Interview with Scorpios Androctonus of
Hails, how's it going?
"Through combined focus of will and effort, all dormant aspects of Crimson Moon are now awakened. With that being said, things are quickly progressing for our new work, and all to our standards of satisfaction."

Can you give us a brief history of Crimson Moon and your role in the band?
"Prior to beginning Crimson Moon, I was playing in a Death/Black metal band called Infested which never was able to reach it's potential due to common problems that often come about within a band consisting of several members. Shortly after Infested formed, Overlord was brought in as a rhythm guitarist, which is how we initially met. A few attmepts were made to replace members but needless to say, nothing came from that. As things fell apart for Infested, I was arrested on 2 felony counts which left me on probation for a year with strict terms, making things even more difficult to function in any sort of orthrodox band. It was then, that
I started Crimson Moon in 1994 as a solo project when I was first introduced to the possibilities of a 4-track. Utilizing a drum machine, this gave me the opportunity to record the debut, self tiltled demo without the burden of having to rely on anyone else. From that point on, it was years of tape trading and correspondence through mail which over time resulted in what things have developed into as of now.- Shortly after the debut demo was recorded and started getting some recognition, Overlord showed interest in playing guitars for Crimson moon and the material from the debut demo was re-recorded for the 1995 "Into the Nocturnal Forest" demo. Things continued to prgress as we started making a combined effort in song writing which resulted in the debut C.D. "To Embrace the Vampyric Blood". Before that debut C.D. was released, I got in contact with Blood Moon Ausar who was able to form the logo we have to this present day from a collective process of symbolism which I felt represented Crimson Moon and continues to portray the fundamental ideologies from the Creation to present day evolution of what has become. Shortly after TETVB was released, Blood Moon Ausar was brought into Crimson Moon to play Keyboards, further endow aspects of ideology through his artistic capabilities, and most importantly for his strong grasp and mutual agreement with my initial vision of Crimson Moon. In 1997, the 3 of us recorded Under the Serpentine Spell. From that point on, Crimson Moon sank into it's own abyss of dormant activity. Due to Overlord's lack of agreement to release the UTSS material, the material collected dust until 2005 when Full Moon Productions started showing a strong interest towards pressing UTSS on CD. Although Blood Moon Ausar and I would have chosen to release this material much earlier, we opted to do thinks in an honorable manner and only do so with a mutual agreement for all involved. Finally Total Holocaust Records began showing interest in the material as well, and Overlord 'suddenly' changed his mind about releasing the material when the royalties offered agreed to his less than resonable demands, and the UTSS C.D. was finally pressed after nearly being destroyed due to Overlord's actions and unreasonable demands which brouht up more unnecessary complication with Total Holocaust Records.-Though all of that somehow worked out, and we are not on bad terms at all with THR, I would also like to add that they did a very good job with the UTSS release and worked on a very efficient and professional level During the seemingly inactive time between the recording of UTSS in 1997 and this present point in time, I had relocated to Europe. Though the distance between members would usually tear things apart, prior to my relocation of residence there was still a large amount of distance in everyone's location which really made little change to how things could be done. A return to the U.S. in September 2001 resulted in the recording of "The Choice of Spirit". Though, once again, for simila reasons the material suffered years of delay before an agreement could be made resulting in it's release in June of 2006. After growing tired of ongoing situations of unnecessary delays and lack of progress from Overlord's aspect we began weighing out his strong points (song writing.) to an increasing list of weaknesses that eventually tipped the scales to the point of a recent decision to replace him. This was a decision that we initially were hoping to avoid , however this is now proving to be the best move made for Crimson Moon since 1997. Overlord was replaced much easier than I would have imagined by our current guitarist, Occaxial Asceticus (Legions of Astaroth) whom we have been working with on a trial basis since the end of 2006 and is now a permanent addition to the circle. For the first time since Crimson Moon was created, we now consist of a complete line-up. Due to the nature and ideologies behind all that Crimson Moon stands for and represents, it has never been an easy task to find the correct individuals for manifesting the essence into audio form. The Current link up is now forged into what the new material (which we will begin recording this February (2007) shall provev to be the strongest to come thus far."

Crimson Moon has recently gone through a line up change. Who are the newest members to join the ranks of Crimson Moon and who has been discarded?
"The weakest links have been replaced: the drum machine by VJS and Overlord (guitars) by Occaxial Asceticus. The line up is as follows:
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