. This is supposed to make them gods.

"If you marry a wife by my word, which is my law, and by the new and everlasting covenant, it shall be done unto them in all things whatsoever my servant hath put forth upon them, in time, and through all eternity; and shall be full force when they are out of the world." (Doctrine and Covenants 132:19.) Yet, the Bible says "in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven." (Matt. 22:30.) Joseph Smith said that this state of being like the angels only applies to those who did not contract a celestial marriage or was not married by a Mormon priest. Those who practiced polygamy and had a celestial marriage performed will also become gods. (D & C 132:20.)

Orson Pratt, one of the twelve apostles of the Mormon Church, wrote, "If plurality of marriage is not true, then marriage for eternity is not true and your faith is vain. For as sure as one is true, the other also must be true. Amen." (Journal of Discourses, Vol. 21, 296.) They, therefore, connect inseparably the practice of polygamy and celestial marriages. One is as right or as wrong as the other. Since, according to the Bible, polygamy is sinful, then neither polygamy nor celestial marriage is right.

The belief that marriages, either to one wife or many, continue into eternity is a physical, carnal concept of eternal life with God. It is similar to the carnal promotions of Muhammad and Muslims who think that heaven is where men will have virgins available for them to fulfill their carnal desires. The very idea is blasphemy against God to think that sinful activity will be allowed in the presence of God.

#4: Living Together without Marriage

In every society, there is always a distinction made between those who are married and those who are just living together. The first is honorable and accepted by God and man; the second is recognized as fornication and sinful. There is a difference. Paul wrote, "For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that you should abstain from fornication; that everyone of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honor; not in the lust of concupiscence, even as the Gentiles which know not God." (1 Thess. 4:3-4.)

Paul argued for the proper use of the body. He declared that the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord. He asked if the Corinthians did not know that their bodies were members of the body of Christ. Should they then make the members of the body of Christ one with a harlot? He then charged them to "flee fornication. Every sin that a man does is without the body, but he that commits fornication sins against his own body." He then asked them if they did not know that their bodies were the temple of the Holy Spirit which they had from God. "For you are bought with a price. Therefore, glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s." (1 Cor. 6:13-20.)

Many have just lived together without making the vows of marriage before God and man. There is an increasing number in America who live together as man and wife without marriage. Cohabitation has skyrocketed between 1990-2000 by 72%. Common law marriages once were very common, but now only a few states (9 to 15) allow it. Most states have passed statutes making it illegal. Everyone, young and old alike, ought to refrain from acting and appearing in public as husband and wife when they have not been joined together in marriage. Paul wrote, "Provide for things honest in the sight of all men." (Rom. 12:17.)

In Islamic countries, the penalty for living together outside of marriage is severe. I clipped an article from the Caymanian Compass, Jan. 12, 1982. The title is "Double Death for Young Love."

In Peshawar, Pakistan, two young lovers were shot dead by their fathers after the couple had been caught in bed together. The police said the girl’s father, Wali Khan found the unmarried couple together in the bed in his home here and called the boy’s father, Sarwar Khan, his next-door neighbor. Both fathers made a pact to kill the couple for committing a major sin. Wali Khan shot dead his daughter, Saeeda and then gave his rifle to Sarwar Khan who shot his son, Abdul Ghaffar. Police said both men were charged with murder after they reported their action to the local police station. Under Islamic laws, enforced by President Mohammad Zia-Ul-haq, unmarried consenting couples are liable to 100 lashes for sexual intercourse.

#5: Same Sex Marriages

An amendment to the Constitution, defining marriage as between one man and one woman, recently failed to pass in Congress. It is encouraging that many states have now passed their own laws defining marriage so as to exclude same sex unions. Homosexual unions are not just alternative lifestyles. They are perverse unions contrary to nature and to the will of God. The Old Testament condemned such unions 3500 years ago.

