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Letters Page!

We get lots of letters here at Miracle Web Publishing, many of them unprintable, but if you wish to be part of this experience then send your letter in to us using the form below, or email us at the usual address, marking your letter "Letter Page".
Remember, keep those letters rolling in, and we'll publish the best.
We received the following from Mrs. Stable at "[email protected]"

Mrs Stable would hereby like it known that she's gonna boycott the eye spy game n deny Captain Stable his conjugal rights until the game closes in case anyone takes up his offer (see bottom of game page).
If however, there are any well-hung blokes out there who want to win, Mrs Stable has (almost) all the answers already and will provide them in return for a good shag.

Mrs S. xoxox

Please tell me your Email Address: Please do not print my address

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Ok - feel free to write your letter to me :)

Ok - I'm done with this page now..

� Copyright 1999-2001 The "Mad" Captain Stable, and Miracle Web Publishing - in Association with House of Ming productions. Go on - show me you love me - write to me!
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