If you have PEARSON-35 parts that are taking up room, or are looking for a part, check here. To list any equipment just e-mail me here.

To get information on the item listed contact the owner via the listed e-mail address.

From: [email protected]

There is a great article on the Alberg 35 in the current issue of Blue Water. Also I have an extra aluminum mast for the same. The mast is located in southern Mass.

Keep up the good work

Frank Giselda

From: [email protected]

We have a 1979 P-35, #454, she is for sale. If you'd like to check her out the site is:

Thanks Ron,


From: [email protected]

I have new mast steps available from a local machine shop (FAA rated) to fit P-35 and P-33 or any eliptical mast 7.5 x 4.5". These are milled from heavey duty 316 aluminum and are engineered to allow for forward and aft trimming of the mast. They are slightly oversized at the point where it inserts into the mast to facilitate sanding down to exact size. The mast step comes in two pieces; a base and the mast insert that mate together. Cost is $450 + Shipping. Questions to Joe Fleming < [email protected]>[Unable to display image]

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