Fan Art Section!

This is the part where you get to see how badly I draw.  Please, no laughter.  ::whimper::


It's all Gundam Wing right now.  Sorry, non-GW fans.  Also, it's all shounen ai... so, sorry, non shounen-ai fans.

Realization.  This is a picture from Immunity.  I drew it with pencil, and later went back and went over it with pen--which is why it sucks so badly.  I think I ruin everything I use pen on.  Completed 2001.

Hurt.  Duo carrying Wufei.  I don't  know how he got hurt, or why, but our Wu-chan is injured!  ::weeps::  Oh, the humanity!  I started this one with pencil, and graduated to pen later... actually, this one doesn't look too bad in pen.  All I have to say is that Wufei's hand is so not my fault.  It's just ugly.  Completed 2001.

Friendly.  Duo and Wufei get "friendly".  I drew this in pencil and decided to scan it before I ruined it with pen.  This is definitely foreplay, and although the feet suck, just look at Wufei's hand... no fic to go with it yet.  Completed 2001.

Talk to Cassima!

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