Associação CAUÉ - Amigos de São Tomé e Príncipe

Campanha de reconhecimento histórico

São Tomé x Biafra

40 aniversário do conflicto de Biafra

e da ponte aérea humanitária desde São Tomé

Bibliografia básica e

documentação na rede

Bibliografia básica / Basic Literature

ACHEBE, Chinua, Christmas in Biafra and other poems, Anchor Books, 1973, 92 pp.

ADICHIE, Chimamanda Ngozi, Half of a Yellow Sun, Londres, Harper Perennial, 2007.

AKPAN, N.U., The Struggle for Secession 1966-1970: A personal account of the Nigerian civil war, London, Frank Kass and Co., 1972.

AMADI, Elechi, Sunset in Biafra: A Civil War Diary, London, African Writers Series, Heinemann, 1973.

BELLO, Mónica. "Biafra. A Guerra Secreta de Portugal", Grande Reportagem, Março de 1998, pp. 32-44.

BERGE, Elias, Biafra. Da Norge våknet, Kirkens Nødhjelp, Oslo, 2005.

BONDOSO, António, Escravos do Paraíso. Vivências de São Tomé e Príncipe, Coimbra, Minerva, 2005

BONNEVILLE, Floris de, A guerra de Biafra, Lisboa, Editorial Início, 1968, 169 pp.

BONNEVILLE, Floris de, & VASSAE-GAMMA, Hugues, "Biafra", Triunfo, 1969 -

BREWIN, Andrew, & MacDONALD, David, Canada and the Biafran Tragedy, Toronto, James Lewis & Samuel, 1970.

BUHLER, Jean. Matai-os todos! Guerra no Biafra. Lisboa, Editorial Verbo, 1969.

BYRNE, Tony, Breaching the Blockade. Airlift to Biafra, Dublin, Columba Press, 1997, 198 pp.

CAMPBELL, Colin, "Starvation was the Policy", The New York Times, 2007,

COOK, Steve, "Ghosts of São Tomé", Flight Journal, Dec 1999 -

COOPER, Tom, "Civil War in Nigeria (Biafra)", ACIG Western & Northern Africa Database, Nov. 13, 2003 -

DRAPER, Michael I., Shadows: Airlift and Airwar in Biafra and Nigeria 1967-1970, Howell Press, 2000, 272 pp.

DUCH, Alex V., Luftbroen til Biafra, Jesus Christ Airlines, Copenhaguen, Carit Andersens Forlag, 2002, 282 pp. -

FORSYTH, Frederick, The Making of an African Legend: The Biafra Story, London, Penguin, 1969, republished 1977. Spanish version Génesis de una leyenda africana. La Historia de Biafra, Barcelona, Plaza & Janés, 1979, 396 pp

FORSYTHE, David P., "The International Committee of the Red Cross and Humanitarian Assistance - A Policy Analysis", International Reiew of the Red Cross num. 314, p. 512-531 -

GOETZ, Nathaniel H., "Humanitarian Issues in Biafra Conflict, New Issues in Refugee Research, working paper 36, April 2001 -

McCULLUM, Hugh McCullum, "Biafra was the beginning",

OJUKWU, Emeka, The Ahiara Declaration (the Principles of the Biafran Revolution), Geneve, Markpress 1969.

OJUKWU, C. Odumegwu, Biafra: Random Thoughts of C. Odumegwu Ojukwu, General of the People's Army, London, Harper & Row, 1969.

PELISSIER, René, "São Tomé: Outpost of Portuguese Colonialism and Lifeline to Biafra", in Africa Report, Jan, 1970.

PETTERSEN, Ralph M., "Constellation Survivors, Survey of World's Surviving Lockheed Constellations", Air Classics, Apr 2004,

SAINT JORRE, John de, The Nigerian Civil War, London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1972.

SANTOS, Eduardo dos. A Questão do Biafra, Porto, Portucalense Editora 1968.

SESTO, José Luís, La Guerra de Nigeria, Algorta, Zero SA, 1969.

SHERMAN, John, War Stories. A Memoir of Nigeria and Biafra, Indianapolis, Mesa Verde Press, 2002

TIME, "Nigeria's Civil War: Hate, Hunger and the Will to Survive", Friday, Aug. 23, 1968 -,9171,838607-1,00.html

Documentação na rede / Documents in the net

AIR FRANCE, Air France et les Lockheed Constellation,

AFRIK.COM, Dossiers: A guerre du Biafra,


EMEAGWALI, Phillip, Nigeria-Biafra Civil War,

LEEUW, Ruud, Lockheed Constellation: Background Information -

THEURIAU, Mélissa, Un jour une photo, Biafra en Guerre (SAUER, Jean-Caude, Image de Biafra en guerre)

PETTERSEN, Ralph M., Connie survivors - Detalhes têcnicos das aeronaves estacionadas em TMS:

SMITHSONIAN NATIONAL AIR & SPACE MUSEUM, Lockheed 1049 Super Constellation -

WILLIAMS, Peter, Biafra (photographs), 1968 -




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