Interview with Malefic of
When you first started Xasthur did you ever think that the band would turn out as it did?
"I never thought of the idea of becoming a one-person band until 99/00. In the beginning , my main goal was to have either a demo or CD, be it a self-release or by an underground label and to have songs that represented the way I felt. I never expected to do or have anything beyond that. My goal was to have black metal be a strong metaphor or parallel for the disgust and negativity I felt (and do feel) for life, I believe the goal has been reached."

Originally was Xasthur a one-man band? If not, what happened to the rest of the members?
"It wasn't, but should have been , I was the one who originally started it around 96. The other members were lazy, they were barley motivated to play death metal even and showed up to practice and learn, they were
kicked  out, they wasted approximately 3 or 4 years of my time. I don't know what happened to most of them, they're probably pretending to live their lives by continuing with their drugs and having a liter of worthless children."

Having been compared to old Graveland and Burzum, did that have any influence on the type of music Xasthur would later make?
"I think so. Those two bands go way back, bands that triggered the balck metal feeling into me, Graveland was the main influence as I never felt anything as hateful as 'Thousand Swords.'Today, Xasthur has probably become more dark and depressive, rather than barbaric, but the rememberance of Graveland and Burzum will alway be somewhere in mind."

At the time when you first began Xasthur what were the bands that inspired you?
"Mainly Thergothon, Deinonychus, Manes, Graveland, Burzum, Katatonia, Mutiilation, Vlad Tepes, Ungod, Crimson Moon,(old) Samael, (old) Tiamat and Forgotten Woods inspired me the most, I wanted to hear the variety of all these bands within my own."

Now what are the bands that inspire Xasthur's depressive sound?
"There are still some current bands that inspire me, as in, I like what they're doing, for example: Leviathan, Drudkh, Krohm, Morthond, Tenebrae in Perpetuum, Ondskapt, Weakling, Draugar, Shining (first couple of albums), Nortt, Silencer and a few more."

Is there a possibility that somewhere in the future Xasthur will consist of more members?
"No, I don't think so, I would have to train someone to have the same instincts that I have, someone would have to mentally be on the same page as I am, 'hearing what cannot be heard' if you will. I don't get along with anybody. I want to leave Xasthur as is."

That about wraps this interview, is there anything you would like to say to the people reading this?
"It was to the point, I would like to say thanks for the interview and interest, I hope this zine does well!!! I would also like to say fuck off to the gutless elite that like to talk shit behind my backand to those who doubt me, your contribution to black metal has been even less significant than that of Xasthur. Beware of a couple of cd's, 'To Violate the Oblivious' and 'Telepathic with the Deceased' I am not done yet! Both will inflict pain and reflect thier uselessness."

I would like to thank Malefic of Xasthur for giving me this interview.

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