Interview with Malathoras Volkeinblucht of
Hails, how's it going?
"Life continues as it always has and always Will. It it what it is!"

Can you introduce yourself?
"My name is Malathoras Volkeinbluch, devoted to the Lord of Darkness. That is all. This project, in some form or another, has existed (essentially) since 1999, with myself mostly the only member. The next recording can always be the last..."

Volkeinblucht is an interesting name, what exactly does it mean and where di you acquire it from?
"Acquire' is an interesting choice of words. Such names are not available in the standard literature such as the Necronomicon or Satanic Bible, like most 'cult BM names.'The name was simply in my mind for well over a decade before I even picked up a guitar. I have always held it, more or less, as a sort of a secret name. Someone whispered this name in my mind's ear, and I heard and thusly spoke."
At this moment Volkeinblucht is a one person entity, do you plan on keeping it this way or are you actually thinking of expanding the band?
"It is that way out of necessity and the nature of the way that my hymns are composed. I am simply incapable of learing other people's music in an efficient manner. It would just take forever for me to learn others' stuff since about 99% of my work is 'written' when I hit 'record' on my 4-track. The 'band' is currently 'expanded' as I have worked with some other people else now for about 2 years on and off, but this work has yet to see release on a Volkeinblucht recording. This will likely change in the future. I recorded perhaps 4-5 full lengths on my own in about one and a half years. Now it is simply a matter of who will release at all."

Your debut album 'To Consume Darkness Whole...' (released on GRS) How was the album received by the BM hordes?
"There was mostly silence, in my estimation. I do not think most people care about any release that is not terrifically controversial, or if it is not one of perhaps 20-30 'established' names on EBay or whatever. I guess I will need to kill someone or burn a church in order for most people to give a shit. The few that have spoken of it have been mostly positive, but (quite rightly) critique the use of the drum machine. I was going for a minimalist drum sound and I can assure you that this was quite deliberate, but I am willing to take the knocks that it's gotten me for that choice. In hindsight I might have does a bit more with the variation of beats. Some people seem to think that I do not know ho to program drums. They will find out differently in a few years when they hear that I can quite capably compose and edit drum patterns of a varying nature...when I want to. The hymns will be much more 'dynamic' for lack of a better term in the future."

You also did a 3 way split with Idvarp and Death to Earth want to tell us about that?
"This was a planned split with DTE for quite some time. Bands came and went out of the third slot for a lon time. James of DTE had been a contact for years, and he is a veteran of this music. Idvarp were the final addition. I communicate with the drummer, Ogre, occasionally. They are more of the Pagan variety, so i think conceptually they made a nice contrast with DTE's somberness and my raging melancholia on that paritcular recording. I do not think that you could have a split with three more radically different ideologies than this one, and that, I think, makes it unique. I am at least capable of listening to 2/3s of a CD I am involved in without having to shut it off."

'Tyrannus Maximus' your next creation, can you tell us about the album? In this album what subjects did you decide to explore, lyrically?
"The subjects are of course, very personal. I think the only way of human life is deathm and that there is no hope for human slaves in a world where all things are decaying and dying. I must raise myselft above the worms and stand aloft from the human mire and its petty ideas, and my music is a reflection of this. The lyrics on 'Tyrannus' relate loss, pain, torture of the self and others, a vampire legend, my slow descent into blackness eternal, my devotion to the Lord of Darkness by His many Names, and some other subjects. In the last few years, I have been in a state of near-constant change or evolution. What I say now may not even be accurate to my being a month from now, but it is the snapshot of my being at this present time, just as any lyrics I write are."

What's your musical experience? Are you in any bands/projects or were besides Volkeinblucht?
"My musical experience is usually cathartic and wondrous in execution, especially when I scream my hymnals and prophecies, but that is probably not what you meant. There is this magical conjuration, that can only be described as dogmatic and ritualized, where my devotion to the darkness and my pain and anguish of struggling to open the Gates of Hell upon this world. I feel that the gates can be pushed open microscopically in some small fashion when I perform or record, as the Father reaches closer to entering this world and taking a dominat and visible role in life on Earth. Post-production, leveling, EQing and mixing are torment and I therefore look forward to them. I have played guitar for about 12 years. I was never in a band. As far back as '93 though, I have tapes that really was black metal with no drums or anything, even though at the time I had no idea what it was I was making. I have several other projects of various natures, somewhat related to black metal. These may be released under different monikers or under Volkeinblucht."

You've stated 'Volkeinblucht IS NOT AFFILIATED with any groups,'temples', 'churches', 'fronts', or otherwise. Volkeinblucht the man, or the band(s) are BLACK METAL, and support the ideals and aesthetics of such.' Can you explain this?
"Black Metal IS Satanic/the Occult in my personal interpretation of the term. This is what I supprot in its core form. Eveeryone's relationship with what we can call Satan is unique. He is an expansive being by influence on all that Is. He is personified in some way shape or form, but this is almost impossible to explain in human terms. Humans are but worms crawling upon a being that can never comprehend in its wholeness by such small-minded creatures as the human. He also exists in all living things, so He can also be called pantheistic in some sense. To some He is a black shape or mass. To others He is an invisible force. To still others he is the Horned One described by the Christian Church. The last is the one I see as most comfortable to me, based on my early life as a part of the Catholics, but I do not see Him as simply 'death.' He is one of many names and forces that can be called upon to evolve the self, the true god of this world. I did not 'rebel' later in life so much as simply begin to look at things from His perspective. By the time I acknowledged Satan in my life, I was well past my teens and rebellious years. Thism in fact, only appened a little after Volkeinblucht was already up and running. I never realized His presence in me and my life, but now I see He was there at my very birth, and has been ever since, and will be perpetually. This was all for the best, really. To answer your question in another way, Black Metal is essentially of Satan and darkness in all forms and manifestations, no matter what you put on top of it. I personally have no problems with these groups or anything, be they pagan, satanic, or whatever but I don't endorse any of them through music is just so personal it just could never be officially tied to these groups, though my comrades are at least somewhat aware of my personal 'affiliations.'

I would like to thank Malathoras Volkeinbluch for doing this interview. The last words are yours.
"Eternal Hails, Sergio and I sincerely thank you for the interest and the time you took to ask the questions. I say to you all, give yourself fully to the Lord of Darkness, Satan, Farther, the One, whater you call Him...Walk no longer upont he path of the fools...accept that you are His Children and He will lift your from the morass of human shit and fill your sould with the Luminous Blackness!!!Refuse and die like the rest. Gallas! Mortaghs zuxus ogh!That is All....."
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