Ismail KARcomic

Turk Karikaturist & illustrator,Sanat Ogretmeni...

Cartoon News-Karikatur Haberleri




 Sevgili Dostlarım;Yurt içinden ve yurt dışından bana ulaşan KARİKATÜR  HABERLERİ ni  sizlere ulaştırmaya çalışıyorum.Bu sayfada duyarmamı istediğiniz her turlu karikatür haberlerini e-mail adresime yada bir şekilde adresime gönderirseniz bu haberleri de diğer karikatürcülere duyurabilirim.. İsmail KAR

Worldwide  BE TOBACCO FREE!  Cartoon Contest - 2001 Winners...


The World's Fastest Clown Truth in Marketing Award.

This cartoon is a personal favorite of The World's Fastest Clown and the DRUG FREE! Racing team. It shows the influence that auto racing, in this case Formula 1, has on the youth. In the United States this would hold true for NASCAR and Indy car racing. The tobacco companies promote their deadly products to the youth through the excitment of auto racing, that's why we do what we do, use the same arena, add The World's Fastest Clown and hope we reach the youth before the tobacco companies do. GREAT cartoonist Hikmet Cerrah..Congratulations!

Tebrikler-Bravo- Congratulations Hikmet Cerrah!





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