


Holly is my best friend in the whole world.

We talk a lot and do things together, like go out

and look at men, meet men and date men.

It is fun to shop with her, and we like to go to Target for some stuff.

We talk a lot about all sorts of things that are important to us,

from make up and shoes and styles to world events that affect

 make up and shoes and styles in the world market.

and men!

We laugh a lot about all sorts of things that are funny to us.

She is one of the founders of the Valley Gems and lives not far from me.

She is more serious then me, so if you talk to her, I

have a list of 2,732 topics you should not bring up.


She is very active in PFLAG and transgender rights and makes really good coffee but I don't like mocha and don't care for coffee that goes "ssssspspsppsspiiffffffff"

She is a good one to talk to about problems that arise and is a very good listner.

She is  better driver than me too, so if you see us in the car, she is usually driving as I tend to like drive fast and use every lane on the highway because I think that is what God intended or why would he have made three lanes?

We like to go to the clubs in Dayton (because we live there) and if you see us make sure you say hi!



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