Current Casey Temperature

Click for Casey 66 28S 110 52E, Antarctica Forecast




66º 17' S, 110º 32' E


Casey lies on the coast of Wilkes Land some 3,800km due south of Perth. It is situated in an area of low rocky islands and peninsulas.

The station is named after the late Lord Casey, Govenour General of Australia from 1965-69. Lord Casey assisted Sir Douglas Mawson in preparations for BANZARE (British Australian New Zealand Antatctic Reaearch Expeditions) and was the federal Minister responsible for Australia's Antarctic work from 1950-1961.

Casey station was established in February, 1959, when Australia took overall responsibility for the US Wilkes station, built in 1957 for the IGY and named for Lieutenant Charles Wilkes, leader of the US Exploring Expedition. Ten years later when its main building was covered over by snow, Australia replaced Wilkes with Casey station, 2 mi (3k) to thesouth across the bay

The major scientific programs undertaken in and around Casey are upper atmosphere physics, botany, biology, glaciology, medicine, geoscience, meteorology and climate change studies, and mapping.

   Research links
  Australian Antarctic Division  


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