Calling DoctorBombay!
<drumroll please...>
On April 9, 2002, we had the pleasure of another FiCO meeting in the Colorado Springs area at our regular stomping grounds of Old Chicago's.  This time it we hosted a visit from the one and only TJ, known to the evil crowds of TMF and the Board of Pure Evil as DoctorBombay.

We were fortunate to also have MacMurph as a secondary guest, but we'll save that story for another time and link... and now without further ado... is there a Doctor in the House??
Our illustrious PoodleLover
PoodleLover was the first to arrive only after MacMurph and myself. As you can see, he's in good spirits after work and poses prettily for the camera... smile and say cheese!
Okay, maybe next time...
Our prestigious guest from the east coast... TJ!!
With beers in hand and introductions all around, we finally settled down enough for this group shot... but oh dear... where is MacMurph??
There's MacMurph... and he shares a laugh with our newest best friend, TJ...
Now pose nice for the camera... that's a nice Poodle... good boy...
Another group shot... but the gang isn't all here quite yet... we are missing our latecomer who just happens to be taking some night classes...
Surprise!  It's Yoda!  Poor MacMurph gets caught in the crossfire... so sorry...
But that's okay... as the evening progresses, TJ and Yoda compare notes as Yoda digs deep down into his wallet... I think it's time for a silly moment, and yet I don't think Yoda realizes that the joke is on him and so he never sees this one coming...

So I ask the crowd who is watching from a distance... what do you get when you cross a FiCo gathering, bottomless pints of beer, a few cameras and a web page maker with an obnoxious sense of humor?
You get circa 1980's Yoda with a driver's license mug shot to die for!
And that's what happens when you drag out the old driver's licenses and allow them to be photographed. I'll bet that never, ever happens again at a FiCO meeting!
Yoda recovers quickly and turns to what he does the very best... drink beer!
And with some more laughs, a dozen stories to be remembered, embellished and retold, the evening sadly comes to a close.  We again say goodbye to our guest of honor and send him on his way...

We had the most wonderful time meeting with TJ... his humor and friendship will forever be captured in these pages and in our hearts...
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Updated July 22, 2005
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