Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie
20th Century Fox (1995)
Adventure, Family, Action
In Collection
Seen ItYes
IMDB   4.9
95 mins USA / English
DVD  Region 1   PG (Parental Guidance)
Karan Ashley Aisha Campbell/The Yellow Ranger
Johnny Yong Bosch Adam Park/The Black Ranger
Steve Cardenas Rocky DeSantos/The Red Ranger
Jason David Frank Tommy Oliver/The White Ranger
Amy Jo Johnson Kimberly Hart/The Pink Ranger
David Yost Billy Cranston/The Blue Ranger
Paul Schrier Bulk
Jason Narvy Skull
Paul Freeman Ivan Ooze
Gabrielle Fitzpatrick Dulcea
Nicholas Bell Zordon
Peta-Maree Rixon Alpha 5
Jean Paul Bell Mordant
Kerry Casey Goldar
Mark Ginther Lord Zedd
Bryan Spicer
Producer Suzanne Todd
Shuki Levy
Writer Arne Olsen
John Kamps
Cinematography Paul Murphy
Musician Graeme Revell

Six teenagers have discovered the power to fight the forces of evil. Now the fate of the universe is in their hands.
Edition Details
Distributor 20th Century Fox
Release Date 9/2/2003
Packaging Keep Case
Screen Ratio Fullscreen (4:3)
Widescreen (1.85:1)
Subtitles English; English (Closed Captioned)
Audio Tracks Dolby Digital 5.1 [English]
Stereo [English]
Dolby Digital Surround [English]
Dolby Digital Surround [French]
Layers Single Side, Single Layer
No. of Discs/Tapes 1

Interactive Menus Making-Of Featurette Scene Selection Original Theatrical Trailer