
Things that would be smart to know when coming to rp in my room.
These are simple rules really.  I am not going to be nice about them, I am not going to be polite, and I am not going to be understanding to any or all situations.  My rules are my rules, so deal with them.  First of all, there will be no whispering or pming someone in the room to ask their a/s/l.  This is a rp, not a dating service.  If there is a concern that someone in the chat room may be far too young for this kind of thing then you pm me and ask me, very respectfully, to look into it.
  Another thing, for all those that have ops, there will be no kicking for personal grudges or for the way their character acts...unless I am the one doing the kicking of course.  The way a character acts while ic should in no way relate to whether or not he or she may rp in the room...unless, of course, that character is excessivly god moding and refuses to stop, or, as I said before, if it is I who is doing the kicking.  Also, if someone is being very rude, obnoxious, or mean to me or any other op....their gone.
  Just to let you know, I am not nice, kind, friendly, understanding, patient, practicle, tolerant, or anything else that would make you think that you could get away with something.  If you piss me off, I am going to let you know.  If you piss me off while in my room, you are not going to be in my room any longer.  I dont take crap from anyone and you can rant and rave and complain and insult all you want, no matter how childish it may seem or you may call it, if I am mad at you you are gone.
  Now, usually, I am pretty fair, and I love to have fun and to rp.  I like any ideas for story lines and I am open to suggestions as long as you do not critisize and complain if I dont take them.  You are free to play any kind of character you want, up to two or three living at one time.  The characters may have any past you want, be from any planet you want, from any dimension you want, from any time you want.  Unless, of course, if it was I who made up the character and you deside to play it.
Terms that would be best to understand while rping

OOC - Out of Character
IC - In Character
RP - Role Play
BRB - Be Right Back
BBS - Be Back Soon
BBL - Be Back Later
AFK - Away From Keyboard
TMI - Too Much Information
If you do not know these simple terms it would be best to memorize them quick
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