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James Clarke ROSS 1800 - 1862
Ross joined the Royal Navy at the age of 11. In 1818 he was second in command on an expedition led by his uncle. They were seeking the Northwest Passage. It took him eight winters and fifteen summers to explore the Arctic. On 31 May 1831 he discovered the North Magnetic Pole.
In September 1839, Ross began his voyage down south, in the "Erebus" and the "Terror", to explore and locate the South Magnetic Pole. On 28 January 1823, the explorers came across High Island, calling its two volcanic mountains Erebus and Terror after the ships. On 9 January 1841, forcing his way through iced sea, Ross discovered an ice shelf and called it the Victoria Barrier, later known as the Ross Ice Shelf. On the 11th of the same month, they claimed a small island and called it Possession Island.On 23 November 1841, Ross set sail from Hobart on the Antarctic Expedition.
In 1842, he headed back to the Falklands. On 17 December 1842, they left the Falklands on his third voyage down to the Antarctic. He left for England on 4 September 1843, after spending four years and five months down south.Ross was married that same year, never to explore again.


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