The Last Day of the Year

February 4, 1979 

by Carlos Rull

crash against rocks below,
as sunset slowly
turns ocean and sky
into dreamful reflections...
          ...streams of colorful hues,
then misty dark. 

    You and I,
in a quiet place above the sea,
where two hearts
spend timeless moments... precious;
these moments
we share together. 

    On the last day of the year
my friend,
we watch the sun vanish beneath the sea,
not as it did many times before,
but with a familiar calmness...
         ...of shadows long ago. 

    And on the last day of the year
my eternal friend,
we watch a strangely magnificent sunset,
yet our sun will never set,
for we have feelings as great as the stars... 

    For as our souls are drawn
to this one place high above the sea,
there will always be an understanding,
a new light,
that we would always be together...
 this quiet place
above the sea,
wherever it may be.

Copyright  ©1979 Carlos Rull 


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