S a t u r n a l i a

postmodernism, religion, psychology, sex, love, doughnuts, etc.

Hello & Welcome.

I would like this site to explore what was in former times found behind the sofa or lost beneath the cushions,
- a dot and less than a dot in the infinite universe, worlds without end, selah!

- Perhaps it is true that each of our actions reverberates throughout myriads of worlds and calls forward, or itself becomes, its own peculiar angel.


- " In every grain of wheat lies hidden the soul of a star."


The picture atop this page was used by publishers Jonathon Cape and Harrison Smith in their Traveller's Library series. It shows Pan journeying, bearing a large urn of classical design with abundant fruit and vegetation. It portrays (let's say), the symbolic wedding of two impulses; the Pan/sexual animal energy harnessed to an additional desire for the fruits of civilization, cultivation and craftsmanship.

I bluffed plausibly through that interpretation, I think (though perhaps I am too literal, too obvious?)
But the publisher's device below I am completely at a loss to explain...

It depicts a woman with an abundantly floral urn upon her head, not unlike the one borne by Pan above. Encircling her breasts, and with mouths encompassing the top of each breast, are two of those peculiarly styled rococo dolphins that were popular at one time. Their tails are tied together beneath the woman's breasts with a ribbon.


Paradise Ahoy!

"What if this were paradise?" thought I to myself the other day while I was drudging at my appointed rounds.
"Perhaps I have been virtuous, died, and gone to my reward, which is this."

-How unlike the Mormon conception, where the righteous become creators of their own highly personal stylized worlds in recompense for having trod the straight and narrow way in the world we currently co-inhabit. Yes, how different.

-OR IS IT?!!!*****

"There are many possible versions of paradise and many corresponding methods for achieving them."

So says my friend, self-styled paradise analyzer Luke Turner in one of his web-site meditations. -I guess he'd be my friend (though I've not met him),'cause he talks about paradise a lot. Though I guess I shouldn't assume that everyone would be friends in paradise. As above, so below, and vise-versa.
Luke proposes, quite sensibly I figure, the proceeding methodology;

"Requirements for selecting means and ends for "our project";
Per the complexity of the project, they must be designed and selected by reason as most likely to work.
What version of paradise and method for achieving it does reason select?
(How do we answer this question?)
Step one:
Survey the methods we know about, and perhaps dream up some more.
Step two:
Analyze and evaluate them.
Step three:
Select the most likely to work.
(Let's try it.)"
{to see how it all works out, visit Luke's site by clicking here.}

This puts me in mind of an odd and perhaps charming notion that, though many people may long wistfully to become one with the angelic hosts, what angels secretly yearn for most is the opportunity to be born, have human consciousness, live in the flesh, sleep in the sun,&cet.


(The above is a trademark of the Trang Donut Corp. of New York, as noted in the Official Gazette of the U.S. Patent Office, Feb. 21, 1928.)

Do you know what a Bismark is? It's been a long time, but if I recall correctly, it's very like a chocolate eclair, but in donut form. In short, a custard-filled donut.
Do kids today have any idea what a cruller is?
- It's a braided doughnut, specifically for dipping in coffee!
I recently witnessed an elderly man at the checkout line with a Turkey Swansong TV dinner (the type with puzzling, yet delicious, cranberry "compote"), a pack of five mini-donut "gems", and a quart of Hershey's chocolate milk. Throw in a pack of Pall Malls and some cheap whiskey and you'd have a suitable last meal.


The Mandorla

(reconstructed from memory):
One day, my friend Clark announced;
"You know, if you squint while looking at this image of the Virgin Mary, it looks very vaginal..."
I think it's true.
I free-associate (in itself an idea pursued famously by Freud) Freudian notions about the return of repressed ideation and the like,(in this instance repressed sexuality or desire), that recrudesce symbolically in unlikely times and places.

The "mystical almond", the mandorla, is the space shared by overlapping circles, called a 'lune' in geometry . It is also the nimbus, or 'gloria', drawn around saintly figures who are portrayed as residing in two worlds at once, the superlunary and the mundane. It is a symbol of intercession. Pray, therefor, to your almonds, you.

{Click here to view a strange and interesting essay on the veneration of Christ's side wound by Miss Poppy Dixon.}

The picture I have reproduced above is the registered trademark of the Guadalupana Medicine Co. of St. Louis, MO, for Various Medicinal Preperations, Purgative Teas, Ointments and Liniments for Internal and External Use, Porous Plasters, etc, as noted in the Official Gazette for October 25, 1927.

Write me at: [email protected]
Thank you!

{To view some old car trip notes, click here.}

The Carbolic Meteor

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