Interview with D. Arvidsson of
Hails. Can you introduce yourself?
"Hails!.I'm Daniel Ardvisson of the one-man band Scorched. I live in Sweden in a small town called Saffle and I'm 27 years of age. Except from Scorched I also play guitar for the Swedish Doom band Draconian."

Can you tell us about Scorched and its history?
"The idea of starting Scorched came up in late summer/autumn 2003. At that time most of the music I was making was Death Metal, but then I came up with a couple of songs that had more of a black metal feeling to it. I thought the songs came out very well and I had more ideas for new songs in my head so I decided to start this this projekt which I then named Scorched. It didn't take long before I had 4 songs ready and I recorded it at my apartment and released them as a first demo which I named 'Forsaken'."

You started out in 2003 and by the same year you already had material ready to record. Did you have the material before Scorched was formed?
"Well, I had made two songs before I decided to start with the projekt. But the other two for the first demo I made right away after that. I had very much inspiration at that point so I think the music for the first demo was written in about a week."

After your demo 'Forsaken' once more you had more material ready, which would later become 'Hellspawn' does writing your music come easily to you?
"Yes at this point the inspiration was really floating in my veins. Right after I released 'Forsaken' new songs came up in my head and it didn't take long before all the new material for 'Hellspawn' was made. I can't really say that the writing come easy to me always. This goes in periods and sometimes it can be a long time before new ideas come up. It depends very much in the situation you're life is in at the time being. For me most of the ideas come up when I'm felling kinda low and not much joy comes into my life."

In 2004 you got in touch with a label to release a full length album, yet that never came to be. Why?
"I don't really know what happened there really. Me and the guy on the label had some misunderstanings about some things and the whole deal kinda ran out in the sand. This was right when I was in the middle of recording the album so it was very unfortunate. But I continued with the recording anyway and luckily I found another label that was interested."

Regimental Records was the label that released your latest/debut album 'Forever Dying Sun'. Did the album come out as expected, where there any problems here at the time for the release date got closer?
"Yes I was very happy with the result of 'Forever Dying Sun'. Maybe now after been listening a lot to it there are some things that I would have liked to change but over-all I'm totally satisfied. It was my first album and since then I have learned a lot when it comes to the recording and how to create the sound I'm looking for and that will help me lot when it's time to record my second release. Due to problems with the album layout the release of the record was delayed over half a year. That was very frustrating I can tell you, especially because it was my first released record and I wanted to have it out as soon as possible. Except for the lay-out problem there is nothing I can complain about. Working with regimental was very satisfying and they are truly very great and professional people that runs the label."

Scorched is currently working on a new creation. Any information on that album? Will the sound change or will it sound like your previous demos?
"Yes I have been working now for some time with new songs for my second album release and it is really working well. I have 7 brand new songs finished and some others that is almost finished. I will start recording them sometime early this summer and the whole thing should be finished some time in July I think. Unfortunately I have no record Label yet to release it but I have been in contact with a few that are interested and hopefully I will be in contact with more. I don't think it will be that big of a problem to find a label of interest. The sound the new songs is in the same line as my previous works but with some new refreshing ideas. It is a bit more melody in it now and more tempo changes with slower parts, without for that matter being aggressive and hatful. I think the new songs will show that I have developed as a music-writer and the songs are more variating I think then they have been before. I really don't think that people that have liked my previous work will be dissapointed with my new material."

'Upon Damnation Storms' on 'The Dying Sun' album is an awesome 9 min. song, what inspired this great song?
"Yes that song is one of my personal favorite and I'm very satisfied with how it came out in the end.I wanted to make a song that was a bit more epic and dark and I think that I succeded very well in that. The inspiration for it came from within myself. I was very fed up with my whole life situation at that point and had a lot of hate building up in me towards almost everything surrounding me. johan who has helped me with the productions did a great work in helping creating this dark atmosphere in the song. I really like writing a bit more epic songs like 'Upon Damnation Storms' and there will be more songs like that in the future as well."

Musically wise where do you gather inspiration from? Scorched in 'The Dying Sun' reminds me of Marduk.
"Marduk is one of my all-time favorite black metal bands an I agree with you that Scorched reminds a bit of their earlier records like 'Those of the Unlight' . Otherwise when it comes to Black Metal I'm listening a lot to bands like Darkthrone, Dissection, Immortal etc. and I guess it's from band like that I get some inspiration. But I never try to copy anything or trying to sound like other bands. The music that I make comes from me naturally and it is just my sound. I also listen to a lot of death and doom metal. I think that your musical inspiration come from all the different music that you are or have been listening to for long periods. All those songs are stuck in your head and wether you like it or not it later on will come out in the music that you're writing."

Well that about wraps up this interview. I would like to Thank Daniel of Scorched for taking time and participating in my Siniser; Black Metal Webzine. The last words are yours.
"Thanx a lot for the interview and good luck with the webzine!! For everyone that is waiting for my next release I can assure you that you won't be dissapointed of it. On my website you can get a little tast of how the new material sounds.
Stay metal!!"
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