"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind. It is an abomination." (Lev. 18:22.) "If a man lie with mankind, as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them." (Lev. 20:13.) "There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel." (Deut. 23:17.)

The word, sodomite, came into use because of the evil practices of the people of Sodom. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed with fire and brimstone from heaven because they practiced homosexuality. The scene of Lot, his two guests from God and his two virgin daughters with the sodomites trying to break the door down is almost unbelievable in its depiction of the depravity of the people. After the destruction of the two cities of the plains, biblical writers often point out the judgement of God against such sin. The apostle Peter wrote, "God turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an example unto those that after should live ungodly." (2 Peter 2:6.) Paul, likewise, described the judgment of God against those who do such things against nature. (Rom. 1:26-32.)

Some people think that our present world is out of control, even the control of God. And that such evil in our world proves that God does not exist. Cecil May, Jr. well pointed out that such is not the case.

Society in Moral Decay

The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against a society which refuses to acknowledge God. God gives them up to sexual promiscuity, homosexuality, rampant dishonesty in business, bribery and favoritism in government, and rebellion against parental and all other authority.

Abortion, societal approval of sex out of wedlock, celebration of gay and lesbian unions, use of near nudity to sell everything, criminals prowling the streets while decent people are locked up in their homes in fear: these are evidence, not of a world out of God’s control, but of a world under God’s judgment. (emphasis mine, wmw.)

One of the penalties for rejecting God is having to live in the amoral cesspool such rejection creates.

(Preacher Talk, Cecil May, Jr., July 2004.)


#6: Divorce and Annulment

Instead of counselors and teachers warning against the problems of divorce, many actually encouraged it. Their language was much like the prevailing culture of the day, which is always self-centered and non-sacrificial. Here are some examples:

The marriage just isn’t working any more. Husbands or wives will often make such statements to justify divorce. This is like saying that your car is not working anymore. After awhile you are spending more on repairs than what a new one would cost. If it is not working, get another one!

It is time to move on. That is what we might say about a job. I have invested in the job; I’ve lost my competitive edge. It is time to move on. But would we say that about our children. It is time to leave them behind.

You deserve better. This is a very consumerist saying. Friends will say this to each other about their marriage. You complain about your marriage and your friends say, You deserve better. That is a market-driven, cultural attitude. Kennedy is known for saying, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." People would laugh at such a statement in today’s culture. Ronald Reagan asked us in the 1980s, "Are you better off than you were four years ago?" That is the more modern view of everything. What have you profited materially? You deserve more and better things in life than what you are getting.

One well-known therapist referred to one marriage as "a starter marriage." We use words like that when referring to a first home. It is small, but that is all we can afford for now. Later, we will move up to a larger house. This woman or man is a good starter husband or wife. But you would not want to keep them forever!

The Bible uses entirely different language. It says: "For the Lord, the God of Israel says that he hates putting away." (Malachi 2:16.) "Wherefore they are no more two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder." (Matt. 19:6.) "Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement and to put her away? He said unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your heart suffered you to put away your wives, but from the beginning it was not so. I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication and shall marry another, commits adultery. Whoso marries her which is put away does commit adultery." (19:7-9.)

Annulment. One religious body, knowing the power of these words, tries to avoid the difficulty by annulling marriages so they can remarry without being divorced. It is interesting that the Bible does not deal with the concept of annulment. Is it because no such thing is possible in the first place? If it was a legitimate marriage in the first place, then it cannot be annulled.

Reasons for annulment range from intoxication at the wedding, forced marriages, underage marriages, impotency, existing marriage/s, psychological or mental disorders, epilepsy attack just before the wedding that might impair the person mentally, homosexuality, pedophile behavior, or entering a marriage with no intention to remain in the marriage till death. Obviously, there are some cases where a marriage was not a legitimate marriage. The laws of various states allow annulment under some situations. But one should not seek an annulment in order to keep from calling it a divorce. There is something wrong when the same person has had two or three annulments!

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