Reflections: I never felt like my friend's sister (the drunk driver who hit a pole) didn't deserve the good care that she received and I still feel the same way. I'm still happy for her. She made a mistake and she got a real chance to start over like it never happened. I hope she learned a valuable life-long lesson and never drove under the influence again. I'm thankful that she wasn't hurt worse and that she didn't hit another car or person that night she decided to drive even though she knew she'd had too much to drink.
  When I think of Lee today I feel nothing but contempt for him. He was a horrible pathetic excuse for a man. I can only hope he's not hurting another girl or young woman today. Lee was twice my chronological age, 10X more educated and capable than me, and physically strong and healthy yet he behaved like nothing more than a sniveling cowardly irresponsible worm with both deception and low-impulse control. Lee used me, probably thinking I'd be able to give him my parent's money. Lee was attracted to me, in part, as he said at one point, because my past suffering was etched on my face.  To Lee I looked like I'd been through some really hard times and I also looked like an easy victim. He was willing to be sweet for a long time in hopes of a big pay off and when it never happened Lee began to act like himself. Lee's sons were sweet wonderful boys who deserved a decent grown-up father and ended up stuck with Lee instead. Thank God their mother divorced Lee and remarried a stable man years before I ever met Lee.
  I tried to report the numerous crazy and abusive doctors, but no one was willing to listen. They just kept asking me, "Why did you wait so long?" Like that meant it never happened. I tried to explain the trauma all this stuff had caused and that it took that long for me to see how bad it really was and to be brave enough to say anything. No one cared. None of those doctor's, except for Dr. "S" who abused the wrong person and was caught red handed, ever got into any kind of trouble. I tried to report Lee too, to the college system, but they also wondered why I'd waited that long. They asked me to come in and sit in the same office with Lee and discuss it. That was a lot more than I was willing to do. I had come to understand that Lee was very dangerous and I didn't want to throw my whole life away in order to report Lee. I am left thinking that there has to be a better system for victims of physician and college staff abuse. However, I doubt things will ever change to accommodate the reality of these untouchables and most of their victims. 

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