WEDNESDAY        November 4, 1998       
Tonight's Gig:     No Gig Today! 
Some Replies To My Post On Barflies... 
I received some replies regarding my post on the big music debate, of which I added to yesterday's entry dated 11/3/98.   Now here are the replies to my reply... 
I READ THAT YOU WANTED TO write, or be a writer, yes?  ...on your website...  BUT you weren't sure HOW that was going to happen,  well, let me tell you... YOU ARE ONE damn good writer.  You make sense.  KEEP ON writing here...   the more you express yourself,  the easier it will be to expand your writing....  oh, and thanks for the feedback on the SWING/BASS ISSUE 
from before...  it did help...  a lot.  
                                   ---Laurie Freitag 

Well, I would like to say that even though I have only been posting to this list for a very short time, I have been a subscriber for about 2 months.  This message 
just goes to confirm my earlier suspicions that Carlos is the man!  Not only are you right on in your message (again), you have articulated it much better than in any post I have read on the subject (again).  So, Carlos, when is your band coming east, say to Virginia/ North Carolina?  I would love to catch a show! 
                                   ---Matthew Johnson 
Carlos...  let me just say rule!  Ditto on everything you said.   I completely agree.  "It's all music, people!"  Keep it cool.  
                                   ---Kiersten Lednik 

Right on Carlos,  Right on! 
                                   ---Tyler Vaughan 

Carlos:  Keep on enlightening. 
                                   ---Jessica Palmer 

A Fine Yet Busy Morning 
After getting the kids ready for school and dropping my wife off at her work,  I decided to go downtown to buy some of that double-strength ginseng Jamie was talking about! 
I did more shopping and browsing downtown.   And then I went to the valley to shop for new suspenders and some containers and luggage for the tour. 

My Son's Award Assembly 
I picked up my wife at her work around 12 noon, and we went to my eldest son's awards assembly at his school.   It was supposed to be at 12:30pm,  but we found out there was a mix up with the times.   We were suppose to attend the 11:30am assembly where my son was to receive his award.   My wife was rather upset because we weren't able to attend the actual assembly.   But I tried to explain to her that mix ups sometimes happen...   what can you do? 
The Old Point Loma Lighthouse 
As a special treat,  my wife and I took our eldest son,  the award winner,  to the old lighthouse at Point Loma.   I was something he'd been wanting to do for awhile now,  and because of his award,  we thought we'd take him in the afternoon right after school. 
He had a great time, exploring the lighthouse and climbing up those steep,  narrow stairs that spiral up to the top where the giant lantern in the lighthouse tower was there on display. 
Later in the day,  around 6pm,  we took the boys to their aunt's,  and then I took my wife to her chiropractic appointment while I bought a few things at the supermarket and then had a coffee at Starbucks.   Later,  we went to a Thai restaurant for dinner,  then we went shopping at the mall for clothes for our boys and additional items for my tour.   We then picked  up the boys and went home.    

Most Recent CDs Played: 
    Earth, Wind & Fire - The Eternal Dance 
    Led Zeppelin - Four 
    Led Zeppelin - Houses Of The Holy 
    Carlos Rull - If By Chance We Meet 
Carlos Rull  




4 more days till our West Coast Tour. 
Copyright ©1998 Carlos Rull.  All Rights Reserved.
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