Adventures in Education  - Helps high school students plan their adventure into their career.

America's Career Info Net Time for a career move? Find wage and employment trends, occupational requirements, state-by-state labor market conditions, millions of employer contacts nationwide, and the most extensive career resource library online. Smart career decisions start here!

Career Builder Search the jobs database by title, location, or salary. Submit a profile and be notified when jobs matching the description are posted.

CareerPlanner  provides on-line career planning, counseling and career testing services to help students and career changers identify and create their ideal career.

College Board Browse careers. Learn about employment forecasts, salaries, working conditions, related college majors, and what job is right for you.

Information Today

Monster  Designed for both job seekers and employers, it allows interested people to register and store resumes online.  Another site designed for college grads, but useful for high school students because they can research companies.

My Future   Designed for high school students, this colorful site has information on finances, career,  colleges,  focuses on military careers, but also has help on resumes, interviews, cover letters, and money matters.

Ohio’s Career Development Program has excellent information on job search, career information, and planning for the future.

Ohio Job Net Online (ODJFS) Welcome to Ohio Job Net Online! Through these web pages you can access Ohio's best job placement services. Job seekers will find over 4,000 job openings listed here along with great career information. This site boasts up-to-date job market information in Ohio, as well as information on developing job search skills.

Quint Careers  "A career and job-hunting resources guide.” Can search for jobs by type or by geographical location.

Yahoo While it is a great place to start a search for career, it is aimed at college graduates.  There are some sites for secondary students. Search for careers.



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